Brihat jataka章节一和章节二

Brihat jataka of Waraha Mishira



1. May the sun speak to us, who. Illuminated by his light the moon, (a) who are those who have no path to rebirth, who are those who know Atma's Atma, who is the sacrificial ritual of Deva worship, who is the king of Devas and the light of the sky, who is the author of the origin, growth and destruction of the world,  who sings in various ways in Vidas, who is posed by many rays, who formed the 'Lights of the Three Worlds'.

1. 愿太阳告诉我们, 他的光照亮月亮(a)他是那些没有重生的道路,他是知道那些意识中的意识,他是天神崇拜的祭祀仪式,他是天神之王和天空之光,他是世界的起源、成长和毁灭的作者,他以各种方式颂唱吠陀, 他投掷许多射线, 他形成了 '三个世界的光’ 。

关于这一点,我们将提醒读者注意作者在《布里哈特·萨姆希塔Brihart Samsita》第四章第二节中关于月球从太阳接收光的问题上所说的话,其内容如下:太阳的光线落在水色的月亮上反射出夜晚的黑暗(在地球上),就像(放在太阳上)的镜子反射出的光线一样,消除了房间里的黑暗

ATMAN/Atma(梵文: आत्मन्)指的是(宇宙的)自我或人类的自我存在的本质,有别于自我(Ahamkara)、思想和具体化的存在。该术语通常被翻译为灵魂,但最好翻译为“自我”,因为它仅指纯粹的意识或见证意识,超出了与现象的认同。为了达到解脱(解脱),一个人必须获得自我知识(Atma Gyaan)。阿特曼是印度各种哲学流派的一个核心概念,这些流派对阿特曼、个体自我(Jīvātman)、至高自我(Paramātmā)和根本实在(Brahman)之间的关系有不同的看法,,认为它们是:完全相同(Advaita,非二元论),[完全不同(Dvaita,二元论),或同时不不同和不同(Bhedabheda,非二元论+二元论)


Deva提婆(梵语:देव, )意思是“神圣的,神圣的,任何卓越的东西”,也是印度教中神灵的术语之一。Deva是一个男性术语;女性的对应词是Devi。在最早的吠陀文献中,所有超自然的存在都被称为天神Deva和阿修罗Asuras。


Surya rasmischandramah:


2. Though various well written works on Astrology(a) the productions of able men-—exist for the enlightenment of intelligent students of horoscopy, I begin construct this small boat consisting of stanzas written in various metres and of several meanings for the benefit of persons of broken attempts to cross the vast ocean of horoscopy.


(a) 如Parasara、Garga、Badarana、Satyacharya等人的星占作品。

3. According to some, the word hora is a corruption the word Ahorairt, the first and last letters (syllables) being dropped. The science (of horoscopy) treats of the effects of the good and bad deeds (karma) of men in their previous births.

3. 根据一些人的说法,hora这个词是由Ahorairt这个词演变而来的,它的首字母和尾字母(音节)被省略了。占星术是一门研究人类前世善恶行为(业力)影响的科学。

4. The (twelve) signs of the Zodiac, commencing with the first point of Aries and of (the asterism of) Aswani, and consisting, each, of nine stellar quarters and forming circle, are respectively the head, face, breast, heart, belly, navel, abdomen, genital organ, two thighs, two knees, two ankles and the two feet of Kalapurusha. (The terms) Rasi, kshetra, Graha, Riksha, Bham, Bhavana, are synonymous terms

4. 黄道十二宫中,从白羊座的第一个点和Aswani的星群开始,由九个四分之一的恒星组成并形成圆圈,分别是头、脸、胸、心、肚、肚脐 、腹部、生殖器、两条大腿、两条膝盖、两条脚踝和Kalapurusha的两只脚。

Kalapurusha 以拟人形式描述的时间,星曜、星座、宫位、宿度被描述成其身体部位。

这些星群或月宿被分成四个相等的部分,称为nakshatrapadas。因此黄道中有108个这样的部分,每个星座包含9个这样的部分或2又1/4个恒星分区。第一个星群Aswani,开始于白羊座的第一点,'这是星Revati,大约在春分东方20°(Vide introaction),所以Krittika星群的第二个四分之一开始于金牛座的第一点。双子座星群的第三个四分之一和Punarvasu星群的第四个四分之一开始于巨蟹座的第一个点,以此类推。

每一个术语Rasi, Kshetra, Graha和o。,意思是黄道十二宫的一个标志,是位于黄道30°的天空的第十二部分。

5. Sign Pisces is of the shape of(a) two fish ; sign Aquarius is of the shape of a man with a (water) pot ; sign Gemini is of the shape of a man and woman, (the former) with a stick and (the latter) with a lyre, both seated in one seat ; sign Sagittari is of the shape of a man 10 in his lower parts is a horse ; sign Capricorn is of shape of a crocodile with the face of a deer; sign Libra is of the shape of a person with scales (in his hand) ; and (sign Virgo is of the shape of) a virgin in a boat with crops (in one hand) and a light (in the other). The other signs resemble in shape(b) the different creatures denotted by their names. 

5. 双鱼座是(a)两条鱼的形状;水瓶座的形状像一个拿着水壶的男人。双子星座的形状是一个男人和一个女人,前者拿着棍子,后者拿着七弦琴,两人坐在一个座位上。射手座是男人的形状,在他的下部是马。摩羯座的形状像鳄鱼,脸像鹿。天秤座的形状是一个手拿天平的人。(处女座的标志是处女座的形状)一个处女在船上(一手拿着庄稼,另一手拿着一盏灯)。其他符号在形状上(b)相似的不同生物的名字。




6. Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter are respectively the lords of the Signs, and of the Signs and  of the Navamsas and Dwadasamsas; and the several signs of the Zodiac beginning from Aries commence respectively with the Navamsas of Mesha, Makara, Tula and Katara.

6. 火星、金星、水星、月亮、太阳、水星、金星、火星、木星、土星、土星和木星依次是12星座的主宰,以及NavamsasD9和DwadasamsasD12的主宰; 从白羊座开始的黄道十二宫分别从Navamsas的白羊座, 摩羯座, 天秤座和巨蟹座开始。





以及巨蟹座, 天蝎座, 双鱼座,从巨蟹座的Navamsa开始。

The Dwadasamaas: The twelve parts into which each sign is divided bear the same names as those of tho signs of the Zodiac. The name of the first Dwadasamsa of a particular sign is the name of the sign itself. So that the 12 Dwadasameas of Mesha are Mesha, Vrighabha, Mithune, &c., ending with Meena. Those of Vrishabha are Vrishabha, Mithuna, Kataka, &c., ending with Mesha. Those of Mithuna are Mithuua, Kataka, Simha, &c., ending with Vrishabha and so on


7.Five, five, eight, seven and five parts (drees) respectively those of Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus, in the odd signs. In the even signs their orer is reversed. The ends (last Navamsas) of Kataka, Vrischika and Meena are known as Riksha sandbis.

7.五,五,八,七和五部分(度数)分别是火星,土星,木星,水星和金星,在奇数的星座。在偶数星座中,它们的顺序是相反的。Kataka巨蟹座, Vrischika天蝎座和Meena双鱼的结尾(最后的Navamsas)被称为Riksha sanudhis。

8. The terms Kriya, Tavuri, Jituma, Kulira, Leya, Pathona, Juka, Kourpi, Toukshika, Akokera, Hridroga and Antyabba (are other names for the signs of the Zodiac).

8. Kriya, Tavuri, Jituma, Kulira, Leya, Pathona, Juka, Kourpi, Toukshika, Akokera, Hridroga和Antyabba区间(是黄道十二宫的其他名称)。

以上所有名字,除了 Kalira 和 Antyabha 显然是希腊语转译——这种情况清楚地表明印度和希腊的博学之士之间的交往不仅仅是肤浅的。

9. A planet is said to be in its Varga if it be in its Drekana, Hora, Navamsa, Trimsemsa, Dwadasamsa and Kshetra. The term Hora means both the rising sign and one half of a sign of the Zodiac.

9. 如果一个行星在它的Drekana D3, Hora D2, Navamsa D9, Trimsemsa D30, Dwadasamsa D12和Kshetra,那么它就被称为Varga。HoraD2区间一词既指上升星座,也指黄道十二宫的一半星座。

Kshetra这个词的意思是一个房子或星座。hora D2各分部的名字和入庙主宰参见Stapza 11。

10. The signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Sagittari andd Capricorn are known as the night signs ;(a) and, with the exception of Gemini, they rise with their feet. The other signs rise with their. heads(c) and are powerful by day(d). The two fish rise by both (head and foot) 

10. 白羊座、金牛座、双子座、巨蟹座、射手座和摩羯座是众所周知的夜间星座;(a)而且,除了双子座,他们是从脚部上升的。其他星座随着他们的头部上升,并且在白天时很强大。 双鱼同时从头和脚部上升

从他们的脚上升起的星座被称为 Prishdaya Rasis,这些星座是白羊座、金牛座、巨蟹座、射手座和摩羯座.

从头顶上升的星座被称为 Sirorya Rasis,它们是双子座、狮子座、处女座。 天秤座、天蝎座和水瓶座。

11. The signs from Aries are by turns malefic and benefic, masculine and fominine (a) and movable, fixed and both movable and fixed(b). The signs Aries, Tauras, Gemini and Cancer with their triangular signs denote each spectively the East, South, West and North(c). The two horas of the odd signs are respectively the Solar and Lunar horas, and the two of the even signs are respectivly the Lunar and Solar horas. The lords of the Drekkanas,(d)(of a particular sign) are respectively the lords that sign, the 5th sign and the 9th sign.

11. 从白羊座的星座依次为凶与吉、阳与阴(a)和变动星座、固定星座和既变动又固定的星座(b)。白羊座、金牛座、双子座和巨蟹座及其三角形标志分别表示东、南、西和北 (c)。 奇数的两个horas分别是太阳和月亮的horas,偶数的两个horas分别是月亮和太阳的horas。Drekkanas D3的主管分别是5th、9th星座

a) 换句话说,奇数星座都是凶和阳性,偶数符号都是吉和阴性。

b) 白羊座、巨蟹座、天秤座和摩羯座是变动的。








12, Aocording to some(a) the lords of the two horas of a sign are respectively the lords of the sign and of the 11th sign(b); and the lords of the three. Drekknnas of a sign are respectively the lords of the sign, the 12th sign and the 11th sign(c) from it.

12、根据某些人的说法,一个星座的horas D2的主宰分别是这个星座的主宰在和第11个星座的主宰; 以及三者的主宰Drekknnas D3分别是这个星座的主宰,第12个星座和第11个星座的主宰(c)

a) 也就是说,根据 Garga 和他学校的人的说法。 但作者的观点是在第 11 节中表达的,其中他得到了 Satyaeharyn 的观点的支持。

b) 例如,射手座的两个horas的主宰分别是木星(射手座的主宰)和金星(天秤座的第11宫主宰)


13. The Signs Aries, Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, Pisces and Libra are respectively the Uooha (exaltation) signs of the Sun and other planets. The 10th, 3rd, 28th, 15th, 5th, 27th, and 20th are the degrees of maiu exaltation of the several planets. The 7th or opposite signs are the Neecha (depression) signs ; and the degrees of main depression are the same as given above.



行星          Uoocha 或 Exal-    Neecha 或 de-      Degrce of matn

                 tation Signs          pression Signs.      Exaltation or Depression.

太阳          白羊                      天平                      10

月亮          金牛                      天蝎                      3

火星          摩羯                      巨蟹                      28

水星          处女                      双鱼                      15

木星          巨蟹                      摩羯                      5

金星          双鱼                      处女                      27

土星          天平                      白羊                      20

14. In the movable and other signs (a) , the first, the central and the last Navamsas are known as vargottama positions. Planets in such positions will produce ‘good effects. The signs Leo, Taurus, Aries, Virgo, Sagittari, Libra, and Aquarius are known as the Moolatrikona houses of the planets respectively.(b) |

14.在可动星座和其他星座(a)中,第一、中心和最后一个Navamsas被称为vargottama位置。行星在这样的位置会产生 "好的影响"。狮子座、金牛座、白羊座、处女座、人马座、天秤座和水瓶座分别被称为行星的Moolatrikona宫(b)。

(a) Vargottama的位置是:第1个Navamaas,是白羊座、巨蟹座、天秤座和摩羯座这四个变动的星座。




(b) 以下列表包含了Moola Trikona,即行星的星座:

行星    Moola Trikona星座。

太阳.          狮子座

月亮.          金牛座

火星.          白羊座

水星.          处女座

木星.          射手座

金星.          天秤座

土星.          水瓶座

15. The sigoifications of the 12 houses from the rising sign (ascendant) are respectively (a native’s) body, family, brohers, relations, sons, enemies, wife, death, deed of virtue, avocation, gain and lose (a). The 3rd, 6th, 10th 11th houses from the ascendant are known as the Upachaya (improving) signs, but not so according to some.(b)


(a) 下面是一份从上升星座到黄道十二宫的含义列表。

Ascendant or

1st house…身体, 名望. 肢体.

2nd house…家庭、财富、眼睛、真实性.

3rd house…兄弟, 勇敢, 膳食:

4th house...关系、教育、母亲、牛、居住地、马车、安慰.

5th house..儿子、智力、前世的业力.

6th house…敌人、亲属、疾病.

7th house... 妻子, 慷慨, 尊重.

8th house…死亡,生命期限. 

9th house…德行之举,父亲,医学

10th house…职业/兴趣爱好/副业(Avocation)、知识、衣服.

11th house...收益,赚取. 

12th house...损失、坏事、旅行.

(b) Garga和他的学派的占星家们认为,如果凶星或对这4个宫主不友好的行星占据了这些宫位或与之相位,那么第3、第6、第10和第11宫不再是Upachaya(改善)的位置。但是,作者并不同意Garga的观点,他的观点得到了Satyacharya和Yavaneswara的支持。

16. The twelve signs of the Zodiac beginning from ie ascendant are known technically as the signs of (1) Kalpa (power), (2) Sva (wealth), (3) Vikrama (prowess), (4) Graha (dwelling place), (5) Pratibha (intelligence), (6) ‘Kshata (wound), (7) Manmatha (desire), (8) Randhra, (9) Guru (father or preceptor), (10) Mana (respectability), (11) Bhava (acquisition), (12) Vyaya (loss).. The 4th and 8th houses are known as Chaturasra signs. The 7th house is know as Dyuna and the 10th house is known as Ajna.

16.从上升星座开始的十二星座在技术上被称为(1)Kalpa(权力),(2)Sva(财富),(3)Vikrama(能力),(4)Graha(居住地)的星座。(5) Pratibha(智力),(6) 'Kshata(伤口),(7) Manmatha(欲望),(8) Randhra,(9) Guru(父亲或戒律者),(10) Mana(尊敬),(11) Bhava(获得),(12) Vyaya(损失)。 . 第四和第八宫被称为Chaturasra星座。第七宫被称为Dyuna,第十宫被称为Ajna。

A number of astrological terms are defined in this stanza.这一节中定义了一些占星术语。

17. The 1st, 4th, 7th and J0th houses are know as Kantaks or Kendra or Chatushtaya houses (quadrants or angles). If these four houses should happen to be biped, aquatic, centiped and quadruped respectively, they then possess strength. .






18. The houses next to the angles are known as Panaphara houses and those next to them are know as Apoklima house. The 4th house is known as Hibuka, Ambu,  Snkha and Vesma. The7th house is known as Jamitra. The 5th house is known as Trikona. The 10th house is known as Meshoorana and Karma.

18.挨着角宫的宫位被称为Panaphara宫(续宫),再接着他的宫被称为Apoklima宫(果宫/下降宫)。第四宫被称为Hibuka, Ambu, Snkha和Vesma。第七宫被称为Jamitra。第五宫被称为Trikona。第十宫被称为Meshoorana和Karma。


Panaphara宫是2, 5, 8和11宫。


19. If the lord of the ascondant or Jupiter or Mercury should either occupy it or aspect it, the ascendant (Lagna) would become powerful and not by other planets. The Kendra signs are naturally powerful (a) The biped signs are powerful during the day, the quairuped signs at night, and the centiped signs at sunrise and at sunset. The Mana (measurement) (6) of the first six signs from Aries are 20,24,28,32,36,and 40 respectively;and those of the next six signs are 40, 36, 32, 28, 24, and 20 respectively. The 3rd house is known as Duschikya, The 9th as Tapas and Tritrikona.

19.如果上升星座或木星或水星的主星出现在占据它或与它相位,上升星座(Lagna)就会变得强大,而不是由其他行星来决定。 Kendra星座自然是强大的(a)双元星座在白天是强大的,四足星座在晚上是强大的,而多足星座在日出和日落时分是强大的。从白羊座开始的前六个星座的Mana(测量)(b)分别为20,24,28,32,36,和40;后六个星座的Mana(测量)分别为40,36,32,28,24,和20。第三宫被称为Duschikya,第九宫被称为Tapas和Tritrikona。

(a) 因此,Panaphara房屋的力量不如Kendras,而Apoklima房屋是所有房屋中最弱的。

(b) 这句话应用在第五章的第23节。

20. The twelve signs beginning from Aries are respectively (Aries) red, (Taurus) white, (Gemini)of the color of he parrot, (Cancer), of the color of Patali (trumpet flower), (Leo) black white, (Virgo) variegated in color, (Libra) black, (Scorpio) of gold color, (Sagittari) of the color of the husk of paddy, (Capricorn) white red, (Aquarius) of the color of Mongoose, and (Pisces) of the color of fish. The signs are known as Plava (depressed) in the direction of their lords. The 2nd house to that occupied by the Sun is known as Vesi.




定义和基本原则续 -(行星).

1. To the Kalapurusha, the Sun is the soul, the Moon s the mind, Mars is strength, Mercury is speech, Jupiter is knowledge and health, Venus is desire, and Saturn is sorrow. | Of the planets the Sun and Moon are kings, Mars is Geneal, Mercury is the first prince, Jupiter and Venus are sellers and Saturn is servant.

1. 对Kalapurusha来说,太阳是灵魂,月亮是思想,火星是力量,水星是语言,木星是知识和健康,金星是欲望,土星是悲伤。在行星中,太阳和月亮是国王,火星是将军,水星是第一王子,木星和金星是大臣,土星是仆人。

2.Heli is the Sun ; Seetharasmi is the Moon ; Heman,Vit, Gna, Bodhana and Induputra (Son of Moon) are the names of Mercury; Ara, Vakra, Kroradrik, Avaneya (son of Earth) are the names of Mars; Kona, Manda, Suryaputra(son of the Sun) and Asita (the black planet) are the names Saturn.


3. Jeeva, Angirasa, Suraguru (the preceptor of Devas), Vachasampuati, Ijya are the names of Jupiter; Sukra, Bhrigu, Bhrigusuta, Sita (the white planet), Asphujit, are the names of Venus; Tama (darkness), Agu and Asura are the names of Rahu (the Moon’s ascending node); Sikhi is the name of Ketu (the Moon’s descending node). Terms synonymous with the above should also be accepted(as the names of the several planets).

3.Jeeva, Angirasa, Suraguru(提婆神的导师), Vachasampuati, Ijya是木星的名字; Sukra, Bhrigu, Bhrigusuta, Sita(白色星球), Asphujit, 是金星的名字; Tama(黑暗), Agu and Asura是罗睺的名字(月亮的上升交点); Sikhi是计都的名字(月亮的下降交点). 与上述同义词也应被接受(作为几颗行星的名字)。

4. The Sun is of a red and dark-brown color; the Moon is white ; Mars is not of a tall figure, and is both red and white; Mercary is green like the color of the bent grass ; Jupiter is yellow Jike molten gold ; Venus is neither very white nor very black, and Saturn is black

4. 太阳是红色和黑褐色的;月亮是白色的;火星的身材不高,既是红色又是白色;水星是绿色的,像弯曲的草的颜色;木星是黄色的,像熔化的黄金;金星既不是很白也不是很黑,土星是黑色的。


5. Tho Sun ‘presides over copper color ; the Moon over white color ; Mars over red color; Mercury over green color ; Jupiter over yellow color; Venus over a mixture of various colors ; and Saturn over black color. (a) 

The Sun is Agni; the Moon is Varnna; Mars is Subbbramania ; Mercury is Vishnu ; Jupiter is Indra ; Venus is Indrani (Indra’s wife) ; and Saturn is Brahma (b) .

The Sun presides over east; Venus, south-east ; Mars south; Rahu south-west; Saturn west ; the Moon north west ; Mercury north ; Jupiter north-east. (c) 

The waning Moon, the Sun, Mars, Saturn and Mercury when in conjunction with any of these are malefic planets (d).

5. 太阳掌管铜色;月亮掌管白色;火星掌管红色;水星掌管绿色;木星掌管黄色;金星掌管各种颜色的混合物;土星掌管黑色。(a) 

太阳是Agni;月亮是Varnna;火星是Subbbramania;水星是Vishnu;木星是Indra;金星是Indrani(Indra的妻子);Saturn是Brahma (b) .



(a)这些有助于确定被盗物品的颜色和 在确定用于崇拜行星的花的颜色方面很有用。



(d) 木星、金星和水星与其中任何一个结合时,都是有利的行星。

6.Mercury is and Saturn are hermaphrodite planets (a); the Moon and Venus are female planets, and the rest (b) are male planets. Mars is fire ; Mercury is earth ;' Jupiter a is akas (ether) ; Venus is water; and Saturn is air.(c) 


(a) 水星是阴性雌雄同体,土星是阳性雌雄同体。

(b) 也就是说,太阳、火星和木星是阳性行星。

(c) 太阳是火元素,月亮是水元素。

7. Venus and Jupiter are Brahmins ; Mars and the Sun are Ksbatriyas ; the Moon is a Vysya ; Mercury is a Sudra ; and Saturn is a Chandala.

The Moon, the Sun and Jupiter are of Satwaguna(good temper) ; Mercury and Venus are of Rajoguna (passionate temper) : Mars and Saturn are of Tamgguna (dark temper)

7. 金星和木星是婆罗门;火星和太阳是克什巴特里亚;月亮是维夏;水星是首陀罗;土星是昌达拉。


8. The Sun has somewhat yellow eyes, is of the height of the length of the two arms stretched out, of bilious nattire and with very little hair on his head.

The Moon has a thin and a round body, is of an exceedingly windy and phlegmatic nature, is learned and has a soft voice and beautiful eyes.

8. 太阳的眼睛有点发黄,身高相当于两只手伸出来的长度,有胆量,头上的头发很少。


9. Mars has sharp and cruel eyes and a young body, is generous, of bilious nature, of unsteady mind, and has a narrow middle.

Mercury has an impediment in his speech, is fond of joke, and is of a bilious, windy and phlegmatic nature.

9. 火星的眼睛锐利而残酷,身体年轻,为人慷慨,有胆量,心性不稳,心胸狭窄。


10. Jupter has a big body, (a) yellow hairs and eyes, high intellectual powers, and a phlegmatic nature.

Venus leads a comfortable life, has a beautiful body, fair eyes,a windy and phlegmatic nature, and black curling hairs.

10. 木星有一个大的身体,(a)黄色的头发和眼睛,高智商和冷静的天性。


(a) 木星是所有行星中最大的,古老的印度人在几个世纪前就意识到了这一点.

11. Saturn is lazy, has eyes of gold color, a thin and tall body, large teeth, stiff hair, and is of a windy nature.

Saturn is strong in muscles, the Sun in bones, the Moon in blood, Mercury in skin, Venus in semen, Jupiter in flesh, and Mars in the marrow of the bones.

11. 土星是懒惰的,眼睛是金色的,身体瘦高,牙齿大,头发僵硬,冷静的天性。


12. The Sun presides over the place of worship; the Moon over wells; Mars over the fire place; Mercury over play grounds ;Jupiter over the store room; Venus over bed room, and Saturn over places where sweepings are gathered.

The garment of the Sun is of thick thread; that of the Moon is new; that of Mars is partly burnt; that of Mercury is wet ;that of Jupiter is somewhat used that of Venus is strong ; and that of Saturn is torn.

The Sun presides over copper; the Moon over gems; Mars over gold; Mercury over brass ; Jupiter over silver ;(a) Venus over pearls ; and Saturn over iron.

When either Saturn is in the ascendant or when his Drekkana is rising, the season denoted is Sisira—January nd February.

When either Venus is in the ascendant, or when his Dekkana is rising, the season denoted is Vasantha (Spring)—March and April.

Similarly in the case of the Sun or Mars, the season enoted is Greeshma (Summer)—May and June. In tbe case of the Moon, the season is Varsha (Winter)—July, and August. In the case of Mercury stheeason is Sarat—September and October. And in the case of Jupiter the season is Hemanta—November and December.

12. 太阳掌管礼拜场所;月亮掌管水井;火星掌管火场;水星掌管游乐场所;木星掌管储藏室;金星掌管寝室;土星掌管聚集清扫物品的地方。



当土星在上升星座或当他的Drekkana(d3)上升时,表示的季节是Sisira —1月和2月。



(a) 当木星在他自己的宫位时,掌管老旧的事物。

13. All the planets aspect the 3rd and 10th houses with a quarter sight, the 5th and 9th house with half a sight, the 4th and 8th houses with three-quarters of a sight, and the 7th house with a full sight; but Saturn aspects the 3rd and 10th houses with a full sight; Jupiter aspects the 5th and 9th houses with a full sight, and Mars aspects the 4th and 8th houses with a full sight.

13. 所有的行星都与第3和第10宫有四分之一的相位,第5和第9宫有一半的相位,第4和第8宫有四分之三的相位,第七宫有全部的相位;但土星与第3和第10宫有全部相位;木星与第5和第9宫有全部相位,火星与第4和第8宫有全部相位。

Suppose A to be a point in the ecliptic occupied by an aspecting planet ; divide the ecliptic into 12 equal parts of 30° each, beginning from A. So that the 12 points of division will be those respectively marked by A, 30°, 60 , 90° 120°, 150°. 180°. 219°. 240°. 270°. 300°. and 330°. and for purposes of planetary aspects, these points are respectely the middle points of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd. 4th, &c. to 12 houses. So that a planet at A aspects with a quarter sight the middle points of the 3rd and 10th houses, i.e., the points merked 60° and 270° respectively ; similary it aspects with a half sight points marked 120° and 240° with three-quarters of a sight points marked 90° and 210° ; and with a full sight point marked 180°. The degree of aspects for other places must be determined by proportion or rule of three, from the degree of aspects of the next points before and behind. As regards the special aspects of Saturn, Jupiter and Mars, a similar course should be adopted. But if one planet aspects another planet, then subtract the longitude of the former from that of the latter, i. e, take e distance between the two planets in degree and calculate the degree of aspect as stated above.


14. The Sun indicates six moths; the Moon two Gatikas or forty-eight minutes ; Mars a day; Mercury two month ; Jupiter a month ; Venus a fortnight ; and Saturn a year.

The Sun presides over pungent flavor; the Moon over salt flavor ; Mars over acerbity ; Mercury over mixed flavor Jupiter over sweetness ; Venus over sourness ; and Saturn over bitterness.

14. 太阳表示六天;月亮表示两个Gatikas或四十八分钟;火星表示一天;水星表示两个月;木星表示一个月;金星表示两周;土星表示一年。太阳主宰辛辣味;月亮主宰咸味;火星主宰涩味;水星主宰混合味;木星主宰甜味;金星主宰酸味;而土星主宰苦味。

15. According to Jupiter is the friend of the Sun ; Jupiter and Mercury are the friends of the Moon ; Venus and Mercury are the friends of Mars, The Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are the friends of Mercury. The Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn are the friends of Jupiter. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are the friends of Venus. Mercury, Jupiter anil nus are the friends of Saturn(a). But according to Satyacharya a. planet’s friends are the lords of the 2nd,12th,5th,9th,8th and 4th houses from his Moolatrikona sign as well as the lord of the exaltation sign of such planet, provided they do not conflict with the lords of the remaining houses.(b),

15. 根据木星是太阳的朋友;木星和水星是月亮的朋友;金星和水星是火星的朋友,月亮、火星、木星、金星和土星是水星的朋友。太阳、月亮、水星、金星和土星是木星的朋友。火星、水星、木星和土星是金星的朋友。水星、木星和金星是土星的朋友(a)。但是根据Satyacharya的说法,行星的朋友是来自他的Moolatrikona星座的第2、12、5、9、8和4宫的宫主,以及该行星的擢升星座主,只要他们不与其余宫的宫主相冲突(b)。

(a) 其他行星是敌人。

(b) 同样的情况也可以用其他方式来表达:其余宫位的主宰者是一颗行星的敌人,只要他们不与上述七个宫位的主宰者冲突。把这两者放在一起,我们可以得到以下的结果。

(1). 七个宫位的宫主如果不同时是其余宫位的宫主,就是该行星的朋友。


(3) 那些可能同时是两个宫的宫主的人,既不是该行星的朋友也不是敌人。


16. Saturn and Venns are the enemies of the Sun, Mercury is his neutral, and the rest are his friends, The Sun and Mercury are the friends of the Moon and the rest are her neutrals.(a) 

The Sun, the Moon, and Jupiter are the friends of Mars ; Mercury is his enemy, and Venus and Saturn are his neutrals.

The Sun and Venus are the friends of Mercury ; the Moon is his enemy, and the rest are his neutrals.

16. 土星和金星是太阳的敌人,水星是他的中立者,其余的是他的朋友,太阳和水星是月亮的朋友,其余的是她的中立者(a) 。



17. Mercury and Venus are the enemies of Jupiter ; Saturn is his neutral, and the rest are his friends. 

Mercury and Saturn are the friends of Venus ; Mars and Jupiter are her neutrals, and the rest are her enemies.

Venus and Mercury are the friends of Saturn ; Jupiter is his neutral, and the rest are his enemies.(b)

Thus have I stated over again at length the views of Satyacharya regarding the natural or permanent frienship, enmity and heutrality among planets.

17. 水星和金星是木星的敌人;土星是他的中立者,其余是他的朋友。





(b) 我们现在要研究作者是如何得出最后两节中的三个结果的。

以太阳为例。他的Moolatrikona宫是狮子座。(见第14节)从狮子座开始的第2、12、5、9、8和4宫分别是处女座、巨蟹座、射手座、白羊座、双鱼座和天蝎座。太阳的擢升宫是白羊座。所有这些宫位的领主分别是水星、月亮、木星、火星、木星和火星,或者放弃重复,我们得到的是水星、月亮木星和火星。在白羊座被重复的7个宫位中,我们只处理了6个宫位。 黄道十二宫的其他6个宫位是狮子座、天秤座、摩羯座、水瓶座、金牛座和双子座。它们的主星分别是太阳、金星、土星、土星。金星和水星,或放弃和重复,我们得到太阳,金星、土星和水星。我们将这些与前一组宫位的主星进行比较,即水星、月亮、木星和火星。我们发现,水星是唯一出现在两份名单中的行星。因此它是太阳的中立者。金星和土星是他的敌人,而月亮、火星和木星是他的朋友。其他行星也是如此。

18. Planets that occupy the 2nd, 12th, 11th, 3rd, 10th and 4th houses from a particular planet are the friends of that planet and the rest are his enemies for the time. According to some, the planets that occupy the exaltation sign of a particular planet are also the friends of that planet. Combining together the three natural relations (vide stanzas 16 and 17) with the two relations for the time now given, we may determine the five following relations existing between planets: Atimitra (great friend), Mitra (friend), Sama (neutral), Satru (enemy) and Atisatru, (great enemy.)

18. 占据某颗行星的第2宫、第12宫、第11宫、第3宫、第10宫和第4宫的行星是该行星的朋友,其余的是他的敌人。根据一些人的说法,占据某颗行星的擢升星座的行星也是该行星的朋友。将三种自然关系(见第16和17节)与现在给出的两种时间关系结合起来,我们可以确定行星之间存在以下五种关系。Atimitra(伟大的朋友)、Mitra(朋友)、Sama(中立)、Satru(敌人)和Atisatru(大敌)。


第16和17节下      第18节下      结果

Mitra(朋友) +  Mitra(朋友)=Atimitra(伟大的朋友)

Satru(敌人) +  Satru(敌人)=Atisatru(大敌)

Sama(中立) +  Mitra(朋友)=Mitra(朋友)

Sama(中立) +  Satru(敌人)=Satru(敌人)

Mitra(朋友)  +  Satru(敌人)=Sama(中立)

19. A planet has sthanabala (local or positional strength) when in his exaltation sign,(a) friendly sign,(b) Drekkasa(c)  in his Navamsa(d), or in his Kshetra, house(e).

Mercury and Jupiter are powerful when in the East(f) or ising sign. The Sun and Mars are powerful when on the south or tenth sign.

Saturn is powerful when in the West or setting sign, and the Moon and Venus are powerful when in the North or the 4th sign (Patala).

 19. 一颗行星在他的擢升星座(a)、友好星座(b)、Drekkasa(c)、在他的Navamsa(d)、或在他的Kshetra宫位(e)时具有sthanabala(当地或位置的力量)。



(a)请看章节I 第13节

(b)请看章节Il 第16-18节

(c)请看章节I 第11和12节

(d)请看章节I 第6节

(e)请看章节I 第6节

20. The Sun and the Moon possess Cheshtabala (notional strength) when in any of the six signs from Makara.

The other planets possess it when in their retrogade motion or when in conjunction with the Moon (Samagama) or when in their greatest brilliancy or when they happen to be the northern planets in planetary conjunction (Yudha).

20. 当太阳和月亮处于从Makara开始的6个星座中的任何一个时,都拥有Cheshtabala(名义上的力量)。


21. The Moon, Mars and Saturn possess Kalabala (temporal strength) at night; Mercury possesses it both day and night; and the other planets(a) possess it by day. The malefic planets possess it during the waning moon (Krishna paksha) and the benefic planets during the waxing moon (Sakla paksha). Also each planet has it in his year, month, day and hour.

Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus the Moon and the Sun are each naturally stronger than the immediately preceding planet in the order stated(b)

21. 月亮、火星和土星在晚上拥有Kalabala(时间力量);水星在白天和晚上都拥有力量;而其他行星(a)在白天拥有力量。凶星在亏月(Krishna paksha)时拥有力量,吉星在盈月(Sakla paksha)时拥有力量。此外,每个行星在他的年、月、日和小时都拥有力量。


(a) 即太阳、木星

(b) 这种力量被称为Naisargikabala

在应用后面几页所包含的占星真理之前,读者必须考虑每个宫位、宫主以及占据或影响该宫位的行星的优势或劣势。为了这些和其他各种目的,仅仅有一个Rasi Ohakra或Navamsa Chakra来大致代表行星的位置是不行的。应该知道行星和Lagna与Revati的实际经度(sphuta)。

你可能感兴趣的:(Brihat jataka章节一和章节二)