don't android xml,New Android Studio projects don't show in “Android” structure view and XML files c...

Platform: Mac OS 10.15.5, AS Version: Android Studio 4.0, build AI-193.6911.18.40.6514223 from JB Toolbox, Gradle version for projects: Gradle-6.1.1-all

I think this started after this one time where Gradle was running to build for like 15 minutes I thought "This is taking too long and restarted Android Studio (First stopping Gradle)."

I deleted the project since it proved unsuccessful (It was testing Intel Multi-OS Engine) and I went to start a new project.

For some reason all new projects now cannot display the "Android" Structure view (This also brings no run configurations so I can't build the app either) and XML files for the UI cannot be edited, first saying in Design view "Design Editor is unavailable until next Gradle sync" and then after syncing again, it just says "Failed to initialize editor." Restarting the IDE and computer did nothing, I thought this was a problem with Gradle so I deleted ~/.gradle, but still no results.

Mind you existing projects still work. I'm gonna try to reinstall Android Studio tomorrow, but it's not a great time since I'm also starting a group project with others using it tomorrow. What could be the cause of this?

(Can't post an image b/c of reputation)

# Answer 1

don't android xml,New Android Studio projects don't show in “Android” structure view and XML files c..._第1张图片

Ok yeah just reinstalled and now it works again. I knew that somehow the templates got corrupted or lost some files.
