



static  Collector averagingDouble(ToDoubleFunction mapper)

Returns a Collector that produces the arithmetic mean of a double-valued function applied to the input elements.

static  Collector averagingInt(ToIntFunction mapper)

Returns a Collector that produces the arithmetic mean of an integer-valued function applied to the input elements.

static  Collector averagingLong(ToLongFunction mapper)

Returns a Collector that produces the arithmetic mean of a long-valued function applied to the input elements.


static  Collector counting()

Returns a Collector accepting elements of type T that counts the number of input elements.


static  Collector>> groupingBy(Function classifier)

Returns a Collector implementing a "group by" operation on input elements of type T, grouping elements according to a classification function, and returning the results in a Map.

static  Collector> groupingBy(Function classifier, Collector downstream)

Returns a Collector implementing a cascaded "group by" operation on input elements of type T, grouping elements according to a classification function, and then performing a reduction operation on the values associated with a given key using the specified downstream Collector.

static >
groupingBy(Function classifier, Supplier mapFactory, Collector downstream)

Returns a Collector implementing a cascaded "group by" operation on input elements of type T, grouping elements according to a classification function, and then performing a reduction operation on the values associated with a given key using the specified downstream Collector.

static  Collector>> groupingByConcurrent(Function classifier)

Returns a concurrent Collector implementing a "group by" operation on input elements of type T, grouping elements according to a classification function.

static  Collector> groupingByConcurrent(Function classifier, Collector downstream)

Returns a concurrent Collector implementing a cascaded "group by" operation on input elements of type T, grouping elements according to a classification function, and then performing a reduction operation on the values associated with a given key using the specified downstream Collector.

static >
groupingByConcurrent(Function classifier, Supplier mapFactory, Collector downstream)

Returns a concurrent Collector implementing a cascaded "group by" operation on input elements of type T, grouping elements according to a classification function, and then performing a reduction operation on the values associated with a given key using the specified downstream Collector.



static Collector joining()

Returns a Collector that concatenates the input elements into a String, in encounter order.

static Collector joining(CharSequence delimiter)

Returns a Collector that concatenates the input elements, separated by the specified delimiter, in encounter order.

static Collector joining(CharSequence delimiter, CharSequence prefix, CharSequence suffix)

Returns a Collector that concatenates the input elements, separated by the specified delimiter, with the specified prefix and suffix, in encounter order.




static  Collector mapping(Function mapper, Collector downstream)

Adapts a Collector accepting elements of type U to one accepting elements of type T by applying a mapping function to each input element before accumulation.


static  Collector> maxBy(Comparator comparator)

Returns a Collector that produces the maximal element according to a given Comparator, described as an Optional.

static  Collector> minBy(Comparator comparator)

Returns a Collector that produces the minimal element according to a given Comparator, described as an Optional.




static  Collector>> partitioningBy(Predicate predicate)

Returns a Collector which partitions the input elements according to a Predicate, and organizes them into a Map>.

static  Collector> partitioningBy(Predicate predicate, Collector downstream)

Returns a Collector which partitions the input elements according to a Predicate, reduces the values in each partition according to another Collector, and organizes them into a Map whose values are the result of the downstream reduction.



static  Collector> reducing(BinaryOperator op)

Returns a Collector which performs a reduction of its input elements under a specified BinaryOperator.

static  Collector reducing(T identity, BinaryOperator op)

Returns a Collector which performs a reduction of its input elements under a specified BinaryOperator using the provided identity.

static  Collector reducing(U identity, Function mapper, BinaryOperator op)

Returns a Collector which performs a reduction of its input elements under a specified mapping function and BinaryOperator.



static  Collector summingDouble(ToDoubleFunction mapper)

Returns a Collector that produces the sum of a double-valued function applied to the input elements.

static  Collector summingInt(ToIntFunction mapper)

Returns a Collector that produces the sum of a integer-valued function applied to the input elements.

static  Collector summingLong(ToLongFunction mapper)

Returns a Collector that produces the sum of a long-valued function applied to the input elements.




static  Collector summarizingDouble(ToDoubleFunction mapper)

Returns a Collector which applies an double-producing mapping function to each input element, and returns summary statistics for the resulting values.

static  Collector summarizingInt(ToIntFunction mapper)

Returns a Collector which applies an int-producing mapping function to each input element, and returns summary statistics for the resulting values.

static  Collector summarizingLong(ToLongFunction mapper)

Returns a Collector which applies an long-producing mapping function to each input element, and returns summary statistics for the resulting values.




static >
toCollection(Supplier collectionFactory)

Returns a Collector that accumulates the input elements into a new Collection, in encounter order.

static  Collector> toConcurrentMap(Function keyMapper, Function valueMapper)

Returns a concurrent Collector that accumulates elements into a ConcurrentMap whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.

static  Collector> toConcurrentMap(Function keyMapper, Function valueMapper, BinaryOperator mergeFunction)

Returns a concurrent Collector that accumulates elements into a ConcurrentMap whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.

static >
toConcurrentMap(Function keyMapper, Function valueMapper, BinaryOperator mergeFunction, Supplier mapSupplier)

Returns a concurrent Collector that accumulates elements into a ConcurrentMap whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.

static  Collector> toList()

Returns a Collector that accumulates the input elements into a new List.

static  Collector> toMap(Function keyMapper, Function valueMapper)

Returns a Collector that accumulates elements into a Map whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.

static  Collector> toMap(Function keyMapper, Function valueMapper, BinaryOperator mergeFunction)

Returns a Collector that accumulates elements into a Map whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.

static >
toMap(Function keyMapper, Function valueMapper, BinaryOperator mergeFunction, Supplier mapSupplier)

Returns a Collector that accumulates elements into a Map whose keys and values are the result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input elements.

static  Collector> toSet()

Returns a Collector that accumulates the input elements into a new Set.


import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.function.*;

public class CollectorsTest2 {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		List list = new ArrayList<>();
		list.add(new Book("Core Java", 200,30));
		list.add(new Book("Learning Freemarker", 150, 50));
		list.add(new Book("Spring MVC", 300, 50));
//		list.add(new Book("Spring MVC", 300, 50));

		// averagingDouble方法
		ToDoubleFunction toDoubleFunction = new ToDoubleFunction() {
			public double applyAsDouble(Book book) {
				return book.getPrice();

		Double averagingDouble =;

		// averagingInt
		Double averagingInt =;

		// averagingLong
		Double averagingLong =;

		// collectingAndThen
		Integer andThen =, map -> map.size()));

 		// `counting()`
		Long count =;

		// groupingBy
		Map> groupingBy =;
		System.out.println(groupingBy); // {Learning Freemarker=[Book{name='Learning Freemarker', price=150.0, count=50}], Core Java=[Book{name='Core Java', price=200.0, count=30}], Spring MVC=[Book{name='Spring MVC', price=300.0, count=50}, Book{name='Spring MVC', price=300.0, count=50}]}

		Map groupingBy_Reduce =, Collectors.counting()));
		System.out.println(groupingBy_Reduce); // {Learning Freemarker=1, Core Java=1, Spring MVC=2}

		HashMap groupingBy_ResultMap_Reduce =, HashMap::new, Collectors.counting()));
		System.out.println(groupingBy_ResultMap_Reduce); // {Learning Freemarker=1, Core Java=1, Spring MVC=2}

		// groupingByConcurrent
		ConcurrentMap> concurrentGroupBy =;
		ConcurrentMap concurrentGroupBy_Reduce =, Collectors.counting()));
		ConcurrentHashMap concurrentGroupBy_ResultMap_Reduce =, ConcurrentHashMap::new, Collectors.counting()));

		// joining
		String joining =","));
		System.out.println(joining); // Core Java,Learning Freemarker,Spring MVC,Spring MVC

		// mapping
		String mapping =, Collectors.joining(",")));
		System.out.println(mapping); // Core Java,Learning Freemarker,Spring MVC,Spring MVC

		// maxBy
		Optional maxBy =;
		maxBy.ifPresent(System.out::println); // Book{name='Spring MVC', price=300.0, count=50}

		// minBy
		Optional minBy =;
		minBy.ifPresent(System.out::println); // Spring MVC

		// partitioningBy
		Map> partitioningBy = -> book.getPrice() > 200));
		System.out.println(partitioningBy); // {false=[Book{name='Core Java', price=200.0, count=30}, Book{name='Learning Freemarker', price=150.0, count=50}], true=[Book{name='Spring MVC', price=300.0, count=50}, Book{name='Spring MVC', price=300.0, count=50}]}

		Map partitioningBy_Reduce = -> book.getPrice() > 200, Collectors.counting()));
		System.out.println(partitioningBy_Reduce); // {false=2, true=2}

		// reducing
		Optional reducing =;
		reducing.ifPresent(System.out::println); // Book{name='Spring MVC', price=300.0, count=50}

		// summarizing
		IntSummaryStatistics intSummaryStatistics =;
		double average = intSummaryStatistics.getAverage();
		long count1 = intSummaryStatistics.getCount();
		int max = intSummaryStatistics.getMax();
		int min = intSummaryStatistics.getMin();

		// toConcurrentMap
		ConcurrentMap toConcurrentMap =, Book::getCount));

		// toList
		List toList =;

		// toMap
		Map toMap =, Book::getCount));

	static class Book {
		private String name;
		private double price;
		private int count;

		public Book(String name, double price, int count) { = name;
			this.price = price;
			this.count = count;

		public String getName() {
			return name;

		public void setName(String name) { = name;

		public double getPrice() {
			return price;

		public void setPrice(double price) {
			this.price = price;

		public int getCount() {
			return count;

		public void setCount(int count) {
			this.count = count;

		public String toString() {
			return "Book{" +
					"name='" + name + '\'' +
					", price=" + price +
					", count=" + count +

