


function trj = trjfile(fname, trj)——'加载或保存轨迹数据'
% Save or load trajectory *.mat file.
% Prototype: trj = trjfile(fname, trj)
% Inputs: fname - file name, with default extension '.mat'——'文件名'
%           trj - trajectory array, always including fields: imu, avp,
%                 avp0 and ts——'轨迹数据'
% Output:   trj - trajectory array read from the file——'加载的轨迹数据'
% Usages:
%    Save: trjfile(fname, trj)
%    Read: trj = trjfile(fname)
% See also  imufile, avpfile, binfile.

% Copyright(c) 2009-2014, by Gongmin Yan, All rights reserved.
% Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi An, P.R.China
% 21/03/2014

fname = fnamechk(fname, 'mat');——'对文件名添加扩展名和路径'
if nargin<2  % load——'输入一个变量为加载数据'
    trj = load(fname);——'加载数据'
    trj = trj.trj;——'将结构体转化成矩阵'
else  % save——'输入两个变量为保存数据'
    save(fname, 'trj');——'保存数据'

function fname = fnamechk(fname, ext)——'对文件名添加扩展名和路径'
% Check file name, adding path and extension, if nessesary.
% Prototype: fname = fnamechk(fname, ext)
% Inputs: fname - file name——'文件名'
%         ext - file name extension——'扩展名'
% Output: fname - file name output with adequate path and extension
% See also  imufile, avpfile, pos2gpx.

% Copyright(c) 2009-2014, by Gongmin Yan, All rights reserved.
% Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi An, P.R.China
% 18/03/2014
global glv——'全局变量,请参考glvf函数解读'
if isempty(strfind(fname, '.'))——'文件名中未包含扩展名'
    fname = [fname, '.', ext];——'添加扩展名'
if ~isempty(strfind(fname,'\')) || ~isempty(strfind(fname,'/'))——'文件名中包含路径'
%     if ~exist(fname, 'file') && (isempty(strfind(fname,'\')) || isempty(strfind(fname,'/')))
if ~exist(fname, 'file')——'检查路径中是否包含同名文件'
    fname = [glv.datapath, fname];——'添加默认路径..\data\,由psinsenvi函数生成'

