Last updated: May6, 2021, please read this Terms of Service Agreement ("Terms"). Lukunyu is provided by accessing or usingthis website and the services and applications described in this term. Downloadthe Software Software applications provided for mobile devices by accessing orusing the Website in any way, including using available services and resources,or by enabling them through websites or applications("Services"), "Apply" and collectively "apply"), complete theregistration process, and/or simply browse the website, you represent (1) youhave read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the Terms: (2) you are oflegal age and The Software forms a binding contract, and (3) you have the rightto personally or on behalf of the Company designated as a customer and to bindthe terms of the Company. The term "you" means an individual or legalentity, if applicable, that was identified as a customer at the time ofregistration on the Website. If you do not agree to be bound by the terms, youmay not access or use this website or service. If you subscribe to a servicethat is the term ("initial term"), the terms will automatically renewfor the same period as the software at the time of such services, unless yourefuse to renew your subscription in accordance with Section 6.5 below. TheTerms of Use require the use of individual arbitration to resolve disputes, notjury trials or class actions, and also limit the remedies available to you inthe event of a dispute. Please note that the terms may be changed at any timeat the sole discretion of the Software. Up to change, Kvantu will provide a new copy of the terms of service onthe website. We will also update the "last updated" date at the topof the terms. Any changes to the Terms will take effect immediately for newusers of the Site or Services and for any other users who expressly agree to theTerms. Otherwise, such changes will take effect 30 days after such changes areposted to existing users on the Site, provided that any material changes arevalid 30 (30) days after the site posts such changes to users who have aregistered account on the Site (each "Registered User"). Kvantu mayrequire you to agree to the updated agreement in a specified manner beforefurther use of the website or permission to serve. If you do not agree to anychanges after you are notified of such changes, you should stop using theWebsite and/or the Services. Otherwise, your continued use of the Websiteand/or the Services constitutes your acceptance of such changes. Check thewebsite regularly to see the current agreement. 1. Service description. Kwantuoffers tools, applications, Web services, and widgets that enable users tocapture, control, and manage data (photos and videos) on electronic devices.You can use the service to move files from one storage location on your deviceto a restricted storage location and create a backup copy of your data. 2. Usethe service and Kwantu performance. Kvantu's licensors own applications,software, websites, services, and through the aforementioned (collective,"Kvantu Properties"). This gramvanto property is protected by copyrightlaws around the world. Subject to the terms, Kvantu grants you a limitedlicense to reproduce some of the Kvantu properties for the sole purpose ofusing Kvantu properties for personal non-commercial purposes. Unless otherwisespecified in a separate license, your right to use any Kwanto attribute isgoverned by the terms. Kvantu's licensors reserve all rights not granted underthese Terms. 2.1 Apply for a license. Apply for a license. Subject to yourcompliance with the Terms, Kvantu grants you a limited, non-exclusive,non-transferable, non-negotiable, revocable license to download, install, anduse copies of the Application on a single mobile device or computer that youown or control, and to run copies of the Application for your personal useonly. In addition, for any application accessed or downloaded through the AppleStore ("App Store Source Applications"), you will only use the StoreSource App (i) to run iOS (Apple's proprietary operating system) and (ii)allowed "Rules of Use" on Apple App Store Terms of Service. 2.2gVantu software. The use of any software and related documentation (exceptapplications) or services ("Software") provided through the Websiteis governed by the Terms. Copying or reassigning software is prohibited, includingcopying or reassigning the software to any other server or location,reassigning it, or using it on a service board basis. If the software is apre-release version, you are not allowed to use or otherwise rely on thesoftware for any commercial or production purpose. Kvantu grants you anon-transferable, non-transferable, non-exclusive license that is non-exclusiveand revocable for the sole purpose of using the Software and enables you to usethe Services in a manner permitted by the Terms. Some software may be availablein open source licenses that we will provide to you. There may be licenses thatexplicitly cover certain terms in open source. 2.3 Update. You understand thatthe Kwantu properties are evolving. Therefore, Kvantu may require you to acceptupdates to your application or software that you have installed on yourcomputer or mobile device. You acknowledge and agree that Kwantu may update theproperties that Kwantu has or does not notify you of. Any updates to the Kwantuproperty are subject to these Terms. You may need to update third-partysoftware from time to time to continue using Kvantu performance. 2.4 Certainrestrictions. The rights granted to you under the Terms are subject to thefollowing restrictions: (a) you may not license, sell, rent, lease, transfer,transfer, reproduce, distribute, host or otherwise commercially develop theKvantu properties (b) you may not frame or use framework technology to surroundany Kvanto trademark or logo (including images, text, page layouts or forms);(c) You may not use any metadata or other "hidden text" to use Cntu'sname or trademark; (d) You may notmodify, translate, adapt, merge, produce derivative works, dismantle,decompose, reverse compile or reverse engineer Kwantu property, except asexpressly prohibited by applicable law: (e) you may not attempt or engage in agram of a Kwanto property, including but not limited to violations or attemptsto violate any security feature. Vantu properties, using any manual orautomated software, equipment or other processes (including but not limited tospiders, robots, scrapers, crawlers, avatars, data mining tools, etc.) to"scratch" or download data from any Kwantu properties, or tointroduce viruses, worms or similar harmful code into Kwantu properties; (f)Access to the Kwantu properties in order to establish a similar or competitivewebsite, application or service; (g) Unless expressly stated here, but no partof the Kwanto property may be copied, copied, distributed, republished,downloaded, displayed, posted or transmitted in any form or in any way: (h) youmay not delete or destroy any copyright notice or other proprietary marker ofthe Kwanto property contained therein; Do not use any attributes of Cntu thatmay be damaged, disabled, overburdened or damaged by Kvantu's system ornetwork, or interfere with the use and enjoyment of Kwantu properties by anyother party, including, without limitation, through overloading,"flooding," "spam," "mail bombing," or"crashing" Kvantu properties; (j) You may not attempt unauthorizedaccess to the Kwantu properties; (k) Any future version, update or othersupplemental Kwantu attributes shall be subject to the terms. Kvantu, itssuppliers and service providers reserve all rights not granted in the Terms.Unauthorized use of the Kvantu property is terminated by Kvantu in accordancewith the Terms. 2.5 Third-party materials. As a Kwantu property, you haveaccess to material hosted by the other party. You agree that it is not possiblefor Kwantu to monitor such materials and access them at your own risk. 3.Registration. 3.1 Sign up for your account. In order to access some features ofthe Kwantu properties, you may need to become a registered user. For thepurposes of the terms, a "registered user" is a user who has registeredan account on an application ("account"). 3.2 Registration data. Whenregistering for the Services, you agree (1) to provide complete informationabout you as prompted by the registry of the Services ("RegistrationData"); (2) Maintain and update registration data in a timely manner tomake it true, accurate, current and complete. You are at least 16 years of ageon your behalf: (ii) a binding contract is made at the legal age: (3) no onemay be prohibited from using the Services in accordance with the laws of yourplace of residence or any other applicable jurisdiction. You agree that youshould monitor your account to restrict the use of minors and that you will besolely responsible for any unauthorized use. The property of the Kwantu minor.If any information you provide is untrue, inaccurate, not current orincomplete, or Kvantu has reasonable grounds to suspect that the information isuntrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, Kvantu reserves the right tosuspend or terminate your account and to refuse any and all current or futureuse of the Kwanto property (or any part of it). You agree not to create anaccount using false identities or information, or to create an account onbehalf of someone other than you. You agree that you must not have more thanone account per platform at any given time. Kvantu reserves the right to deleteor withdraw any user name at any time and, for any reason, including, but notlimited to, third parties, claims that the user name infringes the rights ofthird parties. You agree not to create an account or use the Kwanto property ifyou have previously deleted Kwantu, or if you have previously been prohibitedfrom using the service. 3.3 Activities under the account. You are responsiblefor all activities that occur under your account. You may not share youraccount, password or verification code with anyone, and you agree (1) to notifyKwanto immediately of an unauthorized use of your password or any other breachof security; and (2) exit your account at the end of each session. 3.4Necessary equipment and software. You must provide Kvantu properties that areconnected to, but not limited to, mobile devices that are suitable forconnection and use, in the case where the service provides mobile components.You are solely responsible for any costs, including Internet connection ormobile charges, and you will generate Kwantu performance when you visit.Content responsibility. 4.1 Content type. You acknowledge that all information,data, text, software, music, sounds, photographs, graphics, videos, messages,tags and/or other materials may be transferred through Cwantu property, whetherpublicly posted or privately (the "Content"), and that the soleresponsibility of the source of the Content. This means that you, not Kwantu,are solely responsible for all content ("Provided") that you upload,post, send, transmit, or otherwise provide ("Provided"). 5. Userbehavior. As a condition of use, you agree not to use the property for anypurpose prohibited by the Cvantu Terms or applicable law. You may not (and maynot allow any third party) to take any action or (b) provide any content on theWebsite and Services or through (i) infringe or infringe the patents,trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, contractual rights, publicity rights orother rights of any individual or entity: (ii) violate any acceptable use orother information technology policy and apply to your use of any computersystem or network: (iii) unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory,defamatory, fraudulent, fraudulent, Infringement, obscenity, offense orprofanity: (iv) constitutes unauthorized or unsolicited advertising, spam orbulk e-mail: (v) involving commercial activities and/or sales without Cntu'sprior written consent, such as contests, sweepstakes, bartering, advertising ormarketing: (vi) impersonating any person or entity, including any employee orrepresentative of Cantu: or (vii) in any other way that is inappropriate, inwhich Kvantu decides at its sole, reasonable discretion. 6. Fees and terms ofpurchase. 6.1 General use of the term: selling services, not software. Thepurpose of the terms is to ensure that you have access to the Services. Allfees you pay in accordance with the Terms shall be considered only to advancethis purpose. These fees are in no way the payment of sales, licenses, orsoftware or applications that use Cntu, or any software or applications thatuse Cntu to advance the Terms, will only be deemed to be the purpose of theSupport Terms. 6.2 Payment. You agree to pay all fees or charges to youraccount in accordance with the fees, charges, and billing terms that are dueand payable. Kwantu receives payments through a limited number of paymentservices ("payment providers"). You must provide Kwantu with validaccount information for the selected payment provider. Your Payment ProviderAgreement governs your use of a specified credit card or other payment method,and you must refer to the Agreement, not the terms, to determine your rightsand liabilities. By providing Kvantu with your payment information, you agreethat Kvantu is authorized to invoice all charges and charges for your accountimmediately and pay to Kvantu under this without additional notice or consent.You agree to notify Kwantu immediately of any changes to the paymentcredentials here. Kvantu reserves the right to change its price and billingmethod at any time, or as soon as it is posted on the website. 6.3 Servicesubscription fee. When you create an account, you will be responsible forpaying the applicable fees for any services (each service subscription fee) andselecting your subscription term (each service starts ") that". Therewill be no contract between you and Kwanto services until Kwantu or paymentproviders, such as Apple or Google, accept your order by confirmation email,SMS/MMS or other means. 6.4 Taxes. Cntu's fees do not include any applicablesales tax. If payment for any service or any service is subject to sales tax inany jurisdiction and you do not remit the applicable sales tax to Kwantu, youwill be responsible for paying such sales tax and any related fines or interestto the relevant tax authorities and will compensate Kvantu for any liability orexpense that we may be associated with such sales tax. At our request, you willprovide us with an official receipt issued by the relevant tax authority orother evidence that you have paid all applicable taxes. The term "salestax" in this section refers to sales tax, use tax and any other taxmeasured on sales revenue, which is permitted to be passed on to its customer,whose function is equivalent to sales tax, and whose function is not subject tosales tax or use tax in the applicable tax jurisdiction. 6.5 Auto-renewal. Yoursubscription will continue indefinitely until it terminates in accordance withthe terms. After the initial subscription period, and after any subsequentsubscription period, your subscription will automatically start on the firstday after the end of such period (each subscription period is "RenewalDate") and continue to perform an additional equivalent period: thecurrent price of Cntu's such subscription. You agree that your account will besubject to this auto-renewal feature unless you unsubscribe at least 24 hoursprior to the renewal start date by signing in and going to the Manage AppSubscriptions page in the Apple Store or the My Apps page in the Google PlayStore app. If you don't want your subscription to renew automatically, or ifyou want to change or terminate your subscription, the same page will allow youto change your account settings subscription. If you cancel your subscription,you can use your subscription until the end of your current subscription periodat that time; Your subscription will not expire at the current period. However,you will not be eligible for a prorated refund of any portion of thesubscription fee paid during the current subscription period. By subscribing,you authorize Kvantu to charge your payment provider immediately and again atthe beginning of any subsequent subscription period. After renewal, if Kvantudoes not receive payment from the payment provider: (i) you agree to pay allamounts due on your account as needed, and/or (ii) you agree that Kvanto mayterminate or suspend your subscription and continue to attempt to charge yourpayment provider until payment is received (your account will be reactivatedupon receipt of the payment, and for automatic renewal purposes, your newsubscription commitment period will begin from the date of payment isreceived). 7. Kwantu is currently available. The Software does not guarantee that your content is protected fromexternal attacks, hacking, or other ways to access content on the filesystem. You expressly understand andagree that, to the extent permitted by applicable law, the risk of your use ofthe Software property is your sole risk, and that the Software property isprovided on an "out-of-the-box" and "available" basis andthat there are all failures. TheSoftware expressly disclaices any type of warranty, representation, or condition,whether express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranty ormerchant conditions, applicability for specific purposes, and non-infringement.Limitations of liability. You understand and agree that under no circumstances shallthe Software be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, exemplary orindirect damage arising out of the Website, Applications, Software, orServices, including any damages not limited to loss of use, data or profits,whether or not the Software is advised that such damage may be suffered. 9.Remedy 9.1 Violations. If Kwantu is aware of any violation of the terms, Kvantureserves the right to investigate such violations. If, as a result of theinvestigation, Kwantu believes that criminal activity has taken place, Kwantureserves the right to refer the matter and cooperate with any and allapplicable legal authorities. Kwantu reserves the right to disclose informationabout the properties of Kwantu, including your content, the possession ofKvantu property in Cntu with your use, (1) compliance with applicable laws,legal procedures or government requirements: (ii) the implementation of theProvisions: (iii) the infringement of the content Third party claims to respondto: (4) respond to your customer service request: or (5) protect Kvantu, itsusers or the public, as well as all law enforcement or other governmentofficials, as Kvanto deems necessary or appropriate in its sole discretion. 9.2Violations. In such cases, Kvantu reserves the right to (a) warn you by e-mail(any email address provided to you) that Kvanto has violated the Terms: (b)remove any content provided by you or your agent to the Kvanto property if itdetermines, at its sole discretion, that you have violated any part of theTerms or otherwise demonstrated misconduct; (c) Stop your registration ofKwantu properties; (d) Discontinue subscription to any service; (e) Notifyand/or send and/or cooperate fully with appropriate law enforcement authoritiesin order to take further action: and/or (f) pursue any other action that Kwantudeems appropriate. 9.3 No subsequent registrations. If your registration (s)has or has access to the Kvantu property by Kvantu due to any part of yourviolation of the Terms, then you agree that you may not attempt to re-registeror access the properties obtained by Kvantu by using the name of another memberor otherwise, and you acknowledge that you will not be entitled to a refund ofthe properties of Kvanto's terminated access rights for the fees associatedwith these charges. In this case, you violated the previous sentence Kwantureserves the right to take any or all action proposed herein immediatelywithout notice or warning to you. 10.Miscellaneous provisions. 10.1 Electronic Communications You use electronicmeans with Kvanto, whether you visit the Website or send a Kwantu e-mail, orwhether Kwantu posts a notice on the Website or communicates with you bye-mail. For contractual purposes, you (1) agree to receive electronically fromKwantu; (2) Agree to all terms and conditions, agreements, notices, disclosuresand other communications that Kvanto electronically provides to you any legalrequirements that satisfy such communications if they are met in writing. Theforegoing will not affect your legal rights. 10.2 Hereby post your Kwantu andits successors from the claim for any loss, damage, rights and actions in anyand all forms arising from the use of the Website, Application, Software orServices, including any form of personal injury, death and property damage arisingfrom these Terms or your use of the Website, Application, Software or Services.10.3 The distribution of this clause, and your rights and obligations therein,shall not be assigned, subcontracted, entrusted or otherwise transferred by youand will be void in any breach of the foregoing transfer, subcontracting,entrustment or attempted transfer without Cntu's prior written consent. 10.4Force Majeure Kvantu's licensors are not liable for any delay or failure toperform for reasons beyond their reasonable control, including but not limitedto God's actions: war: terrorism: riots; Embargo; Acts of civil or militaryauthorities; Fire: flood; Accidents; Strikes or shortages of transportfacilities; Fuel; Energy; Labour; Materials; Problems with computing or networkinfrastructure, hardware, or products; Problems with your Internet serviceprovider (ISP) or any website you attempt to access through the VPN service; orany electrical or other utility interruption. 10.5 Choice of laws and places.The terms and any related actions are subject to and interpreted by Chineselaw. You expressly agree here that Cntu's primary place of business in China'spersonal jurisdiction and location is located in or in relation to any actionbrought against you. 10.6 Immunity. Any exemption or failure to enforce anyterms at once shall not be construed as waiver of any other provision or suchprovision in any other circumstances. 10.7 Deportability. If any provision ofthe Provisions is found to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, theother provisions of the Provisions will remain enforceable and the invalid orunenforceable provisions will be deemed modified so that they are valid andenforceable to the maximum extent permitted by law. 10.8 Store. You acknowledgeand agree that the availability of the Application and services depends on thethird party from which you obtain the license, such as Apple iPhone or theAndroid App Store (the "App Store"). You acknowledge and agree thatthe terms are for you and Kvanto to be store-only, not store-only. Kvantu, notthe App Store, is specifically responsible for the Cwantu properties, includingthe application, its content, maintenance, support services, and warranties,and for any claims (e.g., product liability, legal claims) related tocompliance or infringement of intellectual property rights. In order to use theapplication, you must have access to the wireless network and you agree to payall fees associated with such access. You also agree to pay all fees charged bythe App Store, if any, with the Kwantu properties, including the app. You agreeto comply, and your license to use the application depends on whether youcomply with all applicable third-party terms of use agreement (e.g., Storeterms and policies) of the Kwantu properties, including the application. Youacknowledge that the App Store (and its subsidiaries) are third-partybeneficiaries of the Terms and are entitled to enforce them. 10.9 Questions,complaints and claims. If you have any questions, complaints or claims, pleasecontact us:[email protected]. We will do our best to solve your problem. If youbelieve that your issue has not been fully resolved, we ask you to let us knowfor further investigation.