

5.1 基本原理



  1. 项目级数据源 — 您需要与项目属性关联的强大数据源。对于我们的场景,我们有书价、num_pages、published_year等。您了解有关该项目的信息越多,它对您的系统就越有利。
  2. 用户级数据源 - 您需要根据您为其提供建议的项目提供某种用户反馈。此级别的反馈可以是隐式的,也可以是显式的。在我们的示例数据中,我们针对用户对他们阅读过的图书进行评分。您可以跟踪的用户反馈越多,对您的系统就越有利。

5.2 基于内容推荐的优缺点 

5.2.1 优势




  1. 根据用户消费的项目/内容,提供的建议是“显而易见的”。这是一个缺点,因为如果用户从未与特定类型的项目交互,则永远不会向用户推荐该项目。例如,如果你从未读过神秘书籍,那么通过这种方法,您将永远不会被推荐神秘书籍。这是因为该模型是特定于用户的,并且没有利用来自类似用户的知识。这减少了建议的多样性,这对许多企业来说是一个负面的结果。
  2. 它们无法为新用户提供建议。构建模型时,您需要项目的显式/隐式用户级数据的历史记录。通常,拥有一个大型评级数据集,以便在不过度拟合的情况下进行可靠的预测,这一点很重要。

5.3  例子


  • 亚马逊产品 Feed(向您推荐的产品与您之前购买的产品相似)
  • Spotify 音樂推薦

        有许多优秀的基于内容的系统是用算法构建的,不依赖于基于模型的方法。例如,像Hacker Rank和Reddit这样的公司以前曾使用算法方法来向用户推荐其平台上的新帖子。为基于内容的推荐器构建算法方法的关键在于为您的业务定义一组可用于对项目进行排名的规则。就Reddit而言,他们的推荐受到发布时间,喜欢数量,不喜欢数量,评论数量等的限制。这可以考虑在公式中以生成帖子的分数,高分数将产生高推荐,反之亦然。

5.3.1 实现

  1. 从generate_data功能(上面提供的功能)导入数据或从此处下载CSV
  2. 规范化book_price、book_ratings num_pages
  3. 一个热编码publish_year、book_genre text_lang
  4. 给定一个book_id输入,计算余弦相似性并返回与输入相似的前 n 本书
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from numpy import dot
from numpy.linalg import norm 

def normalize(data):
    This function will normalize the input data to be between 0 and 1
        data (List) : The list of values you want to normalize
        The input data normalized between 0 and 1
    min_val = min(data)
    if min_val < 0:
        data = [x + abs(min_val) for x in data]
    max_val = max(data)
    return [x/max_val for x in data]

def ohe(df, enc_col):
    This function will one hot encode the specified column and add it back
    onto the input dataframe
        df (DataFrame) : The dataframe you wish for the results to be appended to
        enc_col (String) : The column you want to OHE
        The OHE columns added onto the input dataframe
    ohe_df = pd.get_dummies(df[enc_col])
    ohe_df.reset_index(drop = True, inplace = True)
    return pd.concat([df, ohe_df], axis = 1)

class CBRecommend():
    def __init__(self, df):
        self.df = df
    def cosine_sim(self, v1,v2):
        This function will calculate the cosine similarity between two vectors
        return sum(dot(v1,v2)/(norm(v1)*norm(v2)))
    def recommend(self, book_id, n_rec):
        df (dataframe): The dataframe
        song_id (string): Representing the song name
        n_rec (int): amount of rec user wants
        # calculate similarity of input book_id vector w.r.t all other vectors
        inputVec = self.df.loc[book_id].values
        self.df['sim']= self.df.apply(lambda x: self.cosine_sim(inputVec, x.values), axis=1)

        # returns top n user specified books
        return self.df.nlargest(columns='sim',n=n_rec)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # constants
    PATH = '../data/data.csv'

    # import data
    df = pd.read_csv(PATH)

    # normalize the num_pages, ratings, price columns
    df['num_pages_norm'] = normalize(df['num_pages'].values)
    df['book_rating_norm'] = normalize(df['book_rating'].values)
    df['book_price_norm'] = normalize(df['book_price'].values)
    # OHE on publish_year and genre
    df = ohe(df = df, enc_col = 'publish_year')
    df = ohe(df = df, enc_col = 'book_genre')
    df = ohe(df = df, enc_col = 'text_lang')
    # drop redundant columns
    cols = ['publish_year', 'book_genre', 'num_pages', 'book_rating', 'book_price', 'text_lang']
    df.drop(columns = cols, inplace = True)
    df.set_index('book_id', inplace = True)
    # ran on a sample as an example
    t = df.copy()
    cbr = CBRecommend(df = t)
    print(cbr.recommend(book_id = t.index[0], n_rec = 5))


6.1 原理和直觉




        并行和顺序推荐系统架构。图片由C.C. Aggarwal提供,推荐系统:教科书

6.2 系统优缺点

6.2.1 优势


6.2.2 弊端


6.3  案例

        Netflix 是一家使用混合推荐系统的公司,他们根据相似用户的观看和搜索风格(协同过滤)以及具有相似特征的电影(基于内容)向用户生成推荐。

6.3.1 实现

  1. 从generate_data功能(上面提供的功能)导入数据或从此处下载CSV
  2. 使用基于内容的模型 (cosine_similarity) 计算 50 本最相似的书籍
  3. 使用协作
    过滤模型 (SVD) 计算用户可能为这 50 本书提供的预测评分
  4. 返回预测评分最高的前 n 本图书
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
from surprise import SVD, Reader, Dataset, accuracy
from surprise.model_selection import train_test_split

def hybrid(reader_id, book_id, n_recs, df, cosine_sim, svd_model):
    This function represents a hybrid recommendation system, it will have the following flow:
        1. Use a content-based model (cosine_similarity) to compute the 50 most similar books
        2. Compute the predicted ratings that the user might give these 50 books using a collaborative
           filtering model (SVD)
        3. Return the top n books with the highest predicted rating
        reader_id (Integer) : The reader_id 
        book_id (Integer) : The book_id 
        n_recs (Integer) : The number of recommendations you want
        df (DataFrame) : Original dataframe with all book information 
        cosine_sim (DataFrame) : The cosine similarity dataframe
        svd_model (Model) : SVD model
    # sort similarity values in decreasing order and take top 50 results
    sim = list(enumerate(cosine_sim[int(book_id)]))
    sim = sorted(sim, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    sim = sim[1:50]
    # get book metadata
    book_idx = [i[0] for i in sim]
    books = df.iloc[book_idx][['book_id', 'book_rating', 'num_pages', 'publish_year', 'book_price', 'reader_id']]
    # predict using the svd_model
    books['est'] = books.apply(lambda x: svd_model.predict(reader_id, x['book_id'], x['book_rating']).est, axis = 1)
    # sort predictions in decreasing order and return top n_recs
    books = books.sort_values('est', ascending=False)
    return books.head(n_recs)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # constants
    PATH = '../data/data.csv'

    # import data
    df = pd.read_csv(PATH)

    # content based
    rmat = df.pivot_table(
        columns = 'book_id',
        index = 'reader_id',
        values = 'book_rating'

    #Compute the cosine similarity matrix 
    cosine_sim = cosine_similarity(rmat, rmat)
    cosine_sim = pd.DataFrame(cosine_sim, index=rmat.index, columns=rmat.index)

    # collaborative filtering
    reader = Reader()
    data = Dataset.load_from_df(df[['reader_id', 'book_id', 'book_rating']], reader)

    # split data into train test
    trainset, testset = train_test_split(data, test_size=0.3,random_state=10)

    # train
    svd = SVD()

    # run the trained model against the testset
    test_pred = svd.test(testset)

    # get RMSE
    accuracy.rmse(test_pred, verbose=True)
    # generate recommendations
    r_id = df['reader_id'].values[0]
    b_id = df['book_id'].values[0]
    n_recs = 5
    print(hybrid(r_id, b_id, n_recs, df, cosine_sim, svd))

 如果你想要一个关于如何以上面未显示的不同方式实现混合推荐系统的分步指南,你可以参考我的文章 使用 Node2Vec 构建链接预测推荐引擎。





  • 如何跟踪推荐的流失率、响应能力、参与度和新颖性?
  • 在知道用户 X 时间未与前一个推荐交互后,何时应向用户显示新推荐?
  • 当用户对新产品进行评分或互动时,它会立即或稍后影响您的推荐系统?
  • 随着用户与平台互动的增加,推荐会如何变化?
  • 您如何知道您的建议不会将用户限制在业务的次要部分?

