iOS MDM设备底层工作原理




步骤1: MDM服务器发送一个MDM推送信息,告诉设备服务器需要你执行的命令了。
步骤2: 苹果推送通知给iOS设备
步骤3: 当设备空闲和有网络时,去连接MDM服务器并告诉服务器其状态
步骤4: MDM服务器根据设备状态返回给设备需要执行的命令
步骤5: 设备执行了命令,并将执行的结果给MDM服务器

本文我们主要讲的是步骤2,设备怎么收到Apple APNS通知的,以及收到MDM通知之后要做的事情。

一. 对apsd进程的分析
  1. 我们先看一段设备日志
iphone apsd(CommonUtilities)[95] : Created power assertion {identifier: APSCourier(tcpStream:dataReceived:)}
iphone apsd[95] : : Outstanding data received:  (length 198) onInterface: WWAN. Connected on 1 interfaces.
iphone apsd[95] : : Stream processing: complete yes, invalid no, length parsed 198, parameters 
iphone apsd(CommonUtilities)[95] : Created power assertion {identifier: APSCourier(tcpStream:dataReceived:)}
iphone apsd[95] : copyTokenForDomain (null)
iphone apsd[95] :  timestampForTopic?  token 
iphone apsd[95] :  receivedPushWithTopic  token  payload  timestamp Wed Jun 10 16:18:29 2020
iphone apsd[95] : : Received message for enabled topic '' onInterface: WWAN with payload '' with priority 10 for device token: YES
iphone apsd[95] :  asked to store incoming message  with guid  environment 
iphone apsd[95] : APSMessageStore - New message record [] has ID [23469].
iphone apsd[95] : : Sending acknowledgement message with response 0 and messageId  (426590595)
iphone apsd(PersistentConnection)[95] :  isLTEWithCDRX? Unknown  --  powerlog value 0
iphone apsd[95] : :APSNetworkMonitor decaying cost (0 - 15) = 0 for 54.468050 seconds
iphone apsd[95] : :APSNetworkMonitor addCost: 100 - _currentCost is now 100
iphone apsd[95] :  _notifyForIncomingMessage  with guid 
iphone apsd[95] : Pinging client via mach since we are not currently connected for port 
iphone apsd[95] : : Calling into AWD for PushReceived
iphone apsd[95] : submitted metric 
iphone apsd[95] : : AWD for PushReceived finished
iphone apsd[95] : : Stream processing: complete no, invalid no, length parsed 0, parameters (null)
iphone apsd[95] : Created metric container: 0x130004 succeeded? YES
iphone apsd[95] : Successfully pinged client
iphone apsd[95] : Submitted metric: 0x130004 succeeded? YES
iphone apsd(CommonUtilities)[95] : Created power assertion {identifier: APSCourier(tcpStream:dataReceived:)}
iphone apsd[95] : : Outstanding data received:  (length 4) onInterface: WWAN. Connected on 1 interfaces.
iphone apsd[95] : : Stream processing: complete yes, invalid no, length parsed 4, parameters 
iphone apsd[95] : : Received keep-alive response 1 on interface WWAN: 
iphone apsd(CommonUtilities)[95] : Releasing power assertion {identifier: APSCourier(tcpStream:dataReceived:)}
iphone apsd(CommonUtilities)[95] : Created power assertion {identifier: APSCourier(tcpStream:dataReceived:)}
iphone apsd[95] : : Stream processing: complete no, invalid no, length parsed 0, parameters (null)


  1. apsd进程会把当前的任务存储下来例如:
iphone apsd[95] : APSMessageStore - New message record [] has ID [23469].
iphone apsd[95] : : Sending acknowledgement message with response 0 and messageId  (426590595)


  1. 如果日志里面有这样的日志如下:
iphone apsd[95] : Dispatching high priority message on server: 


二. 对mdmd进程的分析
  1. 接下来我们再看一下mdmd进程,mdmd是被apsd唤醒执行MDM任务的进程,(在MDM执行命令工作原理步骤3、4、5都是通过mdmd进程完成的)。来看一下mdmd设备的日志:
(1)iphone mdmd(libdyld.dylib)[11636] : mdmd starting...

iphone mdmd[11636] : Starting power assertion: Start MCMDMServer
iphone mdmd(ApplePushService)[11636] : Initializing APSConnection : env=development queue=(null)
iphone mdmd[11636] : Starting power assertion: Connection did receive public token: 
iphone mdmd(ApplePushService)[11636] :  returned from  didReceivePublicToken:
(2)iphone mdmd(ApplePushService)[11636] :  Delivering message from apsd:  426590595 
iphone mdmd(ApplePushService)[11636] :  making delegate () calls to deliver message 426590595  for topic 

iphone mdmd(ApplePushService)[11636] :  calling  connection:didReceiveMessageForTopic:
(3)iphone mdmd[11636] : Starting power assertion: Connection did receive message for topic:,, user info: {
    aps =     {
    identifier = "8346ee76-07b2-4377-a25e-b63b68368811";
    mdm = "0D034E67-DD6D-4328-939C-600096536611";
Jun 10 16:18:29 iPhone-XR mdmd(ApplePushService)[11636] : Received push notification.

(4)iphone mdmd[11636] : Polling MDM server https://host:port/server for next command.

(5)iphone mdmd[11636] : Command Status: Acknowledged

(6)iphone mdmd[11636] : Polling MDM server https://host:port/server for next command.

(7)iphone mdmd(libobjc.A.dylib)[11636] : Ending power assertion: Connection did receive message for topic:, user info: {
    aps =     {
    identifier = "8346ee76-07b2-4377-a25e-b63b68368811";
    mdm = "0D034E67-DD6D-4328-939C-600096536611";

(8)iphone mdmd(libdyld.dylib)[11636] : mdmd preparing to stop.
  1. 对于(1)我们可以清除看的mdmd线程启动情况
  2. 对于(2)的Delivering message from apsd: 426590595 其中426590595就是我们apsd进程sending的任务id,这里就一一对应起来了。
  3. 对于(3)这个就是我们(图1)中对应的步骤2收到的唤醒通知的信息,根据这个信息进行(4)。这句日志里有Starting power assertion:标志着开始。
  4. 对于(4)就是(图1)中对应的步骤3,向你的服务器polling MDM指令。
  5. 对于(5)中Acknowledged就是标志MDM指令处理完毕,要向服务器ack确认。
  6. 对于(6)在ack确认的时候,实际发的还是第(4)的polling,为了查看服务端是否还有MDM指令,若有继续执行拉取的MDM指令,若没有就进行(7)。
  7. 对于(7)这句日志里面有Ending power assertion:标志着此MDM命令结束,和(3)一一对应的。starting一条数据就会有ending一条数据。
  8. 对于(8)就是停止mdmd进程。如果再来MDM指令就会重新走整个流程。


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