


Long ago,in a year so far in the past (1954) that my life then as a high school freshman now seems like a dream, my father gave me the gift of a subscription to a new magazine called Popular Electronics. He did this because he was a scientist, and his oldest son seemed to have talents in science and mathematics that were in danger of being subverted by the evil of science fiction. I had, in fact, given him plenty of reason for such concern. I devoured science fiction in those days, you see, often sitting in the kitchen at eleven at night eating a huge sandwich and reading a novel set on Mars a million years in the future. Dad, of course, would have preferred that I be reading a book on algebra or physics.


Being a clever man, he decided not to simply forbid the science fiction, but rather to outflank the science fiction stories by getting me to read technical stories, like the “Carl and Jerry” tales that appeared each month in Popular Electronics. Carl and Jerry were two high school electronics whiz kids, geeks or nerds, in today’s unattractive terms who managed each month to get involved in some exciting adventure in which their technical knowledge saved the day. They were a 1950s amalgamation of the Hardy Boys and Tom Swift. My father’s plan was to get me to identify with Carl and Jerry, instead of with Robert Heinlein’s neurotic time travelers.


Well, Dad’s devious plan worked (although I never completely gave up the science fiction), and I got hooked not only on Carl and Jerry but also on the electronic construction projects the magazine featured in each issue. I learned how to read electrical schematics from the magazine, whose editors used the same exploded-view, pictorial wiring diagrams that became so well known to all who ever built an electronic, mail-order kit. I constructed a home workshop in the garage behind the house, and a lot of amazing gadgets were built.


My greatest success was an “applause meter” that was used by the judges at the high school talent show one year —— a loudspeaker pick-up,  an audio amplifier, and a 500 microampere meter wired into the amplifier output was all it really was. But what really had the greatest impact on me wasn’t that gadget, or any of the others that I built during my high school years. It was one that, in a burst of youthful enthusiasm exceeded only by my enormous ignorance of theory, I didn’t realize is impossible to build.


When the April 1955 issue of Popular Electronics arrived in the mail, one of the inside photographs displayed an incredible sight —— a desk lamp emitting not a cone of light, but, instead, a cone of darkness! My eyes bugged out when I saw that. What wondrous science was at work here, I gasped (metaphorically speaking, of course, because what fourteen-year-old kid do you know, other than in a TV sitcom, who actually talks like that?). The secret, according to the accompanying article, was that the lamp was not plugged into a normal power outlet, but rather into an outlet delivering contra-polar power.Another photograph showed  a soldering iron plugged into the contra-polar power outlet -- it was covered with ice! And another displayed a frozen ice tray on a hot plate, except it was now a cold plate because it was plugged into contra-polar power. I looked at those three photographs, and I remember my pulse rate elevated and I felt a momentary spell of faintness. This was simply wonderful.


Well, of course it was all just a huge editorial joke, aided by some nifty photographic retouching. When I showed the article to my father, he glanced at it and then looked at me with what I now know was a mixture of pity and amusement. Dad wasn’t an electrical engineer or a physicist, but with a Ph.D. in chemistry he wasn’t totally ignorant of technical matters that fell outside the realm of benzene rings and molecular bonds. He immediately suspected that “contra-polar power” probably violated perhaps seven different fundamental principles of physics. Rather than laughing at me, however, he simply said, “Son, look at the date on the cover.” I had not noticed the “April” before, or even the subtitle, “In keeping with the first day of April,” but I quickly understood the significance. I still remember my enormous embarrassment at having been so completely taken in. Even I could recognize the “spoofiness” of contra-polar power once I got to the end of the article and read its footnote 4. It listed a phony citation, as follows: “Transactions of the Contra-Polar Energy Commission, Vol. 45, pp. 1324 1346 (Ed. Note A reprint of a document found in a flying saucer).”


Like any good spoof, it had lots of tantalizing truths in it, but presented in a slightly goofy way. To give you a sample of the tone of the article, here’s a typical passage: “When ‘contra-polar energy’ is applied to an ordinary table lamp, light is not produced, but taken away, and the area affected by the lamp becomes dark. (Editor’s Note:This phenomenon should not be confused with ‘black light,’ so-called, which actually is merely light without any visible elements. As far as the human eye is concerned, ‘black light’ is equivalent to zero light; the light produced by contra-polar energy might be designated ‘negative light,’ since it subtracts from light already present.)”


To set readers up for an “explanation” of the astounding properties of contra-polar energy, the very next sentence makes the following assertion, hilarious now, as I read it decades later, but quite logical to me in 1955: “One of the reasons why atomic energy has not yet become popular among home experimenters is that an understanding of its production requires a knowledge of very advanced mathematics.” Just algebra, however, would strip bare contra-polar energy, or so claimed the article. Contra-polar power “worked” by simply using the negative square root (instead of the positive root) in calculating the resonant frequency in a circuit containing both inductance and capacitance. The idea of negative frequency was intriguing to my mind (and electrical engineers have actually made sense out of it when combined with i), but then the editors played a few more clever tricks and came up with negative resistance.


As everybody knows who likes to curl up in a warm bed at night under an electric blanket, or who likes a crunchy piece of toast in the morning, resistors (positive resistors) get hot when conducting an electric current. “Obviously,” then, a negative resistor should cool down when conducting a current hence the soldering iron and the ice cube tray photographs. (The logic, if you can call it that, behind the cone of darkness out of a desk lamp still eludes me, however.) Now, there really is such a thing as negative resistance, and it has long been known by electrical engineers to occur in the operation, under certain specific conditions, of electric arcs. Such arcs were used, for example, in the very early pre-electronic days of radio to build extremely powerful transmitters that were able to broadcast music and human speech, rather than just the on-off telegraph code signals that were all the Hertz and Marconi sparkgap transmitters could send. Later, in college, I would learn that the operation of radio is impossible to understand, at a deep theoretical level, without an understanding of i.


All of this was more fascinating to my young mind than I can tell you, even forty years later, even with a somewhat increased vocabulary. It showed me that there were big, exciting ideas in the world of electronics, bigger than I had ever imagined while out in the garage tinkering with my gadgets. And later, when in my high school algebra classes I was introduced to complex numbers as the solutions to certain quadratic equations, I knew (unlike my mostly perplexed classmates) that they were not just part of a sterile intellectual game. I already knew that i was important to electrical engineers, and to their ability to construct truly amazing devices.


Three and a half years after reading about contra-polar power, I was sitting in an early morning train out of Los Angeles’ Union Station, heading north to Palo Alto on my way to join the Stanford University freshman class of 1958. Over the years that Carl and Jerry appeared in Popular Electronics,the tales chronicled their progression from high school freshmen to electrical engineering students at the fictional “Parvoo University” and, like them, I was taking the first step on the career path I’ve trodden ever since, as an electrical engineer. Once at Stanford I had more than enough to fill my days with reading and so I quickly drifted away from Popular Electronics,but it had been there at just the right time for me; Dad’s plan had worked better than he could have possibly hoped. In a certain sense, then, my whole professional life has been the result of my youthful fascination with the mystery of i and that is why I have written this book.

1852年1月13日,爱尔兰数学家威廉 汉密尔顿在一封写给好友,英格兰数学家奥古斯都 摩根的信中提到:“我想,要么是你,要么是我,但我希望是你,必须在某个时刻,写一本关于虚数i的历史书”。五天之后,摩根回信道:“虚数的历史,就像印度教历史,要梳理起来十分困难”。事实上,他们俩都没有写这段历史。据我所知,没有一个人做过这件事。这也是我写这本书的另一个原因。我纯粹想了解更多

In a letter (dated January 13, 1852) to his English friend Augustus De Morgan, the Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton wrote, “I see that either you or I but I hope it will be you must write, some time or other,  a history of i .” Five days later De Morgan replied, “As to a history of i , it would be no small job to do it well from the Hindoos downwards.” Well, neither Hamilton or De Morgan ever wrote that history and, as far as I know, nobody else has either. And so that’s another reason why I wrote this book. I simply wanted to learn more.


My one great regret is that Dad isn’t here to read it. But if he were, I hope he would be pleased at the result of his investment in a magazine subscription nearly a half century ago.
