Scribbling、drawing on the wall

1.What's this on the wall?墙上是什么

2.Look what you have done! You scribbled all over the wall.看看你做的好事,又在墙上乱画。

3.Did you draw on the wall again?你又在墙上画画了?

4.How many times do I have to tell you?don't draw on the wall.

5.I know you like drawing.

6.You are really good at drawing,I like your picture.

7.But we don't draw on the wall,we draw on the paper.

8.Get a piece of paper,let's draw a picture together.

9.What did you draw?Can you tell me more about it?

Let's find your paper and crayons.

Let's go to the board. 让我们去白板那里

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