# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
@File : resnet_with_attention.py
@Time : 2023/03/25 08:55:30
@Author : RainfyLee
@Version : 1.0
@Contact : [email protected]
# here put the import lib
import torch
from mmdet.models.backbones import ResNet
from fightingcv_attention.attention.CoordAttention import CoordAtt
from fightingcv_attention.attention.SEAttention import SEAttention
from mmdet.models.builder import BACKBONES
# 定义带attention的resnet18基类
class ResNetWithAttention(ResNet):
def __init__(self , **kwargs):
super(ResNetWithAttention, self).__init__(**kwargs)
# 目前将注意力模块加在最后的三个输出特征层
# resnet输出四个特征层
if self.depth in (18, 34):
self.dims = (64, 128, 256, 512)
elif self.depth in (50, 101, 152):
self.dims = (256, 512, 1024, 2048)
raise Exception()
self.attention1 = self.get_attention_module(self.dims[1])
self.attention2 = self.get_attention_module(self.dims[2])
self.attention3 = self.get_attention_module(self.dims[3])
# 子类只需要实现该attention即可
def get_attention_module(self, dim):
raise NotImplementedError()
def forward(self, x):
outs = super().forward(x)
outs = list(outs)
outs[1] = self.attention1(outs[1])
outs[2] = self.attention2(outs[2])
outs[3] = self.attention3(outs[3])
outs = tuple(outs)
return outs
class ResNetWithCoordAttention(ResNetWithAttention):
def __init__(self , **kwargs):
super(ResNetWithCoordAttention, self).__init__(**kwargs)
# 子类只需要实现该attention即可
def get_attention_module(self, dim):
return CoordAtt(inp=dim, oup=dim, reduction=32)
class ResNetWithSEAttention(ResNetWithAttention):
def __init__(self , **kwargs):
super(ResNetWithSEAttention, self).__init__(**kwargs)
# 子类只需要实现该attention即可
def get_attention_module(self, dim):
return SEAttention(channel=dim, reduction=16)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# model = ResNet(depth=18)
# model = ResNet(depth=34)
# model = ResNet(depth=50)
# model = ResNet(depth=101)
# model = ResNet(depth=152)
# model = ResNetWithCoordAttention(depth=18)
model = ResNetWithSEAttention(depth=18)
x = torch.rand(1, 3, 224, 224)
outs = model(x)
# print(outs.shape)
for i, out in enumerate(outs):
print(i, out.shape)
GitHub - xmu-xiaoma666/External-Attention-pytorch: Pytorch implementation of various Attention Mechanisms, MLP, Re-parameter, Convolution, which is helpful to further understand papers.⭐⭐⭐
pip install fightingcv-attention
简单的方法是,添加backbone注册修饰器,并在train.py和test.py中,import 该文件。