num = 666 # 注释 """ 批量注释 """ print("余额:", num) print(type(num)) # 类型转换 ld = str(11) print(type(ld)) num_ld = int("111") print(type(num_ld)) """ 中文 英文 下划线 数字 数字不能开头 大小写敏感 关键字 """ """ 常见7种运算符 + - * / // 取整 % 取余数 ** 指数 复合运算 += """ """ 字符串 可以\,或者单引号 双引号错开使用 """ name1 = 'hello' name2 = "hello2" name3 = """hello3""" """ + 只能用于字符串拼接 错误:”hello“ + 111 """ tclass = "student" count = 1111 message = "学生:%s, 人数:%s" % (tclass,count) message = "学生:%s, 人数:%d" % (tclass,count) # message = "学生:%s, 人数:%f" % (tclass,count) print(message) """ 精度控制 m 控制位数 n 小数点精度 %5.2f """ #字符串快速格式化 f:format print(f"学生{tclass},人数{count}") """ 数据输入: input 输入的收拾str """ # print("input your name:") # my_name = input("...") # print("name is :",my_name) """ 判断 True False """ """ if判断 """ age = 17 if age > 18: print("old people") elif age > 16: print("m people") else: print("new people") """ 循环语句 while for continue break """ i = 1 while i < 10 : print("l love u") i = i + 1 print("hello",end="") print("world",end="") print("hello \t world") str_name = "i like fish" for x in str_name: print(x) for x in range(5): if x == 3: continue if x == 4: break print(x) print(range(3,9)) print(range(3,9,2)) """ 函数: 参数 返回值 注释 函数嵌套 global 全局变量 """ def my_len(data): scount = 0 for x in data: scount+=1 print(f"长度为{scount}") test_len = "ssssss" my_len(test_len) print(f"无返回类型{my_len(test_len)}") def add(x,y): """ 相加 :param x: :param y: :return: """ return x+y print( add(3,5) ) # cc = 55 def pp(): global cc cc = 100 print(cc) pp() print(cc) """ 数据容器 : list tuple str set dict """ #list name_list = ["sss","aaaa","ccc",['c','rrr'],True] print(name_list) print(type(name_list)) print(name_list[0]) print(name_list[-1]) print(name_list.index("ccc")) name_list[1] = "sda" print(name_list) name_list.insert(1,"ghgg") print(name_list) name_list.append("vvv") print(name_list) del name_list[2] print(name_list) ps = name_list.pop(2) print(name_list) name_list.remove("vvv") print(name_list) # name_list.clear() # print(name_list) tc = name_list.count("sss") print(tc) print(len(name_list)) for x in name_list: print(x) # tuple tp = (1,2,'ccc') print(tp) t1 = ("hello") print(type(t1)) t2 = ("hello",) print(type(t2)) print(tp[1]) #str 不能修改 my_str = "111 hello str 11" print(my_str[3]) print(my_str.index("o")) new_str = my_str.replace("h","p") print(new_str) ss = my_str.split("l") print(ss) # 去除前后空格 ms = my_str.strip() print(ms) mk = my_str.strip("11") print(mk) # 序列切片 ss_list = [1,2,3,4,5,6] print(ss_list[1:3]) print(ss_list[::-1]) # set集合 em = {"aa","bb","cc"} print(type(em)) em.add("kk") print(em) em1 = {"aa","bb","cc","vvv"} print(em1.difference(em)) print(em1.union(em)) for x in em: print(x) # 字典 dict key:除字典任意数据 value:任意数据 my_dict = {"name":"zz","age":23} print(my_dict) nn = my_dict["name"] print(nn) my_dict["add"] = "bj" print(my_dict) my_dict.pop("add") print(my_dict) mk = my_dict.keys() print(mk) for key in my_dict: print(key) print(sorted(my_dict)) print(sorted(my_dict,reverse=True )) """ 函数高阶: 多返回值 关键字传参 缺省参数 不定长参数 """ def test_re(): return 1 ,2 xxc,xxy = test_re(); print(xxc) print(xxy) def text_xx(x,y = 10): print(x) print(y) text_xx(y=4,x=6) text_xx(5) # 不定长 - 位置不定长 参数以元组形式存在 def user_info(*names): print(names) nl = ['a','b'] user_info(nl) user_info('a','b') # 不定长 - 关键字不定长** def user_info2(**kwargs): print(kwargs) user_info2(name ="zz1",age = 1) #函数作为参数 逻辑的传入 def test_fc(com): rs = com(1,3) print(rs) def com(x,y): return x +y test_fc(com) test_fc(lambda x,y:x+y) """ 文件的操作 r w a """ # f = open("hello.txt","r",encoding="utf-8") # print(type(f)) # i1 = # print(i1) # i2 = f.readlines() # print(i2) # for line in f : # print(line) # f.close() #自动关闭文件流 # with open("hello.txt","w",encoding="utf-8") as f: # # for line in f: # # print(line) # f.write("ccccc") # f.flush() # with open("hello.txt","a",encoding="utf-8") as f: # for line in f: # print(line) f.write("cccccccccccccssssssssss") f.flush() """ 异常 捕获异常 异常传递 """ try: 3/0 except: print("error") try: print(fsad) except NameError as e: print("error") print(e) try: print("sss") except NameError as e: print("error") print(e) else: print("sssvv") finally: print("vvvv") """ 模块导入 main all """ #import time # print(time.gmtime()) # from time import sleep # sleep(5) # from time import * # sleep(5) import my_module1 as mm aa = mm.test(2,4) print(aa) """ 图形可视化 折线图 json 地图 : 1)cmd控制台输入:conda env list,查看自己的环境,base是系统环境,myenv是自己创建的环境,我要激活的是自己创建的环境 2)cmd控制台输入:conda activate+环境名称,之后再输入python即为激活成功 """ from pyecharts.charts import Line line = Line() line.add_xaxis(["ch_z","us","uk"]) line.add_yaxis("GDP",[30,20,11]) #全局设置 #line.set_global_opts() line.render() from pyecharts.charts import Map map = Map() data = [ ("北京",111), ("上海",3231), ("成都",444), ] map.add("测试地图",data,"china") map.render() """ 类 成员变量和方法 构造方法 __init__ __str__ __eq__ 私有成员变量 __avg__ 继承,多继承:属性重复,以左边的类为主 重写 父类调用 类型注解:仅仅是备注,错了代码也能跑 多态 """ class Student: name11 = None age11 = 23 __avg__ = None def say_hi(self,mes): print(f"say :" ,{self.name11},mes) def __init__(self,name11,age11): self.name11 = name11; self.age11 = age11; def __str__(self): return f"student",self.name11,self.age11 def __kk__(self): print("sss") # st = Student() # st.age11 = 21 # st.name11 = "zz1" # st.say_hi("xxx") # print(st.name11) # print(st.age11) st2 = Student("aa",44) print(st2.name11) print(st2.age11) print(st2.__str__()) class StudentPro(Student): high = None def __init__(self,high): self.high = high; sp = StudentPro(444) sp.name11 = "ggg" print(sp.high) class Student66(Student): nfc = None def say(self,mes): super().say_hi(mes) def __init__(self): None s6 = Student66() print(s6.say("ddd")) var_1: int = 10 var_2: int = 10 # type: int # sttu :Student = Student() my_list1 : list = [2,3,45,5] def add_plu(x:int ,y:int) -> int: return x+y class Animal: def speak(self): None pass class Cat(Animal): def speak(self): print("miao miao~~~") class Dog(Animal): def speak(self): print("wang wang @@@") def make(an:Animal): an.speak() cat = Cat() dog = Dog() # cat.speak() # dog.speak() make(dog) make(cat) """ MYSQL """ from pymysql import Connection conn = Connection( host = "localhost", port = 3306, user="root", password="123456", autocommit=True ) print(conn.get_server_info()) cursor = conn.cursor() conn.select_db("cloud_user") # cursor.execute("select * from tb_user") # rs = cursor.fetchall() # print(rs) cursor.execute("insert into tb_user values(8, '柳岩2', '湖南省衡阳市2')") # cursor.execute("select * from tb_user") # rs = cursor.fetchall() # print(rs) #conn.commit()