函数说明:基于最小二乘法(least-squares sense)计算围绕一组(个数大于等于5个)给定的点集拟合一个椭圆。返回该椭圆的最小外接矩形(如果给定的点是在一条直线上,该矩形的最小边为0)。注意返回的数值可能有负数(大边界之外)。
RotatedRect FitEllipse(InputArray points)
RotatedRect FitEllipse(IEnumerable points)
RotatedRect FitEllipse(IEnumerable points)
参数 |
说明 |
InputArray points IEnumerable IEnumerable |
待拟合椭圆的点集,个数大于等于5个。 |
返回值RotatedRect |
拟合的椭圆的最小外接矩形,点在一直线上的话,该矩形最小边为0 |
函数说明:基于Approximate Mean Square(近似均方) 方法计算点集的拟合椭圆
RotatedRect FitEllipseAMS(InputArray points)
RotatedRect FitEllipseAMS(IEnumerable points)
RotatedRect FitEllipseAMS(IEnumerable points)
函数说明:基于Direct least square(最小二乘法) 方法计算点集的拟合椭圆
RotatedRect FitEllipseDirect(InputArray points)
RotatedRect FitEllipseDirect(IEnumerable points)
RotatedRect FitEllipseDirect(IEnumerable points)
void MinEnclosingCircle(InputArray points,
out Point2f center,
out float radius)
void MinEnclosingCircle(IEnumerable points,
out Point2f center,
out float radius)
void MinEnclosingCircle(IEnumerable points,
out Point2f center,
out float radius)
参数 |
说明 |
InputArray points IEnumerable IEnumerable |
待计算最小外接圆的点集。数据类型必须为CV_32SC2 或CV_32FC2 |
out Point2f center |
输出最小外接圆的中心点 |
out float radius |
输出最小外接圆的半径 |
private string winName = "FitEllipse";
private Mat image = new Mat();
private bool fitEllipseQ = true;
private bool fitEllipseAMSQ = true;
private bool fitEllipseDirectQ = true;
private bool minEnclosingCircleColorQ = true;
Scalar minEnclosingCircleColor = new Scalar(255, 255, 0);
Scalar fitEllipseColor = new Scalar(255, 0, 0);
Scalar fitEllipseAMSColor = new Scalar(0, 255, 0);
Scalar fitEllipseDirectColor = new Scalar(0, 0, 255);
Scalar fitEllipseTrueColor = new Scalar(255, 255, 255);
public void Run(ParamBase paramBase) {
image = Cv2.ImRead(ImagePath.Ellipses, ImreadModes.Grayscale);
if (image.Empty()) throw new Exception($"图像打开有误:{ImagePath.Ellipses}");
Cv2.ImShow("source", image);
Cv2.NamedWindow(winName, WindowFlags.Normal);
Cv2.ResizeWindow(winName, image.Width * 2,image.Height*2);
Cv2.CreateTrackbar("threshold", winName, 255, ProcessImage);
Cv2.SetTrackbarPos("threshold", winName, 102);
//ProcessImage(0, IntPtr.Zero);
while (true) {
if (Cv2.WaitKey(50) == (int)Keys.Escape) break;
private void ProcessImage(int pos, IntPtr userData) {
RotatedRect box = new RotatedRect();
RotatedRect boxAMS = new RotatedRect();
RotatedRect boxDirect = new RotatedRect();
using Mat bImage = image.GreaterThanOrEqual(pos);
Point[][] contours = Cv2.FindContoursAsArray(bImage, RetrievalModes.List, ContourApproximationModes.ApproxNone);
Canvas paper = new Canvas();
paper.Init((int)(0.8 * Math.Min(bImage.Rows, bImage.Cols)), (int)(1.2 * Math.Max(bImage.Rows, bImage.Cols)));
paper.Stretch(new Point2f(0.0f, 0.0f), new Point2f((float)(bImage.Cols + 2.0), (float)(bImage.Rows + 2.0)));
List text = new List();
List color = new List();
if (minEnclosingCircleColorQ) {
if (fitEllipseQ) {
if (fitEllipseAMSQ) {
if (fitEllipseDirectQ) {
paper.DrawLabels(text.ToArray(), color.ToArray());
int margin = 2;
List> points = new List>();
for (int i = 0; i < contours.Length; i++) {
int count = contours[i].Length;
if (count < 6) continue;
List pts = new List();
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
Point pnt = contours[i][j];
if ((pnt.X > margin && pnt.Y > margin && pnt.X < bImage.Cols - margin && pnt.Y < bImage.Rows - margin)) {
if (j % 20 == 0) {
//points.Add(new List() { new Point(0, 50), new Point(0, 100), new Point(0, 150), new Point(0, 200), new Point(0, 250) });
//points.Add(new List() { new Point(100, 50), new Point(100, 50), new Point(100, 50), new Point(100, 50), new Point(100, 50) });
for (int i = 0; i < points.Count(); i++) {
var pts = points[i];
if (pts.Count() < 5) {
var ptfs = pts.ConvertAll(z => new Point2f(z.X, z.Y));
bool drawPoint = false;
if (fitEllipseQ) {
box = Cv2.FitEllipse(ptfs);
if (box.Size.Height <= box.Size.Width * 30 &&
box.Size.Width > 0) {//如果是一条直线或同一点时,Width=0
paper.DrawEllipseWithBox(box, fitEllipseColor, 3);
drawPoint = true;
if (fitEllipseAMSQ) {
boxAMS = Cv2.FitEllipseAMS(ptfs);
if (boxAMS.Size.Height <= boxAMS.Size.Width * 30 &&
boxAMS.Size.Width > 0) {
paper.DrawEllipseWithBox(boxAMS, fitEllipseAMSColor, 2);
drawPoint = true;
if (fitEllipseDirectQ) {
boxDirect = Cv2.FitEllipseDirect(ptfs);
if (boxDirect.Size.Height <= boxDirect.Size.Width * 30 &&
boxDirect.Size.Width > 0) {
paper.DrawEllipseWithBox(boxDirect, fitEllipseDirectColor, 1);
drawPoint = true;
if (!drawPoint) continue;
if (minEnclosingCircleColorQ) {
Cv2.MinEnclosingCircle(ptfs, out Point2f center, out float radius);
paper.DrawCircle(center, radius, minEnclosingCircleColor, 1);
drawPoint = true;
paper.DrawPoints(ptfs.ToArray(), fitEllipseTrueColor);
Cv2.ImShow(winName, paper.img);
internal class Canvas : IDisposable {
public bool setupQ { get; set; }
public Point origin { get; set; }
public Point corner { get; set; }
public int minDims { get; set; }
public int maxDims { get; set; }
public double scale { get; set; }
public int rows { get; set; }
public int cols { get; set; }
public Mat img { get; set; } = new Mat();
public void Init(int minD, int maxD) {
// Initialise the canvas with minimum and maximum rows and column sizes.
minDims = minD; maxDims = maxD;
origin = new Point(0, 0);
corner = new Point(0, 0);
scale = 1.0;
rows = 0;
cols = 0;
setupQ = false;
public void Stretch(Point2f min, Point2f max) {
// Stretch the canvas to include the points min and max.
if (setupQ) {
if (corner.X < max.X) { corner = new Point((int)(max.X + 1.0), corner.Y); };
if (corner.Y < max.Y) { corner = new Point(corner.X, (int)(max.Y + 1.0)); };
if (origin.X > min.X) { origin = new Point((int)min.X, origin.Y); };
if (origin.Y > min.Y) { origin = new Point(origin.X, (int)min.Y); };
else {
origin = new Point((int)min.X, (int)min.Y);
corner = new Point((int)(max.X + 1.0), (int)(max.Y + 1.0));
int c = (int)(scale * ((corner.X + 1.0) - origin.X));
if (c < minDims) {
scale = scale * (double)minDims / (double)c;
else {
if (c > maxDims) {
scale = scale * (double)maxDims / (double)c;
int r = (int)(scale * ((corner.Y + 1.0) - origin.Y));
if (r < minDims) {
scale = scale * (double)minDims / (double)r;
else {
if (r > maxDims) {
scale = scale * (double)maxDims / (double)r;
cols = (int)(scale * ((corner.X + 1.0) - origin.X));
rows = (int)(scale * ((corner.Y + 1.0) - origin.Y));
setupQ = true;
public void Stretch(Point2f[] pts) {
// Stretch the canvas so all the points pts are on the canvas.
Point2f min = pts[0];
Point2f max = pts[0];
for (int i = 1; i < pts.Length; i++) {
Point2f pnt = pts[i];
if (max.X < pnt.X) { max.X = pnt.X; };
if (max.Y < pnt.Y) { max.Y = pnt.Y; };
if (min.X > pnt.X) { min.X = pnt.X; };
if (min.Y > pnt.Y) { min.Y = pnt.Y; };
Stretch(min, max);
public void Stretch(RotatedRect box) { // Stretch the canvas so that the rectangle box is on the canvas.
Point2f min = box.Center;
Point2f max = box.Center;
Point2f[] vtx = box.Points();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
Point2f pnt = vtx[i];
if (max.X < pnt.X) { max.X = pnt.X; };
if (max.Y < pnt.Y) { max.Y = pnt.Y; };
if (min.X > pnt.X) { min.X = pnt.X; };
if (min.Y > pnt.Y) { min.Y = pnt.Y; };
Stretch(min, max);
private Point ToPoint(Point2f point2f) {
//注意OpenCV的Point2f转Point的是使用 template<> inline int saturate_cast(float v) { return cvRound(v); }
return new Point(Math.Round(point2f.X), Math.Round(point2f.Y));
public void DrawEllipseWithBox(RotatedRect box, Scalar color, int lineThickness) {
if (img.Empty()) {
img = Mat.Zeros(rows, cols, MatType.CV_8UC3);
box.Center = new Point2f(box.Center.X - origin.X, box.Center.Y - origin.Y) * scale;
box.Size.Width = (float)(scale * box.Size.Width);
box.Size.Height = (float)(scale * box.Size.Height);
Cv2.Ellipse(img, box, color, lineThickness, LineTypes.AntiAlias);
Point2f[] vtx = box.Points();
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
Cv2.Line(img, ToPoint(vtx[j]), ToPoint(vtx[(j + 1) % 4]), color, lineThickness, LineTypes.AntiAlias);
public void DrawCircle(Point2f center,float radius, Scalar color, int lineThickness) {
var Center = new Point2f(center.X - origin.X, center.Y - origin.Y) * scale;
Cv2.Circle(img, (int)((center.X - origin.X) * scale), (int)((center.Y - origin.Y) * scale), (int)(radius * scale), color, lineThickness);
public void DrawPoints(Point2f[] pts, Scalar color) {
if (img.Empty()) {
img = Mat.Zeros(rows, cols, MatType.CV_8UC3);
for (int i = 0; i < pts.Length; i++) {
Point pnt = new Point(pts[i].X - origin.X, pts[i].Y - origin.Y) * scale;
img.At(pnt.Y, pnt.X) = color.ToVec3b();
public void DrawLabels(string[] texts, Scalar[] colors) {
if (img.Empty()) {
img = Mat.Zeros(rows, cols, MatType.CV_8UC3);
int vPos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < texts.Length; i++) {
Size textsize = Cv2.GetTextSize(texts[i], HersheyFonts.HersheyComplex, 1, 1, out int baseLine);
vPos += (int)(textsize.Height * 1.3);
Point org = new Point((img.Cols - textsize.Width), vPos);
Cv2.PutText(img, texts[i], org, HersheyFonts.HersheyComplex, 1, colors[i], 1, LineTypes.Link8);
public void Dispose() {
if (img != null) { img.Dispose(); }
img = null;
template<> inline int saturate_cast(float v) { return cvRound(v); }
public readonly Point ToPoint() {
return new Point((int)X, (int)Y);