本文是本系列第三篇,本系列介绍见Python实现神经网络Part 1: 实现forward和BP算法的神经元
L : 神经网络总层数, 为了实现深度学习效果,除了输入层和输出层之外至少有一个隐层,因此约定 L>=3
l :任意一层的层序号,l∈{0,1,2,...,L−1}, 其中第 0 层为输入层,第L−1层为输出层。
Sl : 第 l 层节点数目,Sl>=1。每一层内的节点由0到 Sl−1 顺序编号
w(l)ij : 从第 (l) 层序号 (j) 指向第 (l+1) 层序号 (i) 的连接的权重因子
W(l) : 由 w(l)ij 组成的矩阵,其中 i∈{0,1,..Sl+1} , j∈{0,1,..,Sl} ,即
bias(l)i : 第 (l+1) 层序号 (i) 的节点的偏置量
bias−→−(l) : 第 (l+1) 层偏置量向量,
z(l+1)i : 第(l+1)层,第i个节点,激活函数之前的计算值
a(l+1)i : 第(l+1)层,第i个节点,激活函数的输出
δ(l)i : 第l层第i个节点的误差因子,教材[2]中解释如下
Then, for each node i in layer l, we would like to compute an “error term” that measures how much that node was “responsible” for any errors in our output
# @param iStructure is a list containing L enlements, representing L layers of a fully connected netowrk
# The 1st element (aka iStructure[0]) define number of input nodes
# the i-th element (aka iStructure[i-1]) define number of neural nodes in i-th layer
self.networkStructure = iStructure
#weightMatrixList is a container of Weight Matrixes of each layer
self.weightMatrixList = np.ndarray((self.numberOfLayers - 1),np.object)
for layerIdx in range(0, self.numberOfLayers - 1):
weightMatrixBetweenCurAndNextLayer = np.random.randn(
self.weightMatrixList[layerIdx] = weightMatrixBetweenCurAndNextLayer
# activationValueMatrix is activation values of each layer in each sample in a batch,
# activationValueMatrix's shape is (batchSize, numberOfLayers), each element is an 1-D vector,
# For example, given batchIdx = b, LayerIndex = l, the activationValueMatrix[b][l] represents
# the value (1-D vector with self.networkStructure[l] dims) calculated from l-th layer
# For the input layer, activationValueMatrix[b][0] = inputVector
self.activationValueMatrix = np.ndarray((self.batchSize, len(self.networkStructure)), np.object)
a→(L−1) 就是神经网络的输出向量
result =np.ndarray((batchSize, self.networkStructure[-1]))
for sampleIdx in range(0, batchSize):
#the a[sampleIdx][0] always equal to inputVector
self.activationValueMatrix[sampleIdx][0] = inputData[sampleIdx]
for layerIdx in range(1, self.numberOfLayers):
activation_and_one = np.ones(self.activationValueMatrix[sampleIdx][layerIdx - 1].shape[0]+1)
activation_and_one[:-1] = self.activationValueMatrix[sampleIdx][layerIdx - 1]
self.zMatrix[sampleIdx][layerIdx] \
= np.matmul(self.weightMatrixList[layerIdx - 1], activation_and_one)
self.activationValueMatrix[sampleIdx][layerIdx] = self.sigmoid(self.zMatrix[sampleIdx][layerIdx])
result[sampleIdx] = self.activationValueMatrix[sampleIdx][self.numberOfLayers-1]
首先,对于输出层计算 δ(nl) ,其中 nl=L ,计算方式由[2]给出,如下所示
# for each node i in layer l, we would like to compute an "error term" that measures
# how much that node was "responsible" for any errors in our output
# delta represent such error
delta = np.ndarray((self.batchSize, self.numberOfLayers-1), np.object)
## calculate deritives of each weight/bias at each node in eachlayer in each sample
for sampleIdx in range(0, self.batchSize):
delta[sampleIdx][-1] = \
-(label[sampleIdx] - self.activationValueMatrix[sampleIdx][self.numberOfLayers-1])\
for sampleIdx in range(0, self.batchSize):
delta[sampleIdx][-1] = \
-(label[sampleIdx] - self.activationValueMatrix[sampleIdx][self.numberOfLayers-1])\
for layerIdx in range(self.numberOfLayers-3, -1, -1):
#build vector for f'(z_i)
dsigmoidVector = np.zeros(self.networkStructure[layerIdx+1])
for nodeIdx in range(0, self.networkStructure[layerIdx+1]):
dsigmoidVector[nodeIdx] = self.dsigmoiddx_usingActivationValue(self.activationValueMatrix[sampleIdx][layerIdx+1][nodeIdx])
# build weight matrix, remove bias column
weightMatrix = self.weightMatrixList[layerIdx];
weightMatrix = np.zeros((self.weightMatrixList[layerIdx].shape[0],self.weightMatrixList[layerIdx].shape[1]-1) )
for rowIdx in range(0, weightMatrix.shape[0]):
for colIdx in range(0, weightMatrix.shape[1]):
weightMatrix[rowIdx][colIdx] = self.weightMatrixList[layerIdx][rowIdx][colIdx]
weightMatrix = np.transpose(weightMatrix)
#calculate delta
delta[sampleIdx][layerIdx] = np.matmul(weightMatrix, delta[sampleIdx][layerIdx+1]) * dsigmoidVector
for layerIdx in range(0, self.numberOfLayers-1):
## dWeightAndBias is value of desired partial derivatives
dWeightAndBias = np.zeros(self.weightMatrixList[layerIdx].shape)
for i in range(0, self.weightMatrixList[layerIdx].shape[0]):
for j in range(0, self.weightMatrixList[layerIdx].shape[1]):
if j >= self.networkStructure[layerIdx]:
dWeightAndBias[i][j] = delta[sampleIdx][layerIdx][i]
dWeightAndBias[i][j] = delta[sampleIdx][layerIdx][i] \
* self.activationValueMatrix[sampleIdx][layerIdx][j];