JWT是基于json制作的一个web token的一套规范,这个规范允许我们使用JWT在用户和服务器之间传递安全可靠的信息,它属于一种无状态的数据,它主要有两大使用场景:认证和数据传递。
payLoad 里面存放的是user的数据的json对象,然后以base64处理之后的数据。
signature 里面存放的是前面两个的数据组合起来,然后加上一个加密盐通过第一段设置的加密方式加密起来,然后以base64处理的数据。
package com.zw.jwtdemo.util;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import io.jsonwebtoken.Claims;
import io.jsonwebtoken.Jwts;
import io.jsonwebtoken.SignatureAlgorithm;
public class JwtUtil {
private String keyScret ="123456";
private int expiryTime = 30;
public String getToken(Map claims) {
if(claims == null || claims.size() == 0) {
return null;
Date createTime = new Date();
Calendar calander = Calendar.getInstance();
calander.add(Calendar.MINUTE, expiryTime);
return Jwts.builder()
.signWith(SignatureAlgorithm.HS512, keyScret)
public Map parseToken(String token) {
Claims claims = Jwts.parser()
return claims;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map map = new HashMap(); JwtUtil jwtUtil = new
JwtUtil(); map.put("username", "zhangsan"); map.put("password", "456");
String token =jwtUtil.getToken(map); System.out.println(token);
Map map2 = jwtUtil.parseToken(token); Set keys =
map2.keySet(); for(String key: keys) { System.out.println(key + "=" +
String.valueOf(map2.get(key))); }
public String compact() {
if (payload == null && Collections.isEmpty(claims)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Either 'payload' or 'claims' must be specified.");
if (payload != null && !Collections.isEmpty(claims)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Both 'payload' and 'claims' cannot both be specified. Choose either one.");
if (key != null && keyBytes != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("A key object and key bytes cannot both be specified. Choose either one.");
//设置JWT header
Header header = ensureHeader();
Key key = this.key;
if (key == null && !Objects.isEmpty(keyBytes)) {
key = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, algorithm.getJcaName());
JwsHeader jwsHeader;
if (header instanceof JwsHeader) {
jwsHeader = (JwsHeader)header;
} else {
jwsHeader = new DefaultJwsHeader(header);
//设置加密算法 存放在头里面
if (key != null) {
} else {
//no signature - plaintext JWT:
if (compressionCodec != null) {
String base64UrlEncodedHeader = base64UrlEncode(jwsHeader, "Unable to serialize header to json.");
String base64UrlEncodedBody;
if (compressionCodec != null) {
byte[] bytes;
try {
bytes = this.payload != null ? payload.getBytes(Strings.UTF_8) : toJson(claims);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to serialize claims object to json.");
//将字符数组通过指定的压缩方式进行压缩 然后进行base64处理的带一个payload的字符串数据体
base64UrlEncodedBody = TextCodec.BASE64URL.encode(compressionCodec.compress(bytes));
} else {
base64UrlEncodedBody = this.payload != null ?
TextCodec.BASE64URL.encode(this.payload) :
base64UrlEncode(claims, "Unable to serialize claims object to json.");
String jwt = base64UrlEncodedHeader + JwtParser.SEPARATOR_CHAR + base64UrlEncodedBody;
if (key != null) { //jwt must be signed:
JwtSigner signer = createSigner(algorithm, key);
String base64UrlSignature = signer.sign(jwt);
jwt += JwtParser.SEPARATOR_CHAR + base64UrlSignature;
} else {
// no signature (plaintext), but must terminate w/ a period, see
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token-25#section-6.1
jwt += JwtParser.SEPARATOR_CHAR;
return jwt;
public Jwt parse(String jwt) throws ExpiredJwtException, MalformedJwtException, SignatureException {
Assert.hasText(jwt, "JWT String argument cannot be null or empty.");
String base64UrlEncodedHeader = null;
String base64UrlEncodedPayload = null;
String base64UrlEncodedDigest = null;
int delimiterCount = 0;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
for (char c : jwt.toCharArray()) {
if (c == SEPARATOR_CHAR) {
CharSequence tokenSeq = Strings.clean(sb);
String token = tokenSeq!=null?tokenSeq.toString():null;
if (delimiterCount == 0) {
base64UrlEncodedHeader = token;
} else if (delimiterCount == 1) {
base64UrlEncodedPayload = token;
} else {
if (delimiterCount != 2) {
String msg = "JWT strings must contain exactly 2 period characters. Found: " + delimiterCount;
throw new MalformedJwtException(msg);
if (sb.length() > 0) {
base64UrlEncodedDigest = sb.toString();
if (base64UrlEncodedPayload == null) {
throw new MalformedJwtException("JWT string '" + jwt + "' is missing a body/payload.");
// =============== Header =================
Header header = null;
CompressionCodec compressionCodec = null;
//解压得到JWT Header部分。
if (base64UrlEncodedHeader != null) {
String origValue = TextCodec.BASE64URL.decodeToString(base64UrlEncodedHeader);
Map m = readValue(origValue);
if (base64UrlEncodedDigest != null) {
header = new DefaultJwsHeader(m);
} else {
header = new DefaultHeader(m);
compressionCodec = compressionCodecResolver.resolveCompressionCodec(header);
// =============== Body =================
String payload;
if (compressionCodec != null) {
byte[] decompressed = compressionCodec.decompress(TextCodec.BASE64URL.decode(base64UrlEncodedPayload));
payload = new String(decompressed, Strings.UTF_8);
} else {
payload = TextCodec.BASE64URL.decodeToString(base64UrlEncodedPayload);
Claims claims = null;
if (payload.charAt(0) == '{' && payload.charAt(payload.length() - 1) == '}') { //likely to be json, parse it:
Map claimsMap = readValue(payload);
claims = new DefaultClaims(claimsMap);
// =============== Signature =================
if (base64UrlEncodedDigest != null) { //it is signed - validate the signature
JwsHeader jwsHeader = (JwsHeader) header;
SignatureAlgorithm algorithm = null;
if (header != null) {
String alg = jwsHeader.getAlgorithm();
if (Strings.hasText(alg)) {
algorithm = SignatureAlgorithm.forName(alg);
if (algorithm == null || algorithm == SignatureAlgorithm.NONE) {
//it is plaintext, but it has a signature. This is invalid:
String msg = "JWT string has a digest/signature, but the header does not reference a valid signature " +
throw new MalformedJwtException(msg);
if (key != null && keyBytes != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("A key object and key bytes cannot both be specified. Choose either.");
} else if ((key != null || keyBytes != null) && signingKeyResolver != null) {
String object = key != null ? "a key object" : "key bytes";
throw new IllegalStateException("A signing key resolver and " + object + " cannot both be specified. Choose either.");
//digitally signed, let's assert the signature:
Key key = this.key;
if (key == null) { //fall back to keyBytes
byte[] keyBytes = this.keyBytes;
if (Objects.isEmpty(keyBytes) && signingKeyResolver != null) { //use the signingKeyResolver
if (claims != null) {
key = signingKeyResolver.resolveSigningKey(jwsHeader, claims);
} else {
key = signingKeyResolver.resolveSigningKey(jwsHeader, payload);
if (!Objects.isEmpty(keyBytes)) {
"Key bytes can only be specified for HMAC signatures. Please specify a PublicKey or PrivateKey instance.");
key = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, algorithm.getJcaName());
Assert.notNull(key, "A signing key must be specified if the specified JWT is digitally signed.");
//re-create the jwt part without the signature. This is what needs to be signed for verification:
String jwtWithoutSignature = base64UrlEncodedHeader + SEPARATOR_CHAR + base64UrlEncodedPayload;
JwtSignatureValidator validator;
try {
validator = createSignatureValidator(algorithm, key);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
String algName = algorithm.getValue();
String msg = "The parsed JWT indicates it was signed with the " + algName + " signature " +
"algorithm, but the specified signing key of type " + key.getClass().getName() +
" may not be used to validate " + algName + " signatures. Because the specified " +
"signing key reflects a specific and expected algorithm, and the JWT does not reflect " +
"this algorithm, it is likely that the JWT was not expected and therefore should not be " +
"trusted. Another possibility is that the parser was configured with the incorrect " +
"signing key, but this cannot be assumed for security reasons.";
throw new UnsupportedJwtException(msg, e);
if (!validator.isValid(jwtWithoutSignature, base64UrlEncodedDigest)) {
String msg = "JWT signature does not match locally computed signature. JWT validity cannot be " +
"asserted and should not be trusted.";
throw new SignatureException(msg);
final boolean allowSkew = this.allowedClockSkewMillis > 0;
//since 0.3:
if (claims != null) {
SimpleDateFormat sdf;
final Date now = this.clock.now();
long nowTime = now.getTime();
//token MUST NOT be accepted on or after any specified exp time:
Date exp = claims.getExpiration();
if (exp != null) {
long maxTime = nowTime - this.allowedClockSkewMillis;
Date max = allowSkew ? new Date(maxTime) : now;
if (max.after(exp)) {
sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(ISO_8601_FORMAT);
String expVal = sdf.format(exp);
String nowVal = sdf.format(now);
long differenceMillis = maxTime - exp.getTime();
String msg = "JWT expired at " + expVal + ". Current time: " + nowVal + ", a difference of " +
differenceMillis + " milliseconds. Allowed clock skew: " +
this.allowedClockSkewMillis + " milliseconds.";
throw new ExpiredJwtException(header, claims, msg);
//token MUST NOT be accepted before any specified nbf time:
Date nbf = claims.getNotBefore();
if (nbf != null) {
long minTime = nowTime + this.allowedClockSkewMillis;
Date min = allowSkew ? new Date(minTime) : now;
if (min.before(nbf)) {
sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(ISO_8601_FORMAT);
String nbfVal = sdf.format(nbf);
String nowVal = sdf.format(now);
long differenceMillis = nbf.getTime() - minTime;
String msg = "JWT must not be accepted before " + nbfVal + ". Current time: " + nowVal +
", a difference of " +
differenceMillis + " milliseconds. Allowed clock skew: " +
this.allowedClockSkewMillis + " milliseconds.";
throw new PrematureJwtException(header, claims, msg);
validateExpectedClaims(header, claims);
Object body = claims != null ? claims : payload;
if (base64UrlEncodedDigest != null) {
return new DefaultJws
1 这三段内容分别是加密算法,数据信息体,以及数字签名
2 第一段的作用是表明算法,第二段是数据信息的传递,第三段是第一段和第二段加密之后的数据
3 因为在解析的时候防止别人拦截了JWT,防止篡改JWT中的数据,所以添加了第三段,需要通过第一段和第二段正确的信息进行验证是否正确。第三段的加密算法一般使用不可逆的加密算法比较好,安全系数比较高。