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头脑风暴 软件

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A mind map is a diagram that allows you to visually outline information, helping you organize, solve problems, and make decisions. Start with a single idea in the center of the diagram and add associated ideas, words, and concepts connected radially around the central idea.

思维导图是一种图表,可让您直观地概述信息,帮助您组织,解决问题和制定决策。 从图的中心的一个想法开始,并添加围绕中心想法放射状连接的相关想法,单词和概念。

We’ve collected links to websites and software that can help you create mind maps, and collaborate on and share your maps with others. The programs and websites listed here are all either free or have a free option.

我们已经收集了指向网站和软件的链接,这些链接可以帮助您创建思维导图,与他人协作并共享地图。 此处列出的程序和网站都是免费的或具有免费选项。

自由的心灵 (FreeMind)

FreeMind is a free mind-mapping program written in Java. It supports folding and unfolding with one click and the ability to follow HTML links stored in the nodes to websites or local files. You can drag and drop nodes to copy one or more nodes and to copy text or a list of files from outside the program.

FreeMind是用Java编写的免费思维导图程序。 它支持一键折叠和展开,并能够跟踪存储在节点中HTML链接到网站或本地文件。 您可以拖放节点以复制一个或多个节点,并从程序外部复制文本或文件列表。

FreeMind also provides a search function that shows the results one by one as you “find next,” unfolding only the nodes for the items found.


Mind maps created in FreeMind can also be exported to HTML with the folding capability converted to links.


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XMind (XMind)

XMind is a free, open source mind mapping program for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X that allows you to plan, capture, organize, and act on your ideas. XMind’s Mind Toolbox allows you to setup relationships between topics, boundaries around topics, summaries of selected topics, labels to categorize and annotate topics, and markers used to express specific meanings, such as priority or progress.

XMind是适用于Windows,Linux和Mac OS X的免费开放源代码思维导图程序,可让您计划,捕获,组织和执行您的想法。 XMind的思维工具箱使您可以设置主题之间的关系,主题边界,选定主题的摘要,用于对主题进行分类和注释的标签以及用于表达特定含义(例如优先级或进度)的标记。

XMind can also be used to create organization charts, tree charts, logic charts, and more, even within one map. You can share your mind maps on the web.

XMind也可以用于创建组织结构图,树形图,逻辑图等,甚至可以在一张图中。 您可以在网络上共享思维导图。

XMind also has Plus ($79) and Pro ($99) versions that offer additional features. You can also sign up for a subscription to XMind for $79 per year.

XMind还具有Plus($ 79)和Pro($ 99)版本,提供附加功能。 您还可以每年以79美元的价格注册XMind的订阅。

For more information about XMind, see our article that describes using the Linux version of the program.


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iMindMap (iMindMap)

iMindMap Basic is a free mind mapping program for Windows and Mac OS X useful for brainstorming, taking notes, planning and organizing, and managing tasks. You can even use it to deliver 3D presentations.

iMindMap Basic是适用于Windows和Mac OS X的免费思维导图程序,可用于集思广益,做笔记,计划和组织以及管理任务。 您甚至可以使用它来交付3D演示文稿。

Some of the useful features in iMindMap are the Icon Library, the notes feature that allows you to add a variety of content into your maps, and the ability to export your mind maps as .jpeg or .png images.


There is also a Home and Student version available for £49 and an Ultimate version for £149.


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布鲁明德 (Blumind)

Blumind is a simple, but powerful, free mind mapping program for Windows that supports multiple chart layouts, such as organization charts, tree diagrams, logic diagrams, and more. The program supports themes and contains a lot of built-in themes you can customize. You can also add notes, icons, progress bars and other widgets to your maps.

Blumind是用于Windows的简单但功能强大的自由思维导图程序,它支持多种图表布局,例如组织结构图,树形图,逻辑图等。 该程序支持主题,并包含许多您可以自定义的内置主题。 您还可以在地图上添加注释,图标,进度条和其他小部件。

Mind maps created in Blumind can also be exported to multiple formats, including JPG, PNG, SVG, and TXT.


Blumind is also available in portable format.


NOTE: If you’re using  Windows XP or earlier, you need to install the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later (4.0 standalone installer or 4.0 web installer).

注意:如果您使用的是Windows XP或更早版本,则需要安装Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0或更高版本( 4.0独立安装程序或4.0 Web安装程序)。

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大脑 (TheBrain)

TheBrain is a mind mapping program for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X that allows you to capture and organize all the ideas and thoughts in your head and digital information, such as webpages, documents, images, and notes, and more.

TheBrain是适用于Windows,Linux和Mac OS X的思维导图程序,它使您可以捕获和组织头脑中的所有想法和思想以及数字信息,例如网页,文档,图像和便笺等。

The free version of TheBrain allows you to create an unlimited number of Thoughts and links and add rich formatting to your notes and webpages to Thoughts. You can perform a full content search of your notes and generate basic reports.

TheBrain的免费版本使您可以创建无限数量的Thoughts和链接,并为Notes和Thoughts的网页添加丰富的格式。 您可以对笔记进行完整的内容搜索并生成基本报告。

When you download TheBrain, you can try all the features of the Pro version ($219) for 30 days. After that time, if you want to keep using the advanced features available in the Pro version, you need to pay for the upgrade. However, if you don’t upgrade, you can continue to use TheBrain Free Edition to add new Thoughts and notes, without losing any of your work.

当您下载TheBrain时,可以试用Pro版本($ 219)的所有功能30天。 在那之后,如果您要继续使用Pro版本中提供的高级功能,则需要支付升级费用。 但是,如果您不升级,则可以继续使用TheBrain Free Edition添加新的想法和笔记,而不会丢失任何工作。

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概要 (Compendium)

Compendium is a free software tool that allows you to manage your information and ideas and the connections among them.


Use Compendium to manage your personal digital information resources. You can drag and drop any document, website, email, image, etc. into the program and organize them visually and connect ideas, arguments, and decisions related to these items. Compendium can help you collect and make sense of disparate material normally stored in different software programs. You can also assign your own keywords, or “tags,” to the items and create your own icons that have special meaning to you.

使用Compendium来管理您的个人数字信息资源。 您可以将任何文档,网站,电子邮件,图像等拖放到程序中,并对其进行可视化组织,并关联与这些项目相关的想法,参数和决策。 简编可以帮助您收集和理解通常存储在不同软件程序中的各种材料。 您还可以为项目分配自己的关键字或“标签”,并创建自己的图标,这些图标对您有特殊的意义。

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智图 (WiseMapping)

WiseMapping is a free, online mind mapping editor for both individuals and businesses that doesn’t require you to install anything on your computer. It allows you to easily share your maps with others by embedding it into any webpage without using plugins. You can also import maps from and export maps to FreeMind, mentioned earlier in this article.

WiseMapping是个人和企业免费的在线思维导图编辑器,不需要您在计算机上安装任何东西。 它允许您将地图嵌入到任何网页中,而无需使用插件,从而轻松与他人共享地图。 您也可以从本文前面提到的FreeMind导入地图或将地图导出到FreeMind。

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心智42 (Mind42)

Mind42 is another free, simple, online mind map editor with easy navigation for large mind maps, using zoom and “birdview.” You can also attach notes and images to branches and link branches to websites and see a preview of a site when you rollover a link. They also provide an online user guide to help get you started.

Mind42是另一个免费,简单的在线思维导图编辑器,可使用缩放和“鸟瞰”功能轻松导航大型思维导图。 您还可以将注释和图像附加到分支,并将分支链接到网站,并在将链接悬停时查看网站的预览。 他们还提供了在线用户指南,以帮助您入门。

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自由飞机 (Freeplane)

Freeplane is a free, open source mind mapping program that allows you to organize and share your thoughts and information. You can use the program to take freestyle, unconnected notes (like post-its) or to order ideas into a hierarchy using lines. Nodes can be connected with links, connectors, and labels, grouped using visual containers, and classified with metadata, or attributes.

Freeplane是一个免费的开源思维导图程序,它使您可以组织和分享您的想法和信息。 您可以使用该程序来记录自由样式,未连接的笔记(如便利贴),或使用线条将想法排序为层次结构。 节点可以使用链接,连接器和标签进行连接,可以使用可视容器进行分组,还可以使用元数据或属性进行分类。

You can also create tasks from your maps with calendars and reminders. Your entire map or individual nodes in your map can be password protected with DES encryption.

您还可以从带有日历和提醒的地图中创建任务。 您的整个地图或地图中的各个节点都可以使用DES加密进行密码保护。

Freeplane functionality can be extended with add-ons and custom scripts.


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These programs and websites should give you a start on organizing your thoughts and ideas. If you’ve discovered other useful brainstorming or mind-mapping programs or websites, let us know.

这些程序和网站应使您开始整理思想和想法。 如果您发现了其他有用的头脑风暴或思维导图程序或网站,请告诉我们。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/128753/the-best-websites-and-software-for-brainstorming-and-mind-mapping/

头脑风暴 软件
