《Programming Abstractions In C》阅读笔记p69-p71

今日完成《Programming Abstractions In C》阅读P69-p71。
涉及到的技术知识点有“symbolic constant”,”Array declaration”,“Array selection”。

#define  NJudges 5

int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
    // Array declaration p69: type name[size];
    double scores[NJudges]; // 为了方便后续修改,所以数组的大小声明为symbolic constant

    // Array selection p70: array[index]
    scores[0] = 9.2;
    scores[0] = 9.9;
    scores[0] = 9.7;
    scores[0] = 9.0;
    scores[0] = 9.5;

    return 0;

1、 pictorially
pictorial > pictorially:pictorius(of a painter) + -al(of, like, related to pertain to)。所以,pictorially的意思是in a way that related to pictures or photographs(图像化地,以绘画的方式)。
2、 gymnastics
phicical exercise that increase th body’s strength, balance and ability to move gracefully(体操)。
3、 figure skating
a type of skating that involves circular patterns and often includes jumps(花样滑冰)。
4、 effective size
effective 在这里的意思是:in fact,所以 effective size的意思是“实际大小”,“有效大小”。
参考资料:英语词根解析:Etymonline - Online Etymology Dictionary

