C++ Primer Plus笔记: 2023.07.18


using namespace std ;

int main()
	ifstream inFile ;
	string filename ;
	cout << "Enter the file name: " ;
	cin >> filename ;
	inFile.open(filename) ;
		cout << "Could not open the file " << filename << ".\n" ;
		cout << "Program terminating..." << endl ;
		exit(EXIT_FAILURE) ;	
	char ch ;
	int count = 0 ;
	inFile >> ch ;
	while (inFile.good())
		count ++ ;
		inFile >> ch ;
	if (inFile.eof())
		cout << "This file has " << count << " characters.\n" ;
	inFile.close() ;
	return 0 ;



using namespace std ;

ifstream inFile ;

const int NameSize = 30 ;
struct Contributor
	char name[NameSize] ;
	double money ;
} ;

int main()
	string filename ;
	cout << "Enter the file's name: " ;
	cin >> filename ;
	inFile.open(filename) ;
	if (!inFile.is_open())
		cout << "File " << filename << " doesn't exit.\n" ;
		cout << "Program terminating...\n" ;
		exit(EXIT_FAILURE) ;
	int population ;
	inFile >> population ;
	inFile.get() ;
	Contributor *  volunteer = new Contributor[population] ;
	for (int i=0; i<population; i++)
		inFile.get(volunteer[i].name, NameSize).get() ;
		inFile >> volunteer[i].money ;
		inFile.get() ;
	cout << "Grand Patrons:\n" ;
	for (int i=0; i<population; i++)
		if (volunteer[i].money > 10000)
			cout << volunteer[i].name << endl ;
			cout << volunteer[i].money << endl ;
			volunteer[i].money = 0 ;
	cout << "\nPatrons:\n" ;
    for (int i=0; i<population; i++)
		if (volunteer[i].money)
			cout << volunteer[i].name << endl ;
            cout << volunteer[i].money << endl ;

	inFile.close() ;
	delete [] volunteer ;
