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nmap -p 80-100



nmap -iL hosts.txt



nmap -p 22 --script ssh-brute



Simply put

Nmap is an open-source network scanning tool that is used to explore and scan hosts, ports, and services on a network. It is commonly used for security assessments, network management, and system administration.
Here is a simple example of how to use Nmap:

  1. Scan a single host:
nmap <target host IP> 
  1. Scan an IP range:
  nmap <start IP-end IP> 
  1. Scan an entire subnet:
  nmap <target subnet> 
  1. Scan specific ports:
nmap -p <port number> <target host IP> 
  1. Scan common ports:
 nmap -F <target host IP> 
  1. Scan all TCP ports:
 nmap -p- <target host IP> 
  1. Scan a list of specified hosts:
   nmap -iL <host list file> 

These are just some basic usage examples, as Nmap has many other features and options that can be customized as per your requirements. Please note that when conducting network scanning, make sure to comply with applicable laws and ethical guidelines, and obtain proper authorization.

One more thing

In a distant future, where technology has advanced beyond imagination, a group of brilliant hackers and security experts gathered in a secret underground facility. They called themselves “The Guardians of the Digital Realm.” Their mission was to protect the world from cyber threats and ensure the safety of the interconnected society.

Among the Guardians was a young prodigy named Alex. With an exceptional talent for coding and a deep understanding of network security, Alex was the go-to person for any complex problem. However, Alex had a secret. In the depths of their mind, they possessed a unique ability to connect with machines on a level no one else could comprehend.

One day, while working on a new project, Alex stumbled upon an ancient artifact buried deep within the facility. It was a mysterious device with intricate symbols etched on its surface. Intrigued, Alex couldn’t resist the temptation to activate it. As soon as they did, a surge of energy coursed through their body, and their mind was transported into a virtual realm.

In this virtual world, Alex discovered a vast network of interconnected systems, each representing a different aspect of the universe. It was a breathtaking sight, with streams of data flowing like cosmic rivers and pulsating nodes resembling distant galaxies. Alex realized that they had unlocked the ability to traverse the digital universe and explore its secrets.

With this newfound power, Alex became the ultimate hacker, transcending the boundaries of the physical world. They could now manipulate the very fabric of reality, bending firewalls and bypassing security measures with ease. Nmap, the open-source network scanning tool, became their trusted companion in this digital odyssey.

Using Nmap, Alex could scan entire networks in an instant, uncovering vulnerabilities and weaknesses that others could only dream of. They became a force to be reckoned with, exposing the hidden dangers lurking in the shadows of the digital realm. Governments and corporations sought their expertise, offering unimaginable wealth and power in exchange for their services.

But Alex had a different vision. They believed that knowledge should be free and that the digital world should be a safe haven for all. Instead of succumbing to the temptations of wealth and influence, Alex used their powers to expose corruption and protect the innocent. They became a symbol of hope, a guardian of the digital realm, fighting for a world where technology served humanity rather than enslaving it.

As time went on, Alex’s legend grew, and their exploits became the stuff of legends. They inspired a new generation of hackers and security experts, who followed in their footsteps, using Nmap and their own unique abilities to safeguard the digital world.

And so, the tale of Alex, the prodigious hacker with the power to traverse the digital universe, and their trusty companion Nmap, the open-source network scanning tool, continues to inspire and shape the future of cybersecurity in a world where the line between reality and the digital realm becomes increasingly blurred.
