Level3.Unit3.Part3 Good News & Bad News

★★★★Good News & Bad News 

W:Hey, I've got some news, some good news and some bad news.

M:OK, give me the bad news first.

W:We're moving to a new office.

       【现在进行时表将来】move,go,come,leave等转移动词 → e.g. I'm coming. / She's leaving for Beijing.

M:When is this going to happen?

       【将来时的结构之一】be going to+do → e.g. We are going to move to a new office.

W:We're supposed to move at the end of next month. 85

       be supposed to do sth 应当做某事;

M:How far away is the new office?

       How far away…? …有多远?→ How far away…from…?从哪到哪距离多远?

       → e.g. How far away the sun from Earth. 太阳距地球有多远?

W:We are not sure yet, but it will mean a longer commute /kəˈmjuːt/(通勤) for most of us. The new office will probably be on the other side of the city. 89

       yet 用于否定句和疑问句,谈论尚未发生的事;

       commute ① (n.)通勤 → a long commute; ② (v.)通勤 → I commute by subway. 我坐地铁上下班

       probably 很可能,大概;on the other side of the city 在城市的另一边;

M:The commute is already too long for me and I'm not going to change flats. We just bought one.

       already 已经,早已;be going to 的意义之一:意愿(打算在将来做某事)


What did he just buy? - He just bought a new flat.

When are they going to move? - They're supposed to move at the end of next month.

How is the move going to far commute……

M:Anyway, what's the good news?

W:The good news is that we are going to expand. 75 In other words,the company is growing so we are gonna/ˈɡənə/ hire(雇用) more people.

       expand (v.)扩大,扩张;In other words 也就是说,换句话说;hire (v.)雇佣,聘用 → e.g. I was hired by Liulishuo.

M:Well, I've got some news for you too.

W:I hope it's a good news.

M:Well, that depends on your point of view(看法). 87  I'm planning to start my own business. 85

       depends on 取决于;point of view 观点,看法 → from my point of view…/in my opinion 在我看来;plan to do sth 打算做某事;

W:Why? I thought you were happy working here. 81

M:I like the work, but I'm not learning anything new. 91 I think I can do better on my own. 92

       不定代词+形容词:learning anything;something hot and spicy;anything interesting;

       do better 做的更好;on one's own 靠自己;


What is he planning to do? - He is planning to start his own business.

Why is company going to hire more people?  The company is growing

复述:It will make the commute longer for most of the employees.  81

M:I was planning to wait a few months. But now that the office is moving, I'm ready to make the change.

       now that 既然,由于;

W:What does your wife think?  89

M:She's in favor(赞成) of it and she'll help me. She's already designing a website. We'll work from home at first.

       in favor of sth 支持,赞同某事 → be against sth 反对某事 → e.g.  He's against my proposal. 他反对我的提议;at first 一开始,最开始;

W:So you really are serious about this? You're taking a big risk(大风险). Most new businesses fail. 

       serious (adj.)严肃的,认真的 → e.g.  Are you serious?你是认真的吗? → be serious about sth 对某事认真严肃;

       take a risk / take risks 冒险;fail 失败;

M:Yes, I know, but if I don't do it now, I never will. I'm tired of working for others.

       be tired of doing sth 厌倦做某事 → e.g. I'm tried of the rules. 我厌烦这些规则了

W:I know what you mean.


What's very risky? - Starting a new business is very risky because most new businesses don't succeed.

What's he serious about? - He's serious about starting his own business.

M:Don't tell anyone about this, OK?  88 It's still a secret.

W:Sure,Iwon'tsay anything to anybody.   90

       I'm sure this will come as a surprise to everyone.  86

       come as a surprise to sb 让某人出乎意料,感到突然;come as no surprise 理所当然→ e.g.Theis break-up comes as no surprise.

M:I'm sure changing offices will also come as a surprise to people. 

       This is exactly why I want to work on my own. 

       I don't like these kinds of surprises. 93

W:You are right about that. When are you gonna let people know? 

       let sb know 让某人知道;

M:I'll make the announcement/əˈnaʊnsmənt/(宣告) at the beginning of next month.

       announce (v.)宣布,宣告 announcement(n.) → make the announcement;


复述:He'll announce/əˈnaʊns/his decision at  the beginning of next month. 他将在下个月初宣布他的决定  85

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