就是在远端有说话,但近端没有说话的时候,录音应该是静音,即回声完全消除。所以算法就朝着这个方向努力,一旦回声为0,则滤波器收敛。自适应滤波器算法多种多样,但是目前流行的还是最经典的LMS和NLMS,NLMS是LMS的优化 。
WebRtc中的AEC算法属于分段快频域自适应滤波算法,Partioned block frequeney domain adaptive filter(PBFDAF)。
1. 仅远端说话, 此时有回声,要利用这种状态进行自适应滤波器的系数更新,尽快收敛
2. 仅近端说话, 这种时候是没有回声的,不用考虑
3. 双端都在说话(Double Talk),此时系数固化,不进行系数更新
4. 双端都没有说话,这时候可以挂电话了。。。这时候需要启用近端VAD
远端需要一个VAD;在远端有声音的时候,近端即时不说话也有回声,所以VAD没什么用,只能是使用一个DTD(double talk detection)。
跟静音检测绑定在一起的技术是舒适噪声生成,这个在VOIP,phone中用的比较广泛,但是在ASR中无需使用。 据估算,运用语音活动检测及舒适噪音生成可将一组音频信道对带宽的需求降低50%。
上图是功能框图,BPF是Band Pass Filter,用来滤掉远端信号中的过高和过低的频率分量(类似降噪?),DCF是correlation filter,用来使得NLMS快速收敛的。VAD是监测远端是不是有声音信号的,NLP是用来去掉残余回声的。
nearendNoisy是带有噪音的近端信号,nearendClean是消掉噪音的近端信号,out是输出的AEC处理过的信号,nrOfSamples只能是80或者160,就是10ms的音频数据,msInSndCardBuf是输入输出的时延, 就是远端信号从被reference到被aec处理之间的时间差。
// Sets the |delay| in ms between AnalyzeReverseStream() receiving a far-end
// frame and ProcessStream() receiving a near-end frame containing the
// corresponding echo. On the client-side this can be expressed as
// delay = (t_render - t_analyze) + (t_process - t_capture)
// where,
// - t_analyze is the time a frame is passed to AnalyzeReverseStream() and
// t_render is the time the first sample of the same frame is rendered by
// the audio hardware.
// - t_capture is the time the first sample of a frame is captured by the
// audio hardware and t_pull is the time the same frame is passed to
// ProcessStream().
因此AEC模块的位置越靠近硬件越好(should be placed in the signal chain as close to the audio hardware abstraction layer (HAL) as possible.)。这样:
一次处理的长度是80 个sample,成为一个FRAME,nb对应1个FRAME, wb对应2个
int WebRtcAecm_ProcessBlock(AecmCore* aecm,
const int16_t* farend,
const int16_t* nearendNoisy,
const int16_t* nearendClean,
int16_t* output) {
aecm->real_fft = WebRtcSpl_CreateRealFFT(PART_LEN_SHIFT);这个FFT的order是7,是 Length of (PART_LEN * 2) in base 2.
far_q = TimeToFrequencyDomain(aecm,
aecm->xBuf, 64 * 2
dfw, 64 * 2
xfa, 64
static int TimeToFrequencyDomain(AecmCore* aecm,
const int16_t* time_signal, 64 * 2
ComplexInt16* freq_signal, 64 * 2
uint16_t* freq_signal_abs, 64
uint32_t* freq_signal_sum_abs)
int16_t fft_buf[PART_LEN4 + 16];
static void WindowAndFFT(AecmCore* aecm,
int16_t* fft, 64 * 4
const int16_t* time_signal, 64 * 2
ComplexInt16* freq_signal, 64 * 2
int time_signal_scaling)
fft, 64 * 4
(int16_t*)freq_signal 64 * 2
// Approximation for magnitude of complex fft output
// magn = sqrt(real^2 + imag^2)
// magn ~= alpha * max(|imag|,|real|) + beta * min(|imag|,|real|)
// The parameters alpha and beta are stored in Q15
WebRtcAecm_UpdateFarHistory, 存储far end的频谱信号幅度谱到far history
The Q-domain of current frequency values 是啥?
if (WebRtc_AddFarSpectrumFix(aecm->delay_estimator_farend,
far_q) == -1)
计算fixed delay, 这个计算是根据一篇专利来的 LOW COMPLEX AND ROBUST DELAY ESTIMATION,低复杂性和稳定的延时估计算法,多么牛逼 http://patents.justia.com/patent/20130163698, 是用概率算的
// Returns a pointer to the far end spectrum aligned to current near end
// spectrum. The function WebRtc_DelayEstimatorProcessFix(…) should have been
// called before AlignedFarend(…). Otherwise, you get the pointer to the
// previous frame. The memory is only valid until the next call of
// WebRtc_DelayEstimatorProcessFix(…).
// Inputs:
// - self : Pointer to the AECM instance.
// - delay : Current delay estimate.
// Output:
// - far_q : The Q-domain of the aligned far end spectrum
// Return value:
// - far_spectrum : Pointer to the aligned far end spectrum
// NULL - Error
const uint16_t* WebRtcAecm_AlignedFarend
// WebRtcAecm_CalcEnergies(…)
// This function calculates the log of energies for nearend, farend and estimated
// echoes. There is also an update of energy decision levels, i.e. internal VAD.
// @param aecm [i/o] Handle of the AECM instance.
// @param far_spectrum [in] Pointer to farend spectrum.
// @param far_q [in] Q-domain of farend spectrum.
// @param nearEner [in] Near end energy for current block in
// Q(aecm->dfaQDomain).
// @param echoEst [out] Estimated echo in Q(xfa_q+RESOLUTION_CHANNEL16).
void WebRtcAecm_CalcEnergies(AecmCore* aecm,
const uint16_t* far_spectrum,
const int16_t far_q,
const uint32_t nearEner,
int32_t* echoEst) {
估计远端VAD aecm->currentVADValue = 1; 表示远端木有VAD
if (!aecm->currentVADValue)
// Far end energy level too low, no channel update
至于Step Size,这是LMS算法·中的一部分
// WebRtcAecm_CalcStepSize(…)
// This function calculates the step size used in channel estimation
// @param aecm [in] Handle of the AECM instance.
// @param mu [out] (Return value) Stepsize in log2(), i.e. number of shifts.
int16_t WebRtcAecm_CalcStepSize(AecmCore* const aecm) {
更新channel, NLMS的算法一部分
// WebRtcAecm_UpdateChannel(…)
// This function performs channel estimation. NLMS and decision on channel storage.
// @param aecm [i/o] Handle of the AECM instance.
// @param far_spectrum [in] Absolute value of the farend signal in Q(far_q)
// @param far_q [in] Q-domain of the farend signal
// @param dfa [in] Absolute value of the nearend signal (Q[aecm->dfaQDomain])
// @param mu [in] NLMS step size.
// @param echoEst [i/o] Estimated echo in Q(far_q+RESOLUTION_CHANNEL16).
void WebRtcAecm_UpdateChannel(AecmCore* aecm,
const uint16_t* far_spectrum,
const int16_t far_q,
const uint16_t* const dfa,
const int16_t mu,
int32_t* echoEst) {
// This is C code of following optimized code.
// During startup we store the channel every block.
// memcpy(aecm->channelStored,
// aecm->channelAdapt16,
// sizeof(int16_t) * PART_LEN1);
// Recalculate echo estimate
// for (i = 0; i < PART_LEN; i += 4) {
// echo_est[i] = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_U16(aecm->channelStored[i],
// far_spectrum[i]);
// echo_est[i + 1] = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_U16(aecm->channelStored[i + 1],
// far_spectrum[i + 1]);
// echo_est[i + 2] = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_U16(aecm->channelStored[i + 2],
// far_spectrum[i + 2]);
// echo_est[i + 3] = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_U16(aecm->channelStored[i + 3],
// far_spectrum[i + 3]);
// }
// echo_est[i] = WEBRTC_SPL_MUL_16_U16(aecm->channelStored[i],
// far_spectrum[i]);
// We have enough data.
// Calculate MSE of “Adapt” and “Stored” versions.
// It is actually not MSE, but average absolute error.
根据谁的MSE小决定Store谁,adaptive one or old one
// Determine suppression gain used in the Wiener filter. The gain is based on a mix of far
// end energy and echo estimation error.
// CalcSuppressionGain(…)
// This function calculates the suppression gain that is used in the Wiener filter.
// @param aecm [i/n] Handle of the AECM instance.
// @param supGain [out] (Return value) Suppression gain with which to scale the noise
// level (Q14).
int16_t WebRtcAecm_CalcSuppressionGain(AecmCore* const aecm) {
WebRtc不准备Fix it, 参见Google的邮件列表:
Andrew MacDonald
- show quoted texJust to set the record straight here, no, we don’t have any explicit
double-talk detection. It’s handled implicitly by limiting the
magnitude of the error used in adaptation.
Additionally, we disregard the filter output if its energy is higher
than the input, since this indicates the filter has likely diverged.[email protected], Dec 3 2013
Status: WontFix
We once states AECM offers decent double-talk feature which is not equivalent to AEC but better than nothing, giving the light complexity of AECM. But people used to have higher expectation then. So it’s more safer to say NO double-talk feature in AECM.
And from another thread, we are working on other methods to replace AECM, instead of improving it further. So I would mark this issue to WontFix too.BTW: @boykinjim, recently I found out that currently AECM is limited to 8k&16k codec only. So try not to use Opus on Android phone so far.