

英文 中文
This will look good in your office. 摆在办公室会很漂亮
What, take that thing on the train, 什么把那东西带着上火车
like some kid who won at the 4-H? 像个孩子赢了4-H大奖一样吗[俱乐部]
Besides, no one wants to look like they care about awards. 而且没人想表现得很在乎拿这个奖
But you do. 可你很在意
Isn't that sad? 是不是很悲哀
Roger was very eloquent. 罗杰的口才真好
He likes to be recognized for selling. 他喜欢别人一看就知道他是搞销售的
Creative is less important. 创造力不是很重要
Creative helps sell. 创造力有助于销售
But he gave the speech. 可是上台致辞的人是他
Look at you in this tuxedo. 看你穿的这身礼服
Say it for me. 说这句话
Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Draper. 很高兴见到你德雷柏夫人
Enchanted. 我被迷住了
It's 8:00. 八点了
Shit. 糟糕
Oh, my Lord. 上帝
Mommy, Mommy! Ethel's downstairs. 妈咪妈咪 艾瑟在楼下

She's making us breakfast. 她在给我们做早饭
Sally, Mommy has a headache. 萨丽妈妈头痛
What's that thing? 这是什么
Daddy's boss won an award. 爸爸的老板得奖了
Daddy won one, too. 爸爸也得一个
An award for good horses? 优马奖吗
Go downstairs and eat something. 下楼去吃东西
I think there's Alka-Seltzer in the kitchen. 厨房有治消化不良的药
Are you okay? 你还好吧
Yeah, just do it in the kitchen. 去厨房弄吧
I don't want to hear the bubbles. 我可不想听到水声
Congratulations, Mr. Draper. 恭喜德雷柏先生
Thank you. 谢谢
I hear Advertising Age ran a picture. 我听说《广告时代》杂志登了照片
Fortunately, no one reads that. 幸好没人会读那个
That's really amazing. 真的很棒
I'll get Mr. Campbell and Mr. Kinsey. 我去通知坎贝尔先生和金西先生
They wanted you to know they were waiting, 他们要我转告您他们等了很久
but they left. 他们先离开了
That's rude. 真没礼貌
They said something about the Newkie Award going to your head. 他们说你因为纽基奖高兴过头了
Congratulations, by the way. 我顺便也说句恭喜
Thank you. 多谢
Congratulations to you, too. 也恭喜你
Thank you, Peggy. 谢谢佩奇
Congratulations for what, 恭喜你什么
Being the only one on time for this meeting? 准时出席会议吗
Oh, I was just telling Peggy I got a short story published. 我只是告诉佩奇我发表了一篇小文章
Good for you. 很好
The Atlantic Monthly. 在《大西洋月刊》上
Look at that. 看这个
Congratulations. 恭喜
Thank you. 多谢
What does that have to do with you, Kenny? 和你有什么关系肯尼
"Tapping a Maple on a Cold Vermont Morning. " 枫叶在佛蒙特寒冷的早上发出咯吱的声音
Cosgrove here got a story published in The, 科斯格罗夫的一篇文章出版了
Uh... The Atlantic Monthly. 在《大西洋月刊》上
You're kidding. 开玩笑吧
I look forward to reading it. 我都等不及去读了
Keep it. I've got copies. 你留着吧我还有

Congrats, indeed. A thing like that. 恭喜做了件这么了不起的事情
You're a writer? You write? 你是个作家吗你居然会写作
Well, yes. 是的
The weird thing is short fiction is not my strong suit. 奇怪的是我并不擅长短篇故事
I have two novels. 我写了两部小说
Novels? About what? 小说关于什么的
One is about a roughneck on an oil rig 一个是关于钻井工人
who has to move to Manhattan 他不得不搬到曼哈顿去
because his wife's mother is sick. 因为妻子的母亲病了
The other one is, well, 另一个是
a woman who's a widow... 一个寡妇
she kind of got stuck with this family farm. 被困在了家族农场
No one will help her except this boy. 只有一个男孩愿意帮她
Those don't even sound stupid. 听上去不傻啊
Thanks. 多谢
I mean, they both sound good. 我是说听上去都还不错
- Want to read one?- I do. -想读吗-当然
But I also want to talk about Liberty Capital Savings. 但我还是想谈谈自由资产储蓄的计划
Talk, one of you. 说吧谁先说
As you know, Jack Konig says 如你所知杰克·康纳说
they want a new promotion. 他们想要一个新的宣传计划
Interest rates are level. 利息相同的情况下
Some kind of irresistible fireworks that bring people to the bank, 一些让人着魔的焰火引领着人们到银行去
even if it's just to visit. 即使只是去看看而已
I hate it when they say fireworks. 我讨厌他们用焰火这个词
Especially when they keep talking about a toaster 尤其是他们还用那种有加热盘的烤箱
with a warming tray on top, or a blender. 或是搅拌机来吸引客户
A blender's nice. 搅拌机很好啊
Jack keeps talking about escalating the toaster wars 杰克不停的在说弄一个烤箱大派送
In order to lure women in, 来吸引更多的女性客户
Which is silly when you think about it, 这样想就太蠢了
Because other than a few working girls, 因为除了个别工作的女孩
Most women aren't in charge of the banking. 大部分妇女不会把钱存到银行
Not in my house. 我家那位就不会
They visit the bank. 她们光顾银行
They do. 是的
All we do is try to get the girls in. 我们一直只针对女性客户
Families. 还有家庭
But you know what? 但是你知道吗
Men need their own accounts, beyond the family. 男人们需要自己的账户私人的
Men? 男人们?
Oh, I can see that. 我明白了
Discretion. Discretionary. 自由支配自由行使权
Statements sent to the office. 账单送到公司
Yes. 是的
Liberty Capital Private Account. 自由资产私人账户
Executive Account. 执行账户
That's why he won an award. 这就是他得奖的原因
Accounts won the award. 账户奖
There's a call for you from Bix Beiderbecke. 来自比格斯·拜特柏克的电话
Hello, Mr. Beiderbecke? 你好拜特柏克先生
It's me, and don't ask who, or you'll spoil the mood. 是我要是还问是谁就太没情趣了
Who's Bix? 谁是比格斯
The trumpeter. 一个小号手
I was thinking about playing the horn this afternoon. 我在想今天下午吹吹号
Where are you calling me from? 你在哪给我打电话
I just had a phone put in. 我装了个电话
Really. Instant connection, 真的快速联络
Just like that night at the ticket booth in Grand Central. 就像那晚在中央车站的售票亭一样
Midge, I'm at work. 米琪我在工作
Just get down here. 赶快过来吧
I want you to pull my hair and ravish me 我想让你扯我的头发强暴我
And leave me for dead. 直到我欲仙欲死
I'll be back after lunch. 我午饭后回来
Kenneth Cosgrove. 肯尼斯·科斯格罗夫
I think I'm going to vomit. 我快吐了
Who the hell is Ken Cosgrove? 肯尼斯·科斯格罗夫何许人也
He's from Burlington, Vermont. 他来自佛蒙特的伯灵顿
His father is a salesman. 父亲是个推销员
What does that have to do with it? 你说这个有什么意义
I can't believe he got published 我真不敢相信他的文章居然出版了
And didn't tell anyone until it came out. 而且直到刊印发行才公之于众
No, he kept walking around like the idiot he is. 他不停地走来走去像个傻子
I have this story about this crazy night I had 我有个故事关于一个疯狂的夜晚
where I ended up in Jersey City with all these Negroes, 我和一群黑人走在新泽西城里
and we all got along. 我们共度一段美好时光
Can you imagine how good that story is? 你能想象有多有趣吗
No. 不能
It is. 可它就是有趣
It's a national magazine. 那可是全国发行的杂志
Yep. 是的
That hurts, too. 这更伤人
That was it. 就是这样的
That's what I called for. 我打电话给你就是为了得到刚刚的快感
You can go. 你可以走了
You can't call me at work. 上班时别给我打电话
You scared of me getting lonely all the time? 你不怕我这样一直孤单下去吗
Start having conversations with you 我可能会忍不住跟你聊天
And ring you all the time, 并且总给你打电话
saying, "When are you gonna come over?" 然后说"你什么时候来"
This is working right now. 可现在是工作的时间
And it worked today. 整天都是工作的时间
Look, I'm sorry your life is in a million pieces. 我很抱歉你的生活五彩缤纷
Be easier for you to have one less. 失去我对你来说也无所谓
I hurt your feelings. 我伤害你了
You didn't like my call a little bit? 你一点也不喜欢我打电话吗
I'm here. 我不就在这里吗
And you waited until you were done 你就是想让我
to make me feel bad about the phone call. 为打了那通电话自责难受

