运行软件plotsr时报错:“ImportError: Incomplete genomic information”

为了对 syri.out (assembly的变异检测结果)进行可视化处理,本人选择了plotsr软件对其基因组重排现象进行可视化:

(base) [hgzhong@head01 08.assembly_calling]$ plotsr --sr syri.out --genomes ../data/Sc_R64.fasta --genomes ../data/Sc_YJM1447.fasta  -H 8 -W 5
2023-07-14 21:41:50,978 - Plotsr - INFO - Starting
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/data/home/hgzhong/miniconda3/bin/plotsr", line 6, in 
  File "/data/home/hgzhong/miniconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/plotsr/scripts/plotsr.py", line 334, in main
  File "/data/home/hgzhong/miniconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/plotsr/scripts/plotsr.py", line 171, in plotsr
    chrlengths, genomes = validalign2fasta(alignments, args.genomes.name)
  File "/data/home/hgzhong/miniconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/plotsr/scripts/func.py", line 1017, in validalign2fasta
    raise ImportError("Incomplete genomic information.\nExpected format for the genome file:\npath_to_genome1\tgenome1_id\ttags\npath_to_genome2\tgenome2_id\ttags\n\nMake sure that the columns are separated by tabs (and not spaces).")
ImportError: Incomplete genomic information.
Expected format for the genome file:
path_to_genome1	genome1_id	tags
path_to_genome2	genome2_id	tags

出现“ImportError: Incomplete genomic information” 报错,

## 需准备两个物种的基因组列表
python3 $PATH_TO_PLOTSR --sr syri.out --genomes genomes
cat genomes
/home A.chr.fa refgenome
/home B.chr.fa refgenome

but the error appear.
ImportError: Incomplete genomic information.
Expected format for the genome file:
path_to_genome1 genome1_id tags
path_to_genome2 genome2_id tags

Make sure that the columns are separated by tabs (and not spaces).
so, what should be the format of the input file --genomes
Could you please guide if there is any solution, how to fix theproblem?

仍然报错,显示genomes.txt的分割符应为 tab 而非空格

plotsr --sr syri.out --genomes genomes  -H 8 -W 5


--sr : 指定syri.out文件

-- genomes: 两个物种的基因组列表,该文件含有2列,第一列为物种基因组的路径,第二列为 genome_id。注意此2列的分隔符为tab(非空格)--参考网站 报错网址

-H: plot 图的高度

-W: plot 图的宽度



运行软件plotsr时报错:“ImportError: Incomplete genomic information”_第1张图片

