双语精读 懒女孩的安全减肥指南

双语精读 懒女孩的安全减肥指南



It's one thing to want to get fit, but it's a whole other thing to actually do it. Going from couch potato to enthusiastic exerciser takes some serious motivation and a fitness plan that's easy to follow。


  It’s one thing to do, but it’s a whole other thing to actually do it. 要...是一回事,可真正采取行动又是另外一回事。【写作推荐】

  couch potato: 沙发土豆。老泡在电视机前的人;花大量时间看电视的人。

  motivation:n.eagerness and willingness to do something without needing to be told or forced to do it 动力,积极性  eg:a high level of motivation高度积极性

We went to celebrity fitness guru David Kirsch--the man behind the bodies of Heidi Klum and Anne Hathaway--to get his tips for getting your butt off the couch and working out. His simple plan will help you get toned, without having to morph into a total gym rat。


  guru:someone who knows a lot about a particular subject, and gives advice to other people  专家,权威 a management guru 管理大师

  the man behind the bodies of Heidi Klum and Anne Hathaway-  这句话的翻译很有趣,海蒂克拉姆和安妮海瑟薇身体背后的男人,也就是这些女性美好背后的身材的“功臣”。

  Work out: 锻炼。= take exercise

  Morph into : If one thing morphs into another thing, especially something very different, the first thing changes into the second. (尤指很大的、质的)改变; 变化  eg:Mild-mannered Stanley morphs into a confident, grinning hero.温良恭谨的斯坦利变了,变成了一位充满信心、笑口常开的豪杰人物。

  gym rat: 【俚语】健身迷、疯狂健美男。

  tone V.  Something that tones your body makes it firm and strong. 使强健 eg:This movement lengthens your spine and tones the spinal nerves. 该运动能伸展你的脊柱,强健脊髓神经。所以原文中“get toned" 就是”得到了锻炼“;引申为”完成蜕变“

Set Reasonable Goals


The easiest way to discourage yourself is to set an unreasonable goal--there will be no way for you to hit it and you'll wind up getting frustrated and giving up. Kirsch recommends setting an obtainable goal, such as "I want to lose five pounds," or "I want to fit into my skinny jeans."

制定一个不切实际的目标是最容易让自己泄气的——你根本没有办法实现它,而且只会让自己越来越沮丧,最后放弃。克尔士建议大家制定一个可以实现的目标,比如 “我想减掉5磅” 或者“我想穿上这条紧身牛仔裤”。

  hit it在这个句子中等于achieve it 实现目标

  Wind up = end up doing sth 以...而告终。

  obtainable:able to be obtained 能得到的,可获得的  同义词: available eg:The form is obtainable at your local post office.该表格可向当地邮局索取。

  skinny:skinny trousers fit tightly all the way down the legs〔裤子〕紧身的,贴身的skinny jeans 紧身牛仔裤

It's also important to be realistic about your time frame and the amount of exercise you do each day. Don't start off at two hours a day--you'll burn out. If you are not sure what you're doing, find a good trainer or training material to guide you。


  Time frame :the period of time during which you expect or agree that something will happen or be done 时间框架  eg:There is a ten year time frame for the implementation of the new policies.新政实施为期十年。

  burn out: 精疲力尽。

  trainer:someone who trains people or animals for sport or work 教练(员);驯兽师。同义词coach  eg:a racehorse trainer赛马训练师

Movement = Exercise


"You don't need to go to the gym to exercise," says Kirsch. The easiest way to start your new fitness routine is to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. When you get out of bed in the morning, before heading to the shower, do 15 knee bends, 15 lunges and 15 crunches. When you're making breakfast, do some isometric contractions: squeeze and release your abs, your butt, your thighs。


  incorporate: V. to include something as part of a group, system, plan etc 把〔某事物〕并入;包含 incorporate sth into/in sth We’ve incorporated many environmentally friendly features into the design of the building. 我们在这座建筑的设计中加进了许多环保元素。

  knee bends 屈膝



  isometric contractions: 肌肉收缩训练

  abs: 腹肌;thight:大腿;butt: 臀部

Get your body moving with a 10 minute express workout--be it yoga or stretching or cardio--every day before work. If you start that way and build from that, you're more likely to stick with a program。


  express:adj.【熟词僻意】这不是“表达”而是形容词“快速的” express workout:快速锻炼。

  Cardio: n. 锻炼心肺功能的运动;有氧运动。

  Stick with: 坚持;继续做;保持联系。

Find Time For Fitness


Feel like there's no time in the day to squeeze in exercise? Kirsch says that any exercise is beneficial, no matter how little. The reality is that our lifestyles are conflicting and everyone has different physical needs for exercise. Ideally, you should be doing an hour of exercise a day, but if you can only find time for 10 minutes, then 10 minutes of focused training beats doing nothing。


  Squeeze: V. 为...挤出时间。


  10 minutes of focused training beats doing nothing。:beats这个词用得很传神;10分钟的集中锻炼“打败了” 什么也不做。就是说,锻炼的时间短也比什么也不做好得多= “10 minutes of focused training is far more better than doing nothing”

Stay Focused


According to Kirsch, the number one biggest mistake women make while exercising is not focusing on what they are doing. That means no more cell phone, no more magazines and no more TV while you are working out. You need to make the most of your time at the gym while you are there. Sitting on the treadmill and talking on the phone doesn't give you the exercise you really need. Whatever you are doing, focus. Connect your brain and your body so you can really focus on what you are trying to accomplish。


  make the most of sth= take good advantage of sth: 好好利用。

  Treadmill: a piece of exercise equipment that has a large belt around a set of wheels, that you can walk or run on while staying in the same place 跑步机

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