Event Tracing for Windows

1 create and write the manifest.xml

< instrumentationManifest  xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events" >
< instrumentation  xmlns:xs ="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
="http://manifests.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/windows/events" >

< events  xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events" >
<!-- Publisher Info  -->
< provider  name ="DotNetPerformance-TechalWriting-EventLogSample"  
="C:\adams\etw\Debug\EventLogging.exe" >

<!-- Channel to which this Publisher can publish  -->
< channels >
< channel  chid ="MyOpChannel"  
="Application"  enabled ="true" />
< channel  chid ="MyDebugChannel"  
="Application"  enabled ="true" />
</ channels >

<!-- Event Templates  -->
< templates >
< template  tid ="SimpleEvent"  message ="$(string.SimpleMessage)" > >
< data  name ="Message"  inType ="win:UnicodeString" />
< UserData >
< SimpleEvent  xmlns ="http://manifests.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/windows/simpleevent" >
< ExceptionMessage > %1 </ ExceptionMessage >
</ SimpleEvent >
</ UserData >
</ template >
</ templates >

< events >
< event  value ="1"  
="$(string.SimpleMessage)" />
< event  value ="2"  
="$(string.SimpleMessage)" />
</ events >

</ provider >

</ events >

</ instrumentation >

< localization >
< resources  culture ="en-US" >
< stringTable >
< string  id ="SimpleMessage"  value ="%1"  stringType ="string" />
</ stringTable >
</ resources >
</ localization >
</ instrumentationManifest >

2. compile manifest.xml

mc.exe manifest.xml

generate manifest.h manifest.rc and  manifestTEMP.BIN



3. build your provider project.





//  EventLogging.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

" stdafx.h "

< windows.h >
< evntprov.h >             //  ETW Publishing header
#include  < winevt.h >               //  EventLog Header.
#include  " Manifest\manifest.h "
< fstream >

int  _tmain( int  argc, _TCHAR *  argv[])
// first step - register the event
    REGHANDLE hPub  =  NULL;
    ULONG res 
if  (ERROR_SUCCESS  !=  res){
" Could not register event\n " ));
else {
" Event registered successfully\n " ));

    PWSTR pwsOp 
=  L " My Operational Event " ;
& opEventDesc, pwsOp, ((ULONG)wcslen(pwsOp) + 1 ) * sizeof (WCHAR));

=  EventWrite(hPub,  & DNP_OP_EVENT,  1 & opEventDesc);
if  (ERROR_SUCCESS  !=  res){
" Could not raise operational event  Error = %i\n " ), res);
else {
" Operational event successfully raised\n " ));

    PWSTR pwsDebug 
=  L " My Debug Event " ;
& debugEventDesc, pwsDebug, ((ULONG)wcslen(pwsDebug) + 1 ) * sizeof (WCHAR));

=  EventWrite(hPub,  & DNP_DEBUG_EVENT,  1 & debugEventDesc);
if  (ERROR_SUCCESS  !=  res){
" Could not raise debug event.  Error = %i\n " ), res);
else {
" Debug event successfully raised\n " ));
// while(true)Sleep(1000);

return   0 ;




4. install



wevtutil im manifest.xml

if you got this error:


**** Warning: Publisher <provider name> resources are not accessible. 

please check 

1) compile the manifest.xml

2) provider application path in the xml file

3) path of winmeta.xml file (you can copy this file to your manifest.xml folder)

uninstall  : wevtutil um manifest.xml



5. Check logs

 event viewer -> applications and  services logs -> <your provider name> ->channel. 




6. create user defined data collector sets

performance monitor -> data collector sets -> user defined -> new -> data collector set

create manually(advanced) -->create data logs ->event trace data -> add provider (choose the provider you installed)

your can create user defined data collector sets by command line


7. collector data

start&stop the data collector

