2021-03-29 12 Things About Life

I’ve learned a lot of things much later than I would have liked.

  1. I’ve learned that the world is big, I am small, and every time I think I am the center of the universe, the universe finds a way to humble me.
  2. I’ve learned that in order to master anything in life, you have to be somewhat selfish with your time.
  3. I’ve learned that my parents only wanted me to succeed and to be happy — even if it meant years of conflicting beliefs.
  4. I’ve learned that easy roads lead to hard lessons, and hard roads lead to valuable lessons learned.
  5. I’ve learned real relationships take work — the best kind of work — and you should never run away from something that challenges you to grow.
  6. I’ve learned that the moment of “overnight success” is the result of years and years of mind-numbing, exhausting, deliberate work.
  7. I’ve learned you should always trust your gut first, check your work with your logic, and only do things you’re prepared to do without expecting anything in return.
  8. I’ve learned you should never burn a bridge, with anyone, regardless of what happened.
  9. I’ve learned there is no greater investment than the investment one makes in one’s self.
  10. I’ve learned humility is more important than self-confidence, and self-confidence is more important than admiration.
  11. I’ve learned the best thing money can buy you is the ability to do more generous things for more people.
  12. I’ve learned people are often far more capable than they know, and the vast majority just need a little positive reinforcement to get moving in the right direction.

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