extjs Ext.toolbar.Paging分页组件学习

extjs Ext.toolbar.Paging分页组件学习




As the number of records increases, the time required for the browser to render them increases. Paging is used to reduce the amount of data exchanged with the client. Note: if there are more records/rows than can be viewed in the available screen area, vertical scrollbars will be added.


Paging is typically handled on the server side (see exception below). The client sends parameters to the server side, which the server needs to interpret and then respond with the appropriate data.


Ext.toolbar.Paging is a specialized toolbar that is bound to a Ext.data.Store and provides automatic paging control. This Component loads blocks of data into the store by passing parameters used for paging criteria.

Note: The store specified must support paging as defined by Ext.data.Store. In particular, this means that Ext.data.ChainedStore is not supported.

问题: 点击下一页都会触发什么?
? 好像它会触发这个grid的store 上一次的配置请求- -

var store = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('attackdefendrulelist')[0].getStore();
var rurl = '/JF/PolicyConfig_AttackDefendRule/getList?ruleset_id='+newValue;
store.type= 'ajax';
