AndroidNativeEmu是基于Unicron实现的一个指令解析器, 让您能够跨平台模拟Android Native库函数,例如JNI_OnLoad,Java_XXX_XX等函数
- 模拟 JNI Invocation API so
can be called properly.
- 模拟 memory、malloc、memcpy
- 支持拦截系统调用(SVC #0)
- 通过符号Hook
- 所有 JavaVM, JNIEnv 和 hooked functions 都可以用python来处理
- 支持 VFP
- 支持文件系统(也就是说你可以模拟maps、status等文件)
环境要求: python 3.7 (注意必须是3.7版本, 我使用3.6装keystone的时候踩了坑)
自测系统环境: win7
1.Clone 该项目
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git clone https: / / github.com / AeonLucid / AndroidNativeEmu.git |
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pip install - r requirements.txt |
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1. 克隆keystone仓库: git clone https: / / github.com / keystone - engine / keystone.git 2. 打开keystone\bindings文件夹安装: python setup.py install 3. 下载对应系统和版本dll(因为我是win), 下载链接: http: / / www.keystone - engine.org / download / 4. 把dll复制到python的keystone目录下: [python_path]\Lib\site - packages\keystone\ |
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如 "samples/example_binaries/libc.so" 改为 "example_binaries/libc.so" |

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example_binaries / : 里面是需要加载的so vfs / : 里面是虚拟的文件系统, 有需要可以自己添加文件 androidemu / : android虚拟机 |
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import logging import sys from unicorn import UC_HOOK_CODE from unicorn.arm_const import * from androidemu.emulator import Emulator # 配置日志相关设置 logging.basicConfig( stream = sys.stdout, #标准输出流 level = logging.DEBUG, #输出等级 format = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)7s %(name)34s | %(message)s" #输出格式 ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) #实例化对象 # 实例化虚拟机 emulator = Emulator() #加载Libc库 emulator.load_library( "example_binaries/libc.so" , do_init = False ) #加载要模拟器的库 lib_module = emulator.load_library( "example_binaries/libnative-lib.so" ) #打印已经加载的模块 logger.info( "Loaded modules:" ) for module in emulator.modules: logger.info( "[0x%x] %s" % (module.base, module.filename)) #trace 每步执行的指令, 方便调试, 其实也可以取消 def hook_code(mu, address, size, user_data): instruction = mu.mem_read(address, size) instruction_str = ' '.join(' {: 02x } '. format (x) for x in instruction) print ( '# Tracing instruction at 0x%x, instruction size = 0x%x, instruction = %s' % (address, size, instruction_str)) emulator.mu.hook_add(UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code) #通过导出符号来调用函数 emulator.call_symbol(lib_module, '_Z4testv' ) #通过R0来获取调用结构 print ( "String length is: %i" % emulator.mu.reg_read(UC_ARM_REG_R0)) |
新建一个jni工程, demo的代码很简单, 就是一个加法
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JNIEXPORT int nativeAdd( int a, int b) { return a + b; } extern "C" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_mario_testunicorn_MainActivity_myAdd( JNIEnv * env, jobject / * this * / , int a, int b){ return nativeAdd(a,b); } |
注释写的很详细, 具体看代码吧
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import logging import posixpath import sys from unicorn import UcError, UC_HOOK_CODE, UC_HOOK_MEM_UNMAPPED from unicorn.arm_const import * from androidemu.emulator import Emulator import debug_utils # 配置日志 logging.basicConfig( stream = sys.stdout, level = logging.DEBUG, format = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)7s %(name)34s | %(message)s" ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # 初始化模拟器 emulator = Emulator( vfp_inst_set = True , vfs_root = posixpath.join(posixpath.dirname(__file__), "vfs" ) ) # 加载依赖的动态库 emulator.load_library( "example_binaries/libdl.so" ) emulator.load_library( "example_binaries/libc.so" , do_init = False ) emulator.load_library( "example_binaries/libstdc++.so" ) emulator.load_library( "example_binaries/libm.so" ) lib_module = emulator.load_library( "example_binaries/libmytest.so" ) # 当前已经load的so logger.info( "Loaded modules:" ) for module in emulator.modules: logger.info( "=> 0x%08x - %s" % (module.base, module.filename)) try : # 运行jni onload 这里没有, 但不影响执行 emulator.call_symbol(lib_module, 'JNI_OnLoad' , emulator.java_vm.address_ptr, 0x00 ) #直接调用符号1, 计算1+2 emulator.call_symbol(lib_module, '_Z9nativeAddii' , 1 , 2 ) print ( "_Z9nativeAddii result call: %i" % emulator.mu.reg_read(UC_ARM_REG_R0)) #直接调用符号2, 计算1000 + 1000 emulator.call_symbol(lib_module, 'Java_com_mario_testunicorn_MainActivity_myAdd' , 0 , 0 , 1000 , 1000 ) print ( "myAdd result call: %i" % emulator.mu.reg_read(UC_ARM_REG_R0)) #执行完成, 退出虚拟机 logger.info( "Exited EMU." ) logger.info( "Native methods registered to MainActivity:" ) except UcError as e: print ( "Exit at %x" % emulator.mu.reg_read(UC_ARM_REG_PC)) raise |
RuntimeError: Unhandled syscall x (x) at 解决
这个错误是因为没有实现对应syscall导致的, 缺少什么函数, 自己写一个函数绑定一下, 返回给他需要的值就可以了, 比如getpid, 那么自己写的函数随便返回一个整形就可以了
在syscall_hooks.py文件里, 可以看到作者已经实现的函数
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self ._syscall_handler.set_handler( 0x4E , "gettimeofday" , 2 , self ._handle_gettimeofday) self ._syscall_handler.set_handler( 0xAC , "prctl" , 5 , self ._handle_prctl) self ._syscall_handler.set_handler( 0xF0 , "futex" , 6 , self ._handle_futex) self ._syscall_handler.set_handler( 0x107 , "clock_gettime" , 2 , self ._handle_clock_gettime) self ._syscall_handler.set_handler( 0x119 , "socket" , 3 , self ._socket) self ._syscall_handler.set_handler( 0x11b , "connect" , 3 , self ._connect) self ._syscall_handler.set_handler( 0x159 , "getcpu" , 3 , self ._getcpu) self ._syscall_handler.set_handler( 0x14e , "faccessat" , 4 , self ._faccessat) self ._syscall_handler.set_handler( 0x14 , "getpid" , 0 , self ._getpid) self ._syscall_handler.set_handler( 0xe0 , "gettid" , 0 , self ._gettid) self ._syscall_handler.set_handler( 0x180 , "null1" , 0 , self ._null) |
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set_handler函数参数: arg1: 中断号(intno),中断号可以在ndk中的unistd.h中找到 arg2: 函数名 arg3: 参数数量 arg4: 绑定的自定义函数 |

以下信息通过分析所得, 具体分析过程不是本文重点, 这里不赘述;
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目标文件: libtest.so 目标函数: a(char * buf, int buf_len) 返回值: return_value > 0 , 表示风险环境并且会在buf参数里写入详细风险环境信息; return_value = = 0 , 表示正常环境 |
详情看注释, 写的很详细
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import logging import posixpath import sys from unicorn import UcError, UC_HOOK_CODE, UC_HOOK_MEM_UNMAPPED from unicorn.arm_const import * from androidemu.emulator import Emulator from androidemu.java.java_class_def import JavaClassDef from androidemu.java.java_method_def import java_method_def # Create java class. import debug_utils # 配置日志 logging.basicConfig( stream = sys.stdout, level = logging.DEBUG, format = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)7s %(name)34s | %(message)s" ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # 初始化模拟器 emulator = Emulator( vfp_inst_set = True , vfs_root = posixpath.join(posixpath.dirname(__file__), "vfs" ) ) # 加载依赖的动态库 emulator.load_library( "example_binaries/libdl.so" ) emulator.load_library( "example_binaries/libc.so" , do_init = False ) emulator.load_library( "example_binaries/libstdc++.so" ) emulator.load_library( "example_binaries/liblog.so" ) emulator.load_library( "example_binaries/libm.so" ) #目标so lib_module = emulator.load_library( "example_binaries/libtest.so" ) # 当前已经load的so logger.info( "Loaded modules:" ) for module in emulator.modules: logger.info( "=> 0x%08x - %s" % (module.base, module.filename)) try : # 运行jni onload 这里没有, 但不影响执行 emulator.call_symbol(lib_module, 'JNI_OnLoad' , emulator.java_vm.address_ptr, 0x00 ) # 增加properties, 该so或通过获取一些properties来判断环境 emulator.system_properties[ 'ro.build.fingerprint' ] = 'google/passion/passion:2.3.3/GRI40/102588:user/release-keys' emulator.system_properties[ 'ro.product.cpu.abi' ] = 'arm' emulator.system_properties[ 'microvirt.vbox_dpi' ] = '' #申请一块buff, 用作参数 emulator.call_symbol(lib_module, 'malloc' , 0x1000 ) address = emulator.mu.reg_read(UC_ARM_REG_R0) #在之前申请的buff读取内存 detect_str = memory_helpers.read_utf8(emulator.mu, address) print ( "detect_str: " + detect_str) #执行完成, 退出虚拟机 logger.info( "Exited EMU." ) logger.info( "Native methods registered to MainActivity:" ) except UcError as e: print ( "Exit at %x" % emulator.mu.reg_read(UC_ARM_REG_PC)) raise |

可以看见, 函数已经调用成功, 并且已经成功获取返回值和参数, 不过检测出风险环境了(因为我的vfs文件都是从虚拟机里拷贝出来的), 接下来就可以分析检测点了!~~
1.通过执行日志分析, 发现频繁访问了build.prop, maps等系统环境, 猜测可能是通过这些文件来判断的, 这里列出个别几个
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2019 - 09 - 21 16 : 08 : 27 , 677 INFO androidemu.vfs.file_system | Reading 1024 bytes from '/proc/cpuinfo' 2019 - 09 - 21 16 : 08 : 27 , 680 DEBUG androidemu.cpu.syscall_handlers | Executing syscall read( 00000005 , 02089000 , 00000400 ) at 0xcbc1ba7c 2019 - 09 - 21 16 : 08 : 27 , 783 INFO androidemu.vfs.file_system | Reading 1024 bytes from '/proc/self/maps' 2019 - 09 - 21 16 : 08 : 27 , 784 DEBUG androidemu.cpu.syscall_handlers | Executing syscall close( 00000008 ) at 0xcbc1a854 2019 - 09 - 21 16 : 08 : 27 , 886 INFO androidemu.vfs.file_system | File opened '/proc/self/status' 2019 - 09 - 21 16 : 08 : 27 , 887 DEBUG androidemu.cpu.syscall_handlers | Executing syscall fstat64( 0000000a , 000ff3e8 ) at 0xcbc1b314 |
2.通过反复测试, 修改对应文件中的关键信息, 最终成功躲过该风控模块的环境检测

该项目是通过Unicron来实现的, Unicorn 是一款非常优秀的跨平台模拟执行框架, 通过上帝视角来调试和调用二进制代码, 几乎可以很清晰发现反调试和检测手段, 而Unicorn的应用绝不仅仅只是个虚拟机, 可以实现很多骚操作, 再次感谢QEMU, Unicron, AndroidNativeEmu等等这些开源大神, 是这些人的分享精神推进了整个圈子的技术迭代;