1.在命令行执行pip install xmind2testcase -U
3.在命令行cd到刚刚创建的web文件夹,执行pip freeze > requirements.txt
4.命令行执行pip install -r requirements.txt -U
PS:请尽量使用xMind8 Update9版本编写测试用例,否则可能出现无法转换的情况
def gen_case_priority(priority):
# 修改前
# mapping = {1: '高', 2: '中', 3: '低'}
# 修改后
mapping = {1: '1', 2: '2', 3: '3', 4: '4'}
if priority in mapping.keys():
return mapping[priority]
# 修改前
return '中'
# 修改后
return '2'
# 用例类型 用星星实现
def gen_case_type(case_type):
mapping = {'star-red': "功能", "star-orange": "UI自动化", "star-blue": "接口自动化", "star-green": "性能",
"star-purple": "安全", "star-dark-green": "安装部署", "star-dark-gray": "其他"}
if case_type in mapping.keys():
return mapping[case_type]
return '功能'
def gen_a_testcase_row(testcase_dict):
# ['所属模块', '相关需求', '用例标题', '前置条件', '步骤', '预期', '关键词', '优先级', '用例类型', '适用阶段']
case_module = gen_case_module(testcase_dict['suite'])
case_demand_name = gen_case_demand_name(testcase_dict['demand_name'])
case_title = testcase_dict['name']
case_precontion = testcase_dict['preconditions'] # 前置条件
case_step, case_expected_result = gen_case_step_and_expected_result(testcase_dict['steps']) # 测试步骤和预期
case_keyword = gen_case_keyword(testcase_dict['demand_name']) #关键词
case_priority = gen_case_priority(testcase_dict['importance'])
case_type = gen_case_type(testcase_dict['execution_type']) # 用例类型 默认功能 标签实现
# 修改前
# case_apply_phase = '迭代测试'
# 修改后
case_apply_phase = '功能测试阶段'
row = [case_module, case_demand_name, case_title, case_precontion, case_step, case_expected_result, case_keyword,
case_priority, case_type, case_apply_phase]
return row
# 修改前
# with open(zentao_file, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
# 修改后
with open(zentao_file, 'w', encoding='utf8', newline='') as f:
def gen_case_step_and_expected_result(steps):
case_step = ''
case_expected_result = ''
# 修改后,把+ '. ' + 后的空格去掉 + '.' +
for step_dict in steps:
case_step += str(step_dict['step_number']) + '.' + step_dict['actions'].replace('\n', '').strip() + '\n'
case_expected_result += str(step_dict['step_number']) + '.' + \
step_dict['expectedresults'].replace('\n', '').strip() + '\n' \
def gen_case_step_and_expected_result(steps):
case_step = ''
case_expected_result = ''
# 修改后,把+ '. ' + 后的空格去掉 + '.' +
for step_dict in steps:
case_step += str(step_dict['step_number']) + '.' + step_dict['actions'].replace('\n', '').strip() + '\n'
case_expected_result += str(step_dict['step_number']) + '.' + \
step_dict['expectedresults'].replace('\n', '').strip() + '\n' \
if step_dict.get('expectedresults', '') else ''
# 添加,去除每个单元格里最后一个换行符
case_step = case_step.rstrip('\n')
case_expected_result = case_expected_result.rstrip('\n')
return case_step, case_expected_result
def gen_a_testcase_row(testcase_dict):
case_module = gen_case_module(testcase_dict['suite'])
case_title = testcase_dict['name']
case_precontion = testcase_dict['preconditions']
case_step, case_expected_result = gen_case_step_and_expected_result(testcase_dict['steps'])
# 此处可填写默认关键词
case_keyword = ''
def gen_testcase_title(topics):
"""Link all topic's title as testcase title"""
titles = [topic['title'] for topic in topics]
titles = filter_empty_or_ignore_element(titles)
# when separator is not blank, will add space around separator, e.g. '/' will be changed to ' / '
separator = config['sep']
if separator != ' ':
# 修改前
# separator = ' {} '.format(separator)
# 修改后
separator = ' {} '.format(separator)
return separator.join(titles)
def __init__(self, name='', demand_name='', details='', testcase_list=None, sub_suites=None, statistics=None):
:param name: test suite name 模块名
:param name: test suite demand_name 需求名
:param details: test suite detail infomation
:param testcase_list: test case list
:param sub_suites: sub test suite list
:param statistics: testsuite statistics info {'case_num': 0, 'non_execution': 0, 'pass': 0, 'failed': 0, 'blocked': 0, 'skipped': 0}
self.name = name
self.demand_name = demand_name
self.details = details
self.testcase_list = testcase_list
self.sub_suites = sub_suites
self.statistics = statistics
def to_dict(self):
data = {
'name': self.name,
'demand_name': self.demand_name,
'details': self.details,
'testcase_list': [],
'sub_suites': []
def get_xmind_testcase_list(xmind_file):
"""Load the XMind file and get all testcase in it
:param xmind_file: the target XMind file
:return: a list of testcase data
xmind_file = get_absolute_path(xmind_file)
testsuites = get_xmind_testsuites(xmind_file)
testcases = []
for testsuite in testsuites:
product = testsuite.name
for suite in testsuite.sub_suites:
for case in suite.testcase_list:
case_data = case.to_dict()
case_data['product'] = product
case_data['suite'] = suite.name
case_data['demand_name'] = suite.demand_name
return testcases
def xmind_to_testsuites(xmind_content_dict):
"""convert xmind file to `xmind2testcase.metadata.TestSuite` list"""
suites = []
for sheet in xmind_content_dict:
root_topic = sheet['topic']
for i in range(len(root_topic['topics'])):
suite = sheet_to_suite(root_topic['topics'][i])
return suites
def filter_empty_or_ignore_element(values):
"""Filter all empty or ignore XMind elements, especially notes、comments、labels element"""
result = []
for value in values:
if isinstance(value, str) and not value.strip() == '' and not value[0] in config['ignore_char']:
return result
def sheet_to_suite(root_topic):
"""convert a xmind sheet to a `TestSuite` instance"""
suite = TestSuite()
root_title = []
def x(data):
if 'topics' in data.keys():
data = data['topics'][0]
global module_name, demand_name
module_name = root_title[1] # 模块名
demand_name = root_title[0] # 需求名
suite.name = module_name # 模块名
suite.demand_name = demand_name # 需求名
suite.details = root_topic['note']
suite.sub_suites = []
for suite_dict in [root_topic]:
return suite
def parse_testsuite(suite_dict):
testsuite = TestSuite()
testsuite.name = module_name # 模块名
testsuite.demand_name = demand_name # 需求名
testsuite.details = suite_dict['note']
testsuite.testcase_list = []
for cases_dict in suite_dict.get('topics', []):
for case in recurse_parse_testcase(cases_dict):
return testsuite
def recurse_parse_testcase(case_dict, parent=None):
if is_testcase_topic(case_dict):
case = parse_a_testcase(case_dict, parent)
yield case
if not parent:
parent = []
for child_dict in case_dict.get('topics', []):
for case in recurse_parse_testcase(child_dict, parent):
yield case
def is_testcase_topic(case_dict):
"""A topic with a priority marker, or no subtopic, indicates that it is a testcase"""
priority = get_priority(case_dict)
if priority:
return True
children = case_dict.get('topics', [])
if children:
return False
return True
# 用例数据组合
def parse_a_testcase(case_dict, parent):
testcase = TestCase()
topics = parent + [case_dict] if parent else [case_dict]
# 用例名称
testcase.name = gen_testcase_title(topics)
# 前置条件
preconditions = gen_testcase_preconditions(topics)
testcase.preconditions = preconditions if preconditions else ' '
summary = gen_testcase_summary(topics)
testcase.summary = summary if summary else testcase.name
testcase.execution_type = get_execution_type(case_dict) # 用例类型
testcase.importance = get_priority(case_dict) or 2 # 优先级 1 2 3 4
step_dict_list = case_dict.get('topics', [])
if step_dict_list:
testcase.steps = parse_test_steps(step_dict_list)
testcase.result = get_test_result(case_dict['markers'])
if testcase.result == 0 and testcase.steps:
for step in testcase.steps:
if step.result == 2:
testcase.result = 2
if step.result == 3:
testcase.result = 3
testcase.result = step.result
return testcase
# 用例类型
def get_execution_type(case_dict):
if isinstance(case_dict['markers'], list):
for marker in case_dict['markers']:
if marker.startswith('star'):
return marker
# 优先级
def get_priority(case_dict):
"""Get the topic's priority(equivalent to the importance of the testcase)"""
if isinstance(case_dict['markers'], list):
for marker in case_dict['markers']:
if marker.startswith('priority'):
return int(marker[-1])
# 用例名称
def gen_testcase_title(topics):
"""Link all topic's title as testcase title"""
titles = [topic['title'] for topic in topics]
titles = filter_empty_or_ignore_element(titles)
return titles[-1]
# 前置条件 修改成标签
def gen_testcase_preconditions(topics):
labels = [topic.get('label', '') for topic in topics]
labels = filter_empty_or_ignore_element(labels)
for item in labels[::-1]:
return item
def gen_testcase_summary(topics):
comments = [topic['comment'] for topic in topics]
comments = filter_empty_or_ignore_element(comments)
return config['summary_sep'].join(comments)
# 用例步骤
def parse_test_steps(step_dict_list):
steps = []
for step_num, step_dict in enumerate(step_dict_list, 1):
test_step = parse_a_test_step(step_dict)
test_step.step_number = step_num
return steps
# 预期结果
def parse_a_test_step(step_dict):
test_step = TestStep()
test_step.actions = step_dict['title']
expected_topics = step_dict.get('topics', [])
if expected_topics:
# 预期结果获取
expected_topic = expected_topics[0]
expected_result = expected_topic['title']
if expected_result is None: # 如果预期结果为空 使用空格占位
expected_result = ' '
test_step.expectedresults = expected_result
markers = expected_topic['markers']
test_step.result = get_test_result(markers)
markers = step_dict['markers']
test_step.result = get_test_result(markers)
return test_step
import pandas as pd #使用pandas包来写入excel的,需要引入
def xmind_to_zentao_xlsx_file_by_pandas(xmind_file): #xmind导出禅道用例模板的xlsx格式
"""Convert XMind file to a zentao xlsx file"""
xmind_file = get_absolute_path(xmind_file)
logging.info('Start converting XMind file(%s) to zentao file...', xmind_file)
testcases = get_xmind_testcase_list(xmind_file)
fileheader = ["所属模块", "相关需求", "用例标题", "前置条件", "步骤", "预期", "关键词", "优先级", "用例类型", "适用阶段"] # zd:添加“相关需求”字段
zentao_testcase_rows = []
for testcase in testcases:
row = gen_a_testcase_row(testcase)
zentao_file = xmind_file[:-6] + '.xlsx'
df = pd.DataFrame(data=zentao_testcase_rows, columns=fileheader) #构造数据
df.to_excel(zentao_file, index=False) #写入文件,设置不需要索引
logging.info('Convert XMind file(%s) to a zentao csv file(%s) successfully!', xmind_file, zentao_file)
return zentao_file
@app.route('//to/zentao_xlsx' )
def download_zentao_xlsx_file(filename):
full_path = join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)
if not exists(full_path):
zentao_xlsx_file = xmind_to_zentao_xlsx_file_by_pandas(full_path)
filename = os.path.basename(zentao_xlsx_file) if zentao_xlsx_file else abort(404)
return send_from_directory(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename, as_attachment=True)
xlsx |
Get Zentao xlsx
def xmind_to_zentao_xlsx_file(xmind_file):
xmind_file = get_absolute_path(xmind_file)
testcases = get_xmind_testcase_list(xmind_file)
# print(testcases)
fileheader = ["所属模块", "相关需求", "用例标题", "前置条件", "步骤", "预期", "关键词", "优先级", "用例类型", "适用阶段"]
zentao_testcase_rows = [fileheader]
for testcase in testcases:
row = gen_a_testcase_row(testcase)
zentao_file = xmind_file[:-6] + '.xlsx'
if os.path.exists(zentao_file):
xl = openpyxl.Workbook()
xls = xl.create_sheet(index=0)
for i in zentao_testcase_rows:
return zentao_file