分布式存储技术解读系列之三:Swift | 架构进阶

1. 什么是Swift ?

首先,我们从 OpenStack的官方网站上,可以看到Swift的定义:“The OpenStack Object Store project , known as Swift, offers cloud storage software so that you can store and retrieve lots of data with a simple API. It's built for scale and optimized for durability, availability, and concurrency across the entire data set . Swift is ideal for storing unstructured data that can grow without bound .” 。从它的定义上我们可以明确它是OpenStack框架当中的一个对象存储组件,它专门用于海量非结构化数据的存储,而且它具备以下特性:

(1) 扩展性( It's built for scale ):意味着节点的横向扩展能力,这是它的核心;

(2) 并发能力(Concurrency):意味着高并发处理机制,必须是以分布式集群架构为依托的;

(3) 高可用性(Availability): 意味着节点的故障或者架构的变化对它的影响很小。


2. Swift 架构原理

2.1 Swift 存储功能架构

