
英文 中文
梅休因之家 女孩孤儿院
You should have seen yourself. 你真该看看自己
Up on that stool, floating around up there, 站在凳上目光迷离
Deardorff just hollering at you. 迪尔多夫不停地喊你
It felt funny. 感觉很奇妙
Shit. 可不嘛
I bet it felt good. 肯定感觉好
What you gonna do at night? 你今晚干什么
I'm gonna stay awake as long as I can, reading my book, 打算尽可能熬夜看书
learning the Sicilian Defense. 学习西西里防御
There's 57 pages about it in the book, 这个开局书里写了57页
with 170 lines stemming from P to QB4. 光是兵移到后翼象线第四格就有170多种变化
I'm gonna memorize them and play through them all in my mind. 我要全部记住然后在脑子里下一边
Poor mind. 可怜的小脑袋
Ladies, don't run! 姑娘们别跑
No shoving! 别推推搡搡
Mr. Shaibel? 夏贝先生
They won't let me play anymore. 他们不让我下棋了
I'm being punished. 我被惩罚了
Please... 求你了
can you help me? 你能帮我吗
I wish I could play more with you. 我希望能跟你多下下棋
For crying out loud, what you still doing in bed? 见了鬼了你们还在床上干什么
You're gonna miss breakfast. 要错过早餐了
Morning, cracker. 早上好小姑娘
You don't wanna miss another delicious breakfast, do you? 你不会想再错过美味的早餐对吧
Been dreaming about it. 我都梦了一夜了
Wonder who they're here for. 不知道他们要接走谁
后翼弃兵 第二集
Hi, Beth. 贝丝
- Are you trying to piss her off? - I had to take a shower. -你要惹她生气吗-我得先洗澡
Go on in, then. 赶紧进去
Hold up. 等等
They seem like nice people. 他们看起来像好人
I'm told, Elizabeth, that you turned 13 just last month. 我听说伊丽莎白你上个月刚13岁
Actually, I'm fift-- 其实我已经...
Yes, that's right, I'm 13. 对没错我13岁
Such a wonderful age. 花季少女真好
Elizabeth has performed well in all of her schoolwork. 伊丽莎白的所有课业都遥遥领先
She is at the top of her class in reading and arithmetic. 她在班上阅读和算术第一
That's very impressive. 真厉害
Beth is also a very strong student in science and geography, 贝丝在科学和地理上也很优秀
and has been kindly assisting Miss Lonsdale with chapel, 过去几年一直在热心帮助朗斯代尔小姐
for several years now. 打理礼拜堂
She is the model Methuen girl. 她是位模范梅休因女孩
I can see that. 我能看出来
I will leave you three to get acquainted. 我让你们三人熟悉一下
They call you Elizabeth? 他们叫你伊丽莎白
Or is it Betty? 还是贝蒂
You should go pack. 你该回去了
I can't find my book. 我找不到书了
Which book we talking about? You read like a hundred of them. 你说哪本书你读的书有一百多本
Modern Chess Openings. 《现代象棋开局》
Beats the shit out of me. 我哪知道
I left it right here. 我就放在这里了
- You didn't see it, did you? - Watch who you go accusing. -你没看到对吧-说话小心点
I got no use for no book like that. 那种书对我来说没用
Anyway, you don't need no book. 再说你也用不着书
Just say, "Yes, sir," and "Yes, ma'am," and you'll do all right. 只需要说"好先生""好女士"一切都会好的
Tell them you're grateful to be in a Christian home like theirs. 说你很感激能被他们那样的基督教家庭领养
Maybe they'll put a TV in your room. 或许他们会在你的房间装电视
Jolene? 乔琳
I'm sorry. 抱歉
About what? 干什么道歉
That you didn't get adopted. 你没能被领养
Shit. 妈的
I make out just fine right here. 我在这住着就很好
Be a good girl, Elizabeth. 你乖乖的伊丽莎白
Off we go! 我们走吧
We're so glad to have an older child. 我们很高兴有个年纪较大的孩子了
Shall We? 进屋吧
Home sweet home. 到家了
Those are Rosa Bonheur prints. 那些是罗莎·博纳尔的画
Not originals, of course. 当然不是原作
Do you like animals? 你喜欢动物吗
I do, I love them. 我非常喜欢
Allston is allergic to most pet dander, though, 但是奥斯顿对多数宠物过敏源都过敏
so I'm not allowed to-- - 所以我不能养
I bet you'd like to see your room. 你肯定想看看自己的房间吧
This is the master bedroom, where Allston and I sleep. 这是主卧奥尔顿和我睡在这
Over here is the bathroom, 这边是厕所
and this is you. 这是你的房间
You have no idea how hard it is to find good maple furniture. 你都不知道现在找枫木制的好家具有多难
This is all mine? 这些都是我的吗
Of course it's all yours. 当然都是你的
The whole room? 整个房间
The whole room. 整个房间
All right. 好了
I will let you unpack and get settled in. 你收拾下好好休息吧
Just give a holler if you need anything. 需要什么就说
Home sweet home. 到家了
I don't understand. 我不理解
I don't know exactly what there is to understand. 有什么好理解的
- Why can't they send someone else? - It's only for two weeks. -为什么他们不能派别人去-只是两周
You've only been home for two days. 你才回家两天
Gives you some time to get to know your new companion. 正好让你有时间和新伙伴增进感情
I doubt there's much to know. 不过大概没什么可聊的
Girl doesn't seem to have a heck of a lotto say. 那女孩看起来话不多
Do you have to take the car? 你要把车也开走吗
How am I supposed to get around without a car? 没有车我怎么通勤
I don't know, you could rent one. 不知道你可以租车
And eat up half my commissions? 用一半的提成来租车吗
You're a terrible driver anyway. 反正你开得也不好
It's not that far into town. 这里距离镇上也不远
Remember what the doctor said. Some exercise will do you good. 还记得医生怎么说吗多锻炼对你有好处
It's early, dear. 时间还早亲爱的
You don't have to be up for another hour yet. 你还可以再睡一个小时
Must be all the excitement about your first day of school. 肯定是第一天上学很兴奋
Where did Mr. Wheatley go? 惠特利先生去哪了
Business trip. 出差
Poor man has to travel quite a bit these days, but... 可怜的家伙最近总是出差但是
as he likes to remind me, it... 他也很喜欢提醒我这个
keeps the roof over our heads. 能养家糊口
Please stop gawking, dear, you're making me nervous. 请别盯着我了亲爱的你让我紧张
You're very good. 你弹得很好
This was Grandmother June's piano. 这是琼祖母的钢琴
I've played since I was younger than you. 我比你还小的时候就开始弹了
I'd always had it in my mind to one day play in an orchestra. 我一直梦想能在交响乐团里演奏
Probably still could. 或许依然可以
As luck would have it, 但不凑巧
I've also always suffered from a terrible case of stage fright, 我的舞台恐惧症很严重
which does not bode well for an aspiring performer. 这对有志成为钢琴家的人来说可不妙
And then I got pregnant. 之后我就怀孕了
You have a child? 你有个孩子吗
We did, yes. 有过对
Are you hungry? 你饿了吗
We have a leftover casserole. 我们有炖菜
Beth, dear. 贝丝亲爱的
Are you sure you don't want me to go with you? 你确定不需要我陪你去吗
I'm okay. 我没事
You should have seen that coach. 你该看看那教练
Have you seen her hair and her shoes? 你看到她的头发和鞋子了吗
Don't know. 不知道
So drab. 太土了
And brown laces with brown shoes? I mean... 棕色蕾丝配棕色鞋子简直
Quiet, please! Let's start. 大家安静开始上课了
This week, we will begin to study the binomial theorem. 这周我们要开始学二项式定理
Does anyone know what a binomial is? 有人知道二项式是什么吗
Anyone? 有人知道吗
Yes? 请说
- A binomial is a mathematical-- - Will you stand up, please? -二项式是个数学-你能站起来吗
A binomial is a mathematical expression containing two terms. 二项式是包含两个项的数学表达式
X plus Y is a binomial. X加Y就是二项式
Very good. 很好
Let's turn to page 24. 翻到24页
Great, another fucking brain. 太棒了又一个聪明妞
That's a good idea. Oh, my god. 真是好主意天呐
- Is there a school chess club? - What? -学校有象棋社吗-什么
Is there a chess club here at the school? 学校有象棋社吗
I don't think they have anything like that. 我觉得这里没有这种社团
But a lot of the girls belong to social clubs. 但很多女孩去社交俱乐部
Social clubs? 社交俱乐部
There's the Apple Pi club, 有苹果派社
and the Sub Debs, 和替补名媛社
- and Girls Around Town. - Apple pie? They bake pies? -还有小镇姑娘社-苹果派社烤派吗
No, Apple Pi. You know, like the Greek letter. 不苹果派是指那个希腊字母
Are you in one of those? 你加入了吗
You have to be invited... 必须要受到邀请
to join. 才能加入
You could try out for junior cheerleader. 你可以试试高一拉拉队长
Shit. 该死
Hello, Mr. Wheatley. 你好惠特利先生
Hi... Beth. 贝丝
You're home! I didn't expect you for another week. 你回来了我以为你下周才会回来
I'm only here for the night. 我只会来睡一晚
They, uh... they just gave me the whole Southwest, so... 他们他们把整个西南部都给我了所以
And a raise, I hope? 那应该有加薪吧
Don't start. 别说了
Yes, why don't you freshen up, and I will start dinner? 好你去洗洗我做晚饭吧
I'll take a beer. 我喝杯啤酒吧
If there's any left. 如果还有剩下的话
Doesn't she ever change clothes? 她就不换衣服吗
I don't think he likes me very much. 我觉得他不怎么喜欢我
Quite the opposite. 正好相反
Adopting you was actually his idea. 领养你是她的决定
He's right, though. You could use some new clothes. 但他说得对你确实需要些新衣服
Sorry. 抱歉
They have chess sets. 他们有象棋
We can stop on the way back down. 我们可以下楼时再买
Let's find you a blouse. 给你配件衬衫吧
Well, don't you look lovely? 这样好看多了对吧
The shoes are a little big. 鞋有点大
Room to grow, dear. Room to grow. 你的脚还会长的亲爱的还会长
Let's look for coats. 看看外套
Lovely. 好看
Step over here so I can see the fabric in the light. 过来让我在光线下看看材质
Yes, this will do nicely. 这个确实不错
Aren't we gonna look at the chess sets? 我们不看象棋了吗
Another time, dear. 下次吧亲爱的
It's getting late, and I'm getting hungry. 已经很晚了而且我饿了
- But-- - I'll give you 40 cents a week allowance. -但是-我每周给你40美分零花钱
Save up and buy yourself a chess set. 存钱自己买一个吧
Saving is a good lesson for a girl to learn. 存钱对女孩来说是个必修课
So bad! 太难看了
- Do you have any books on chess? - Chess? -你有关于象棋的书吗-象棋
I don't know for sure. 我不确定
If we have anything, it'll be on the last row. 如果有那就是在最后一排
Thank you. 谢谢
There might be an old biography on Jose Capablanca. 可能有何塞·卡帕布兰卡的旧自传
- Who? - Jose Capablanca. -谁-何塞·卡帕布兰卡
He was a Grandmaster. It was quite a long time ago now. 他是象棋特级大师不过是很久以前了
What's a Grandmaster? 什么是象棋特级大师
A genius player. 天才棋手
《我的象棋生涯》 何塞·劳尔·卡帕布兰卡
Okay, yeah. 好吧
I see you, Harmon. 我看到你了哈蒙
It's those shoes. 是你那难看的鞋暴露的
Did you get them at Ben Snyder's or something? 你是在本·斯奈德商场买的吗
I wouldn't be caught dead in Ben Snyder's. 我死也不会穿本·斯奈德商场的衣服
- How was school? - Fun. -学校如何-不错
Where are you going? 你要去哪
I'm gonna replay some of the matches in this book. 我要重新下几局书里的棋局
- But you don't have a board. - In my head. -但你没有象棋-在脑子下
Good mental exercise. 是锻炼思维的好练习
Well, some physical exercise could do you good. 锻炼下身体对你有好处
Will you run over to Bradley's for me, 你能去布拉德利商店
and pick up three packs of Chesterfields? 给我买三包契斯特菲尔德香烟吗
Yes, ma'am. 好女士
I'll write you a note. 我给你写张条
You look a bit youthful for smoking, yourself. 你看着太年轻了还不能抽烟
原创象棋战术 象棋中兵的威力 汉斯·科莫赫
苏联象棋冠军 瓦西里·N·帕诺夫国际象棋大师
锦标赛日程 美国和加拿大即将开赛
Young lady! 小姑娘
You have to buy the magazine or put it back. 你得买杂志不然就放回去
- Can't I just-- - You wanna read? Read the sign. -我能就...-你想看吗看看牌子
No, it's all the same oil, it's just three different sizes. 不都是一样的油只是大小不同
If you don't use a lot, you wanna buy that one, 如果你不怎么用你就买那个
because it does go bad, but this is the best value for the money. 因为这个会变质但这个性价比最高
If you can't decide, get the middle one. 如果你决定不了就买中等大小
It's not rocket science. 也不是什么难事
Thank you, dear. 谢谢亲爱的
Well, that's the last of the instant coffee. 这是最后的速溶咖啡了
I'd go shopping, but I just don't know where all the money goes. 我倒是想去购物但我不知道钱都去哪了
I've bought little more than trifles this month, 这个月我几乎什么都没买
and yet I have seven dollars left 但现在手里只有7美元了
where I should have at least 20. 本来至少该有20的
Seven dollars? 7美元
- Is that enough? - To last till the end of October? -那够吗-坚持到10月底吗
I think not. 我想不够
It'll scarcely buy chicken necks and porridge. 只够买点鸡脖子和粥了
- Doesn't Methuen send you a check? - For 80 dollars. -梅休因没给你寄支票吗-只有80美元
And only for the first year. 还只有头一年
As if the expense of keeping you doesn't exhaust it. 仿佛养活你不用花钱似的
I'm afraid you'll have to go without an allowance until Allston returns. 恐怕在奥斯顿回来前我都不能再给你零花钱了
Which is when? 那是什么时候
Who can say? 谁知道吗
It seems he's been unavoidably detained out West. 看上去他无可避免地被留在西部了
Maybe I could get a job. 或许我能找份工作
A job? 工作
I could work in a store, or wash dishes somewhere. 我可以在商店里工作或洗盘子
Wash dishes? 洗盘子
I'd like to make some money. 我想赚点钱
Oh, to buy clothes with, I suspect. 是为了买衣服吧
To enter chess tournaments. 为了参加象棋锦标赛
There's one here. 这里就有一个
But it's five dollars for the entrance fee. 但需要5美元参赛费
The only girls of your age who work are colored. 你这个年龄的女孩只有黑人才工作
Dear Mr. Shaibel, 亲爱的夏贝先生
there's a chess tournament here 这里正在举行象棋锦标赛
with a first prize of 100 dollars, 第一名奖金100美元
and a second prize of 50 dollars. 第二名奖金50美元
There are other prizes, too. 还有其他奖品
It costs five dollars to enter, and I don't have that. 但需要5美元参赛费我没有那个钱
If you'll send me the money, 如果你能借我参赛费
I will pay you back ten dollars if I win any prize at all. 无论我是否得奖我都会还你10美元
Beth, is that you? 贝丝是你吗
I seem to have caught a cold. 我好像感冒了
Another one? 又感冒了
I have a proclivity for viruses, or... 我特别容易感染病毒或者
they for me. 它们喜欢我
Uh... here.
I need you to fill this prescription for me. 我需要你帮我去取药
And while you're there... 你去的时候
buy yourself a Coke. 给自己买瓶可乐吧
Thanks. 谢谢
Be just a minute. 稍等
Here you go. 给你
My tranquility medicine. 我的镇定剂
Dr. Talbott has decided I need more tranquility. Much more. 塔伯特医生觉得我需要更镇定
- Will you get me a glass of water, dear? - Yes, ma'am. -你能帮我拿杯水吗亲爱的-好女士
Why do they only fill these bottles half full? 他们为什么只给你半瓶药
Excuse you, Harmon. 没长眼吗哈蒙
Fuck you, Margaret. 去你的玛格丽特
Beth, this came for you. 贝丝这是寄给你的
Thank you. 谢谢
塔伯特医生 镇定剂每日三次或根据需要服用
Tell Alma to go easy. 让艾尔玛悠着点吃
She's only got three refills left. 她只剩3次取药配额了
For a trip the White House again calls non-political... 白宫再次声称这是一次非政治的访问
- You're home late. - ...Political-looking escort -你回来迟了-...看着像政党人士的
of 17 Democratic congressmen, and Mrs. Kennedy... 17位民主党议员以及肯尼迪太太...
- I was out walking. - ...who was featured at the arrival... -我出去散步了-...出现在到达的人群中
Okay. Good night. 好晚安
Good night. 晚安
...turning on the smile that hasn't been... 脸上浮现着微笑之前并未...
I'm gonna be late again tomorrow. 明天我也会晚回来
I have something after school. 放学后有事
Have you joined a club? 你加入社团了吗
I'm playing in that chess tournament I told you about. 我要参加之前跟你说的象棋锦标赛
I won't argue that broadening one's social life 我不反对你在这个年纪
is important for a girl your age. 扩大自己社交圈
I just wonder whether a dance class or a girls' club 我只是觉得舞蹈课或女生俱乐部
wouldn't be better for making friendships. 是否更容易交到朋友
I hear Fairfield has pretty good ones. 我听说费尔菲尔德高中有许多挺不错的
When you were my age, how did you broaden your social life? 你在我这么大的时候是怎么扩大社交圈的
The tournament goes until Sunday. 锦标赛到周日结束
亨利·克雷高中 战斗猫头鹰故乡
- Do you have a clock? - No. -你有棋钟吗-没有
We have a clock-sharing system. 我们这里租赁棋钟
If your opponent doesn't have one, 如果你的对手也没有棋钟
come back to the desk, and we'll loan you one. 回这里来我们借你一个
Play starts in 20 minutes. 比赛20分钟后开始
What's your rating? 你的等级分是多少
I don't have a rating. 我没有等级分
- Have you played in a tournament before? - No. -你之前没参加过锦标赛吗-没有
- Are you sure you wanna do this? - I'm sure. -你确定你要比赛吗-我确定
We don't have a women's section. 我们没有女子分组
- I'll put you in beginners. - I'm not a beginner. -你去参加初级组吧-我不是初级
Doesn't matter. 无所谓
If you're an unrated player, 如果你没有等级分
you go in beginners with the people under 1600. 你就以初级者身份参加和1600分以下的人比
- What's the prize for beginners? - Twenty. -初级组的奖金是多少-20美金
- What about the other section? - First prize in the Open is 100. -那其他组别呢-公开组是100美金
Is it against any rule for me to be in the Open? 让我参加公开组比赛违反规则吗
- Not exactly. - Put me in the Open. -也不是-让我参加公开组
There are three guys in there with ratings over 1800. 那里有三个人等级分超过1800
And Beltik may show up. 而且贝尔蒂克也可能来
They will eat you alive. 他们会生吞了你
"Harmon." "哈蒙"
Are the matches played at random? 比赛是随机配对的吗
Oh, not at all. 完全不是
Uh, they arrange it by ratings on the first round. 他们是按第一轮的等级分安排的
After that, winners play winners, and losers, losers. 在那之后赢家和赢家比输家和输家比
Good luck. 祝你好运
You, too. 你也是
- Annette Packer. - Beth Harmon. -安妮特·帕克-贝丝·哈蒙
I don't understand about chess clocks. 我不知道棋钟怎么用
The clock faced nearest you measures your playing time. 你那边的钟计算你下棋的时间
Each player has 90 minutes. 双方各有九十分钟
After you move, you press that button on top, 你走了一步就按上面的按钮
and it stops your clock and starts your opponent's. 你的钟会停下来对手的钟就开始走了
And you see that little red flag 你看到两个钟的数字十二
over the number 12 on each clock? 上面的小红旗了吗
Yours will fall down when the 90 minutes is up, 如果九十分钟到了你的旗子就会掉下来
and if it does that... 这样的话...
you've lost. 你就输了
And, urn... 这个...
For recording your moves. 用来记录你的棋步
Right. 懂了
- You can start your clocks now. - You can start my clock now. -你们可以启动棋钟了-你可以启动我的棋钟了
Why do they put the girls together? 他们为什么把女孩安排在一起
They're not supposed to... 他们不该这样的
but, if you win, they move you up. 但如果你赢了他们就会让你上去
- Oh, it's touch move. - What's that? -这是摸子走子-什么意思
Don't touch a piece unless you're going to move it. 除非你要走棋不然不要碰棋子
If you touch it, you have to move it somewhere. 如果你碰了棋子就必须走一步
Okay. 好的
Don't you push your button now? 你不该按下你的按钮吗
Sorry. 抱歉
What I do with this? 这个该怎么办
Is your match over? 你棋下完了吗
Yes, I won. 对我赢了
That was fast. 速度真快
What do I do with this? 这个该怎么办
Circle your name and drop it in the basket. 圈出你的名字放到篮子里
- Who are they? - Beltik and Cullen. -他们是谁-贝尔蒂克和卡伦
- Beltik's the State Champion. - Which is which? -贝尔蒂克是州冠军-哪个是哪个
- Beltik's the younger one. - Is he a Grandmaster? -年纪小的那个是贝尔蒂克-他是特级大师吗
He's working on it. 他正在努力
Takes time. 需要时间
You have to play Grandmasters to become one. 想成为大师就要跟大师们对战
- How much time? - Do you mind? -要多长时间-能安静点吗
Draw? 议和吗
Hell, no. 绝不
Yes! 太棒了
第二轮对战表 公开赛哈蒙对库克
That's check. 这是将军
I know what it is. 我知道
Draw? 议和吗
You got me. 你赢了
I resign. 我认输
Dinner break. 晚餐休息
Next round is at six o'clock. Then, three more tomorrow. 下一轮是六点明天还有三轮
Final round is Sunday, 11 am. 最后一轮是星期天上午十一点
Harmon? 哈蒙
Keep it up, kid. 加油孩子
I think he knew you killed his brother. 我觉得他知道你杀了他弟弟
- You're in trouble... - Yours is in the oven. -你有麻烦了-你的饭在烤箱里
Someone's always crowding me. 有人总是盯着我
- How did you do at your thing? - I won four games. -你的事怎么样-我赢了四场
That's nice, good for you. 那很好你很厉害
公开赛对战表 陶恩斯对哈蒙
Yes, Harmon? 什么事哈蒙
You said there were three people here 你们说这里有三个人
with a rating higher than 1800. 等级分超过1800
- That's right. - I thought I'd be playing one of them. -没错-我以为我要对战其中一个
Them's the breaks, Harmon. 遇到他们就等于输了哈蒙
Consider yourself lucky. 就当你运气好吧
I want to play the best. 我想跟最好的选手对战
You have to get a rating before that happens. 在此之前你要获得等级分
How do I get a rating? 怎么才能获得等级分
You play 30 games in USCF tournaments, then wait four months. 你在美国国际象棋联盟下三十场再等四个月
- That's how you get a rating. - That's too long. -这样就能获得等级分了-那太久了
I want to play Beltik. 我想跟贝尔蒂克对战
If you win your next three games, and if Beltik does the same. 如果你赢了后面三场贝尔蒂克也赢了
I'll win them. 我会赢他们的
No, Harmon, you won't. 不哈蒙你赢不了
You have to play Sizemore or Goldman first. 你会先遇到赛斯默或戈德曼
You can't beat either of them. 他们俩你都赢不了
Sizemore and Goldman? Shit. 赛斯默和戈德曼完了
Townes, the guy you're playing now, is underrated. 你下轮要对战的选手陶恩斯没有等级分
He plays first board for the university team, 他是大学校队的一线选手
and last month he came in fifth in Las Vegas. 上个月他在拉斯维加斯拿了第五名
What's in Las Vegas? 拉斯维加斯的什么
The US Open. 全美公开赛
Looks like we've been stalking each other. 我们好像都在跟踪对方
You want to start my clock? 你要启动我的棋钟吗
Sorry. 抱歉
Jesus Christ, Harmon, you're humiliating my rook. 天哪哈蒙你在羞辱我的车
He won't have to suffer much longer. 它待不了多久了
陶恩斯 哈蒙
Damn. 真行啊
How old are you? 你几岁了
Never mind. 当我没说
- Don't answer that, it'll just depress me. - I'm 36. -别回答那只会让我郁闷-我36岁了
Thank you. 谢谢
You really are something, you know that? 你真是与众不同你知道吗
Shall we turn in our sheets? 我们去交单子吗
You go ahead. 你去吧
I'm gonna study the board a little longer. 我想再研究一下这局棋
Damn it! 真倒霉
Damn! 倒霉
I just wanted to tell you that I've never seen anything like... 我只想跟你说我从来没见过...
Do-- Do you have something? 你你有那什么吗
It's my first time. 我是第一次
Do you know how to use it? 你知道这个怎么用吗
I think so. 应该吧
I'll wait, just in case. 我等你以防万一
You're, uh... 你...
You're moving right on up, aren't you? 你一直在过关斩将是吧
So far. 目前是
Sizemore's pretty tough, though. 不过赛斯默很难赢
Thank you. 谢谢你
I didn't... 我不...
I just thought... 我只是以为
Thought I was sick. 以为我病了
My first time, I threw up. 我第一次时吐了
Well, I still do sometimes. 现在偶尔也会
Actually, every time. 其实每次都会
Well, I have to get back. 我得回去了
Oh, sure.
Hey, Beth. 贝丝
Beat him, will you? 打败他好吗
I'll try. 我尽量
Ready? 准备好了吗
I've started menstruating. 我来例假了
Bit late in the day for you, isn't it? 对你来说有点晚了对吧
I'll need pads... 我需要卫生巾
something. 之类的
Just go up to my room, to the top drawer of my chiffonier, 去我的房间在小衣橱最上层
and take what you require. 要什么自己拿
Oh, and, dear... 还有亲爱的
be a good girl and get that 帮我个忙去拿
little bottle of green pills by my bedside. 我床头边上的绿色小药瓶
My tranquility needs to be refurbished. 我需要补充一下我的镇定
Thank you. 谢谢
Is something wrong? 有什么问题吗
Wrong? 问题
I'm not Aristotle, but yes, 我虽然不是亚里士多德但没错
I think something could be construed as wrong. 我觉得可以算是出问题了
I've received a message from Mr. Wheatley. 我收到了惠特利先生的消息
What did he say? 他说什么了
It seems Mr. Wheatley... 看起来惠特利先生
has been indefinitely detained in the Southwest. 要永久驻扎在西南部了
Somewhere between Denver and Butte. 在丹佛和布特中间的某地
Though, Aristotle was a moral philosopher, 但亚里士多德是哲学家
and I'm just a housewife. 而我只是个家庭主妇
Or I was a housewife. 或曾经是
Can they send me back if you no longer have a husband? 如果你没有丈夫了他们会送我回去吗
You put it concretely. 你说得很具体
They won't if we lie about it. 如果我们撒谎他们就不会
That's easy enough. 那倒是简单
You're a good soul, Beth. 你是个好女孩贝丝
Why don't you heat up the chicken dinners in the freezer, okay? 不如你把冰箱里的鸡肉热热吧
Set the oven at 400. 把烤箱调到400华氏度
I don't know how to put these on. 我不知道怎么用烤箱
Though I'm no longer a wife, 虽然我不再为人妻了
except by a legal fiction... 除了法律还承认
I believe I can learn to be a mother. 我想我能学着成为一个母亲
I'll show you how... 我来教你怎么做
if you promise to never go near Denver. 只要你答应永远不靠近丹佛
Mama? 妈妈
Close your eyes. 闭上眼睛
Sorry. 抱歉
Extra cup of coffee. 我多喝了一杯咖啡
Harry Beltik. What's your name? 哈利·贝尔蒂克你叫什么
Beth Harmon. 贝丝·哈蒙
Be right back. 我马上回来
Come on, you ugly piece of trash. 动动脑子你个丑八怪
You can beat that... 你能打败那个
fucker. 狗逼
- Son of a bitch. - I think that's it. -好家伙-到此为止了
- No, I can get out of this. - I don't think so. -不我还能解这个局-我想不行了
Maybe, if you'd gotten here on time. 如果你准时来的话或许有戏
It doesn't work. 没用的
- I don't have to use the queen. - Move. -我都不用走皇后-该你走了
- I'll just cover it with the bishop and-- - Move. -我直接用象掩护...-该你走了
Do you see it now? 现在你看出来了吗
Or should we finish this on the board? 还是我们要下完这盘棋
Son of a bitch. 好家伙
"The world of Kentucky chess was astonished this weekend "这周末肯塔基州的象棋届大受震动
by the playing of a local girl 一位本地姑娘
who triumphed over hardened players 层层突围节节胜利
to win the Kentucky State Championship." 最后获得了肯塔基州冠军"
"Elizabeth Harmon, a student at Fairfield High, "伊丽莎白·哈蒙费尔菲尔德高中的学生
showed a mastery of the game unequaled by any female, 展现了任何女性都无法比拟的象棋天赋
according to Harry Beltik, 哈利·贝尔蒂克如此评价道
whom Miss Harmon defeated for the state crown." 他本人也在州决赛中败给了哈蒙小姐"
And 100 dollars. 还有100美元奖金
You won this. 你赢来的
I wanna open a bank account. 我想开个银行账户
But you have to go with me, 但你得跟我一起去
because I need a parent or a guardian. 因为我需要一个家长或监护人
I just didn't have the faintest idea 我真的完全不知道
that people made money playing chess. 下象棋还能赚钱
There's tournaments with bigger prizes than that. 还有奖金比这个更多的锦标赛
How much bigger? 有多少
Thousands of dollars. 上千美金
Goodness. 天呐
So, can we go to the bank today after school? 那我们放学后能去银行吗
Certainly. 当然
Beth, will you come down here, please? 贝丝你能下来一下吗
What's wrong? 怎么了
I've been leafing through this chess magazine. 我就随便翻翻这本象棋杂志
It's very interesting. 很有趣
It says here that there is a tournament in Cincinnati, 上面说辛辛那提州有场锦标赛
and the first prize is 500 dollars. 第一名奖金是500美金
The Greyhound bus only requires two hours for the trip. 坐灰狗巴士去那只需要两小时
I took the liberty of calling. 我就擅作主张打了电话
What about school? 那上学呢
I could write a medical excuse claiming mono. 我就写张病假条说你得腺热了
Mono? 腺热
Mononucleosis. 单核细胞增多症
It's quite the thing in your age group, 在你这个年纪是高发病
according to the Ladies Horne Journal. 《霍恩女士》杂志说的
Where would we stay? 那我们住哪里
At the Gibson Hotel, in a double room for 22 dollars a night. 吉布森酒店标间每晚22美元
The Greyhound tickets would be $11.80 apiece, 灰狗巴士的车票是每人11.8美元
plus the cost of food. 再加上伙食费
I've calculated all of it. 我都算过了
Even if you only won second or third prize, 就算你只得了二等或三等奖
there would still be a profit. 还是能赚钱
I'll win. 我会赢的
I have every confidence. 我很有自信

