
http://www.koders.com/c/fidB8753455CA26486AEB4BE4FE5168E7C79D1CD15B.aspx/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4: *//* * Utility routines. * * Copyright (C) tons of folks. Tracking down who wrote what * isn't something I'm going to worry about... If you wrote something * here, please feel free to acknowledge your work. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Based in part on code from sash, Copyright (c) 1999 by David I. Bell * Permission has been granted to redistribute this code under the GPL. * */#include "internal.h"#if defined (BB_CHMOD_CHOWN_CHGRP) \ || defined (BB_CP_MV) \ || defined (BB_FIND) \ || defined (BB_LS) \ || defined (BB_INSMOD)/* same conditions as recursiveAction */#define bb_need_name_too_long#endif#define bb_need_memory_exhausted#define BB_DECLARE_EXTERN#include "messages.c"#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for uname(2) */#if defined BB_FEATURE_MOUNT_LOOP#include #include /* Pull in loop device support */#endif/* Busybox mount uses either /proc/filesystems or /dev/mtab to get the * list of available filesystems used for the -t auto option */ #if defined BB_FEATURE_USE_PROCFS && defined BB_FEATURE_USE_DEVPS_PATCH//#error Sorry, but busybox can't use both /proc and /dev/ps at the same time -- Pick one and try again.#error "Sorry, but busybox can't use both /proc and /dev/ps at the same time -- Pick one and try again."#endif#if defined BB_MOUNT || defined BB_UMOUNT || defined BB_DF# if defined BB_FEATURE_USE_PROCFSconst char mtab_file[] = "/proc/mounts";# else# if defined BB_MTABconst char mtab_file[] = "/etc/mtab";# else# if defined BB_FEATURE_USE_DEVPS_PATCHconst char mtab_file[] = "/dev/mtab";# else# error With (BB_MOUNT||BB_UMOUNT||BB_DF) defined, you must define either BB_MTAB or ( BB_FEATURE_USE_PROCFS | BB_FEATURE_USE_DEVPS_PATCH)# endif# endif# endif#endifextern void usage(const char *usage){fprintf(stderr, "BusyBox v%s (%s) multi-call binary -- GPL2\n\n",BB_VER, BB_BT);fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s\n", usage);exit FALSE;}extern void errorMsg(const char *s, ...){va_list p;va_start(p, s);fflush(stdout);vfprintf(stderr, s, p);va_end(p);fflush(stderr);}extern void fatalError(const char *s, ...){va_list p;va_start(p, s);fflush(stdout);vfprintf(stderr, s, p);va_end(p);fflush(stderr);exit( FALSE);}#if defined BB_INIT/* Returns kernel version encoded as major*65536 + minor*256 + patch, * so, for example, to check if the kernel is greater than 2.2.11: * if (get_kernel_revision() <= 2*65536+2*256+11) { } */extern int get_kernel_revision(void){struct utsname name;int major = 0, minor = 0, patch = 0;if (uname(&name) == -1) {perror("cannot get system information");return (0);}sscanf(name.version, "%d.%d.%d", &major, &minor, &patch);return major * 65536 + minor * 256 + patch;}#endif /* BB_INIT */#if defined BB_FREE || defined BB_INIT || defined BB_UNAME || defined BB_UPTIME_syscall1(int, sysinfo, struct sysinfo *, info);#endif /* BB_INIT */#if defined BB_MOUNT || defined BB_UMOUNT#ifndef __NR_umount2#define __NR_umount2 52#endif/* Include our own version of , since libc5 doesn't * know about umount2 */extern _syscall1(int, umount, const char *, special_file);extern _syscall2(int, umount2, const char *, special_file, int, flags);extern _syscall5(int, mount, const char *, special_file, const char *, dir,const char *, fstype, unsigned long int, rwflag, const void *, data);#endif#if defined (BB_CP_MV) || defined (BB_DU)#define HASH_SIZE 311 /* Should be prime */#define hash_inode(i) ((i) % HASH_SIZE)static ino_dev_hashtable_bucket_t *ino_dev_hashtable[HASH_SIZE];/* * Return 1 if statbuf->st_ino && statbuf->st_dev are recorded in * `ino_dev_hashtable', else return 0 * * If NAME is a non-NULL pointer to a character pointer, and there is * a match, then set *NAME to the value of the name slot in that * bucket. */int is_in_ino_dev_hashtable(const struct stat *statbuf, char **name){ino_dev_hashtable_bucket_t *bucket;bucket = ino_dev_hashtable[hash_inode(statbuf->st_ino)];while (bucket != NULL) { if ((bucket->ino == statbuf->st_ino) && (bucket->dev == statbuf->st_dev)) {if (name) *name = bucket->name;return 1; } bucket = bucket->next;}return 0;}/* Add statbuf to statbuf hash table */void add_to_ino_dev_hashtable(const struct stat *statbuf, const char *name){int i;size_t s;ino_dev_hashtable_bucket_t *bucket; i = hash_inode(statbuf->st_ino);s = name ? strlen(name) : 0;bucket = xmalloc(sizeof(ino_dev_hashtable_bucket_t) + s);bucket->ino = statbuf->st_ino;bucket->dev = statbuf->st_dev;if (name)strcpy(bucket->name, name);elsebucket->name[0] = '\0';bucket->next = ino_dev_hashtable[i];ino_dev_hashtable[i] = bucket;}/* Clear statbuf hash table */void reset_ino_dev_hashtable(void){int i;ino_dev_hashtable_bucket_t *bucket;for (i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++) {while (ino_dev_hashtable[i] != NULL) {bucket = ino_dev_hashtable[i]->next;free(ino_dev_hashtable[i]);ino_dev_hashtable[i] = bucket;}}}#endif /* BB_CP_MV || BB_DU */#if defined (BB_CP_MV) || defined (BB_DU) || defined (BB_LN)/* * Return TRUE if a fileName is a directory. * Nonexistant files return FALSE. */int isDirectory(const char *fileName, const int followLinks, struct stat *statBuf){int status;int didMalloc = 0;if (statBuf == NULL) { statBuf = (struct stat *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct stat)); ++didMalloc;}if (followLinks == TRUE)status = stat(fileName, statBuf);elsestatus = lstat(fileName, statBuf);if (status < 0 || !(S_ISDIR(statBuf->st_mode))) { status = FALSE;}else status = TRUE;if (didMalloc) { free(statBuf); statBuf = NULL;}return status;}#endif#if defined (BB_CP_MV)/* * Copy one file to another, while possibly preserving its modes, times, and * modes. Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE on a failure with an error * message output. (Failure is not indicated if attributes cannot be set.) * -Erik Andersen */intcopyFile(const char *srcName, const char *destName, int setModes, int followLinks, int forceFlag){int rfd;int wfd;int rcc;int status;char buf[BUF_SIZE];struct stat srcStatBuf;struct stat dstStatBuf;struct utimbuf times;if (followLinks == TRUE)status = stat(srcName, &srcStatBuf);elsestatus = lstat(srcName, &srcStatBuf);if (status < 0) {perror(srcName);return FALSE;}if (followLinks == TRUE)status = stat(destName, &dstStatBuf);elsestatus = lstat(destName, &dstStatBuf);if (status < 0 || forceFlag==TRUE) {unlink(destName);dstStatBuf.st_ino = -1;dstStatBuf.st_dev = -1;}if ((srcStatBuf.st_dev == dstStatBuf.st_dev) &&(srcStatBuf.st_ino == dstStatBuf.st_ino)) {fprintf(stderr, "Copying file \"%s\" to itself\n", srcName);return FALSE;}if (S_ISDIR(srcStatBuf.st_mode)) {//fprintf(stderr, "copying directory %s to %s\n", srcName, destName);/* Make sure the directory is writable */status = mkdir(destName, 0777777 ^ umask(0));if (status < 0 && errno != EEXIST) {perror(destName);return FALSE;}} else if (S_ISLNK(srcStatBuf.st_mode)) {char link_val[BUFSIZ + 1];int link_size;//fprintf(stderr, "copying link %s to %s\n", srcName, destName);/* Warning: This could possibly truncate silently, to BUFSIZ chars */link_size = readlink(srcName, &link_val[0], BUFSIZ);if (link_size < 0) {perror(srcName);return FALSE;}link_val[link_size] = '\0';status = symlink(link_val, destName);if (status < 0) {perror(destName);return FALSE;}#if (__GLIBC__ >= 2) && (__GLIBC_MINOR__ >= 1)if (setModes == TRUE) {/* Try to set owner, but fail silently like GNU cp */lchown(destName, srcStatBuf.st_uid, srcStatBuf.st_gid);}#endifreturn TRUE;} else if (S_ISFIFO(srcStatBuf.st_mode)) {//fprintf(stderr, "copying fifo %s to %s\n", srcName, destName);if (mkfifo(destName, 0644) < 0) {perror(destName);return FALSE;}} else if (S_ISBLK(srcStatBuf.st_mode) || S_ISCHR(srcStatBuf.st_mode) || S_ISSOCK(srcStatBuf.st_mode)) {//fprintf(stderr, "copying soc, blk, or chr %s to %s\n", srcName, destName);if (mknod(destName, srcStatBuf.st_mode, srcStatBuf.st_rdev) < 0) {perror(destName);return FALSE;}} else if (S_ISREG(srcStatBuf.st_mode)) {//fprintf(stderr, "copying regular file %s to %s\n", srcName, destName);rfd = open(srcName, O_RDONLY);if (rfd < 0) {perror(srcName);return FALSE;}wfd =open(destName, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, srcStatBuf.st_mode);if (wfd < 0) {perror(destName);close(rfd);return FALSE;}while ((rcc = read(rfd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) {if (fullWrite(wfd, buf, rcc) < 0)goto error_exit;}if (rcc < 0) {goto error_exit;}close(rfd);if (close(wfd) < 0) {return FALSE;}}if (setModes == TRUE) {/* This is fine, since symlinks never get here */if (chown(destName, srcStatBuf.st_uid, srcStatBuf.st_gid) < 0) {perror(destName);exit FALSE;}if (chmod(destName, srcStatBuf.st_mode) < 0) {perror(destName);exit FALSE;}times.actime = srcStatBuf.st_atime;times.modtime = srcStatBuf.st_mtime;if (utime(destName, ×) < 0) {perror(destName);exit FALSE;}}return TRUE; error_exit:perror(destName);close(rfd);close(wfd);return FALSE;}#endif /* BB_CP_MV */#if defined BB_TAR || defined BB_LS#define TYPEINDEX(mode) (((mode) >> 12) & 0x0f)#define TYPECHAR(mode) ("0pcCd?bB-?l?s???" [TYPEINDEX(mode)])/* The special bits. If set, display SMODE0/1 instead of MODE0/1 */static const mode_t SBIT[] = {0, 0, S_ISUID,0, 0, S_ISGID,0, 0, S_ISVTX};/* The 9 mode bits to test */static const mode_t MBIT[] = {S_IRUSR, S_IWUSR, S_IXUSR,S_IRGRP, S_IWGRP, S_IXGRP,S_IROTH, S_IWOTH, S_IXOTH};#define MODE1 "rwxrwxrwx"#define MODE0 "---------"#define SMODE1 "..s..s..t"#define SMODE0 "..S..S..T"/* * Return the standard ls-like mode string from a file mode. * This is static and so is overwritten on each call. */const char *modeString(int mode){static char buf[12];int i;buf[0] = TYPECHAR(mode);for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {if (mode & SBIT[i])buf[i + 1] = (mode & MBIT[i]) ? SMODE1[i] : SMODE0[i];elsebuf[i + 1] = (mode & MBIT[i]) ? MODE1[i] : MODE0[i];}return buf;}#endif /* BB_TAR || BB_LS */#if defined BB_TAR/* * Return the standard ls-like time string from a time_t * This is static and so is overwritten on each call. */const char *timeString(time_t timeVal){time_t now;char *str;static char buf[26];time(&now);str = ctime(&timeVal);strcpy(buf, &str[4]);buf[12] = '\0';if ((timeVal > now) || (timeVal < now - 365 * 24 * 60 * 60L)) {strcpy(&buf[7], &str[20]);buf[11] = '\0';}return buf;}#endif /* BB_TAR */#if defined BB_TAR || defined BB_CP_MV/* * Write all of the supplied buffer out to a file. * This does multiple writes as necessary. * Returns the amount written, or -1 on an error. */int fullWrite(int fd, const char *buf, int len){int cc;int total;total = 0;while (len > 0) {cc = write(fd, buf, len);if (cc < 0)return -1;buf += cc;total += cc;len -= cc;}return total;}#endif /* BB_TAR || BB_CP_MV */#if defined BB_TAR || defined BB_TAIL/* * Read all of the supplied buffer from a file. * This does multiple reads as necessary. * Returns the amount read, or -1 on an error. * A short read is returned on an end of file. */int fullRead(int fd, char *buf, int len){int cc;int total;total = 0;while (len > 0) {cc = read(fd, buf, len);if (cc < 0)return -1;if (cc == 0)break;buf += cc;total += cc;len -= cc;}return total;}#endif /* BB_TAR || BB_TAIL */#if defined (BB_CHMOD_CHOWN_CHGRP) \ || defined (BB_CP_MV) \ || defined (BB_FIND) \ || defined (BB_INSMOD) \ || defined (BB_RM) \ || defined (BB_TAR)/* * Walk down all the directories under the specified * location, and do something (something specified * by the fileAction and dirAction function pointers). * * Unfortunatly, while nftw(3) could replace this and reduce * code size a bit, nftw() wasn't supported before GNU libc 2.1, * and so isn't sufficiently portable to take over since glibc2.1 * is so stinking huge. */int recursiveAction(const char *fileName,int recurse, int followLinks, int depthFirst,int (*fileAction) (const char *fileName, struct stat * statbuf, void* userData),int (*dirAction) (const char *fileName, struct stat * statbuf, void* userData),void* userData){int status;struct stat statbuf;struct dirent *next;if (followLinks == TRUE)status = stat(fileName, &statbuf);elsestatus = lstat(fileName, &statbuf);if (status < 0) {#ifdef BB_DEBUG_PRINT_SCAFFOLDfprintf(stderr,"status=%d followLinks=%d TRUE=%d\n",status, followLinks, TRUE);#endifperror(fileName);return FALSE;}if ((followLinks == FALSE) && (S_ISLNK(statbuf.st_mode))) {if (fileAction == NULL)return TRUE;elsereturn fileAction(fileName, &statbuf, userData);}if (recurse == FALSE) {if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) {if (dirAction != NULL)return (dirAction(fileName, &statbuf, userData));elsereturn TRUE;}}if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) {DIR *dir;dir = opendir(fileName);if (!dir) {perror(fileName);return FALSE;}if (dirAction != NULL && depthFirst == FALSE) {status = dirAction(fileName, &statbuf, userData);if (status == FALSE) {perror(fileName);return FALSE;}}while ((next = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {char nextFile[BUFSIZ + 1];if ((strcmp(next->d_name, "..") == 0)|| (strcmp(next->d_name, ".") == 0)) {continue;}if (strlen(fileName) + strlen(next->d_name) + 1 > BUFSIZ) {fprintf(stderr, name_too_long, "ftw");return FALSE;}memset(nextFile, 0, sizeof(nextFile));sprintf(nextFile, "%s/%s", fileName, next->d_name);status =recursiveAction(nextFile, TRUE, followLinks, depthFirst,fileAction, dirAction, userData);if (status < 0) {closedir(dir);return FALSE;}}status = closedir(dir);if (status < 0) {perror(fileName);return FALSE;}if (dirAction != NULL && depthFirst == TRUE) {status = dirAction(fileName, &statbuf, userData);if (status == FALSE) {perror(fileName);return FALSE;}}} else {if (fileAction == NULL)return TRUE;elsereturn fileAction(fileName, &statbuf, userData);}return TRUE;}#endif /* BB_CHMOD_CHOWN_CHGRP || BB_CP_MV || BB_FIND || BB_LS || BB_INSMOD */#if defined (BB_TAR) || defined (BB_MKDIR)/* * Attempt to create the directories along the specified path, except for * the final component. The mode is given for the final directory only, * while all previous ones get default protections. Errors are not reported * here, as failures to restore files can be reported later. */extern int createPath(const char *name, int mode){char *cp;char *cpOld;char buf[BUFSIZ + 1];int retVal = 0;strcpy(buf, name);for (cp = buf; *cp == '/'; cp++);cp = strchr(cp, '/');while (cp) {cpOld = cp;cp = strchr(cp + 1, '/');*cpOld = '\0';retVal = mkdir(buf, cp ? 0777 : mode);if (retVal != 0 && errno != EEXIST) {perror(buf);return FALSE;}*cpOld = '/';}return TRUE;}#endif /* BB_TAR || BB_MKDIR */#if defined (BB_CHMOD_CHOWN_CHGRP) || defined (BB_MKDIR)/* [ugoa]{+|-|=}[rwxst] */extern int parse_mode(const char *s, mode_t * theMode){mode_t andMode =S_ISVTX | S_ISUID | S_ISGID | S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO;mode_t orMode = 0;mode_t mode = 0;mode_t groups = 0;char type;char c;do {for (;;) {switch (c = *s++) {case '\0':return -1;case 'u':groups |= S_ISUID | S_IRWXU;continue;case 'g':groups |= S_ISGID | S_IRWXG;continue;case 'o':groups |= S_IRWXO;continue;case 'a':groups |= S_ISUID | S_ISGID | S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO;continue;case '+':case '=':case '-':type = c;if (groups == 0) /* The default is "all" */groups |=S_ISUID | S_ISGID | S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO;break;default:if (isdigit(c) && c >= '0' && c <= '7' &&mode == 0 && groups == 0) {*theMode = strtol(--s, NULL, 8);return (TRUE);} elsereturn (FALSE);}break;}while ((c = *s++) != '\0') {switch (c) {case ',':break;case 'r':mode |= S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH;continue;case 'w':mode |= S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH;continue;case 'x':mode |= S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH;continue;case 's':mode |= S_IXGRP | S_ISUID | S_ISGID;continue;case 't':mode |= 0;continue;default:*theMode &= andMode;*theMode |= orMode;return (TRUE);}break;}switch (type) {case '=':andMode &= ~(groups);/* fall through */case '+':orMode |= mode & groups;break;case '-':andMode &= ~(mode & groups);orMode &= andMode;break;}} while (c == ',');*theMode &= andMode;*theMode |= orMode;return (TRUE);}#endif /* BB_CHMOD_CHOWN_CHGRP || BB_MKDIR */#if defined BB_CHMOD_CHOWN_CHGRP || defined BB_PS || defined BB_LS || defined BB_TAR || defined BB_ID /* This parses entries in /etc/passwd and /etc/group. This is desirable * for BusyBox, since we want to avoid using the glibc NSS stuff, which * increases target size and is often not needed or wanted for embedded * systems. * * /etc/passwd entries look like this: * root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash * and /etc/group entries look like this: * root:x:0: * * This uses buf as storage to hold things. * */unsigned long my_getid(const char *filename, char *name, unsigned long id, unsigned long *gid){FILE *file;char *rname, *start, *end, buf[128];unsigned long rid;unsigned long rgid = 0;file = fopen(filename, "r");if (file == NULL) {/* Do not complain. It is ok for /etc/passwd and * friends to be missing... */return (-1);}while (fgets(buf, 128, file) != NULL) {if (buf[0] == '#')continue;/* username/group name */start = buf;end = strchr(start, ':');if (end == NULL)continue;*end = '\0';rname = start;/* password */start = end + 1;end = strchr(start, ':');if (end == NULL)continue;/* uid in passwd, gid in group */start = end + 1;rid = (unsigned long) strtol(start, &end, 10);if (end == start)continue;/* gid in passwd */start = end + 1;rgid = (unsigned long) strtol(start, &end, 10);if (name) {if (0 == strcmp(rname, name)) { if (gid) *gid = rgid;fclose(file);return (rid);}}if (id != -1 && id == rid) {strncpy(name, rname, 8);if (gid) *gid = rgid;fclose(file);return (TRUE);}}fclose(file);return (-1);}/* returns a uid given a username */unsigned long my_getpwnam(char *name){return my_getid("/etc/passwd", name, -1, NULL);}/* returns a gid given a group name */unsigned long my_getgrnam(char *name){return my_getid("/etc/group", name, -1, NULL);}/* gets a username given a uid */void my_getpwuid(char *name, unsigned long uid){my_getid("/etc/passwd", name, uid, NULL);}/* gets a groupname given a gid */void my_getgrgid(char *group, unsigned long gid){my_getid("/etc/group", group, gid, NULL);}/* gets a gid given a user name */unsigned long my_getpwnamegid(char *name){unsigned long gid;my_getid("/etc/passwd", name, -1, &gid);return gid;}#endif /* BB_CHMOD_CHOWN_CHGRP || BB_PS || BB_LS || BB_TAR || BB_ID */ #if (defined BB_CHVT) || (defined BB_DEALLOCVT) || (defined BB_SETKEYCODES)/* From */ #define KDGKBTYPE 0x4B33 /* get keyboard type */#define KB_84 0x01#define KB_101 0x02 /* this is what we always answer */int is_a_console(int fd){char arg;arg = 0;return (ioctl(fd, KDGKBTYPE, &arg) == 0&& ((arg == KB_101) || (arg == KB_84)));}static int open_a_console(char *fnam){int fd;/* try read-only */fd = open(fnam, O_RDWR);/* if failed, try read-only */if (fd < 0 && errno == EACCES)fd = open(fnam, O_RDONLY);/* if failed, try write-only */if (fd < 0 && errno == EACCES)fd = open(fnam, O_WRONLY);/* if failed, fail */if (fd < 0)return -1;/* if not a console, fail */if (!is_a_console(fd)) {close(fd);return -1;}/* success */return fd;}/* * Get an fd for use with kbd/console ioctls. * We try several things because opening /dev/console will fail * if someone else used X (which does a chown on /dev/console). * * if tty_name is non-NULL, try this one instead. */int get_console_fd(char *tty_name){int fd;if (tty_name) {if (-1 == (fd = open_a_console(tty_name)))return -1;elsereturn fd;}fd = open_a_console("/dev/tty");if (fd >= 0)return fd;fd = open_a_console("/dev/tty0");if (fd >= 0)return fd;fd = open_a_console("/dev/console");if (fd >= 0)return fd;for (fd = 0; fd < 3; fd++)if (is_a_console(fd))return fd;fprintf(stderr,"Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console\n");return -1; /* total failure */}#endif /* BB_CHVT || BB_DEALLOCVT || BB_SETKEYCODES */#if !defined BB_REGEXP && (defined BB_GREP || defined BB_SED)/* Do a case insensitive strstr() */char *stristr(char *haystack, const char *needle){int len = strlen(needle);while (*haystack) {if (!strncasecmp(haystack, needle, len))break;haystack++;}if (!(*haystack))haystack = NULL;return haystack;}/* This tries to find a needle in a haystack, but does so by * only trying to match literal strings (look 'ma, no regexps!) * This is short, sweet, and carries _very_ little baggage, * unlike its beefier cousin in regexp.c * -Erik Andersen */extern int find_match(char *haystack, char *needle, int ignoreCase){if (ignoreCase == FALSE)haystack = strstr(haystack, needle);elsehaystack = stristr(haystack, needle);if (haystack == NULL)return FALSE;return TRUE;}/* This performs substitutions after a string match has been found. */extern int replace_match(char *haystack, char *needle, char *newNeedle, int ignoreCase){int foundOne = 0;char *where, *slider, *slider1, *oldhayStack;if (ignoreCase == FALSE)where = strstr(haystack, needle);elsewhere = stristr(haystack, needle);if (strcmp(needle, newNeedle) == 0)return FALSE;oldhayStack = (char *) xmalloc((unsigned) (strlen(haystack)));while (where != NULL) {foundOne++;strcpy(oldhayStack, haystack);for (slider = haystack, slider1 = oldhayStack; slider != where; slider++, slider1++);*slider = 0;haystack = strcat(haystack, newNeedle);slider1 += strlen(needle);haystack = strcat(haystack, slider1);where = strstr(slider, needle);}free(oldhayStack);if (foundOne > 0)return TRUE;elsereturn FALSE;}#endif /* ! BB_REGEXP && (BB_GREP || BB_SED) */#if defined BB_FIND || defined BB_INSMOD/* * Routine to see if a text string is matched by a wildcard pattern. * Returns TRUE if the text is matched, or FALSE if it is not matched * or if the pattern is invalid. * * matches zero or more characters * ? matches a single character * [abc] matches 'a', 'b' or 'c' * \c quotes character c * Adapted from code written by Ingo Wilken, and * then taken from sash, Copyright (c) 1999 by David I. Bell * Permission is granted to use, distribute, or modify this source, * provided that this copyright notice remains intact. * Permission to distribute this code under the GPL has been granted. */extern int check_wildcard_match(const char *text, const char *pattern){const char *retryPat;const char *retryText;int ch;int found;int len;retryPat = NULL;retryText = NULL;while (*text || *pattern) {ch = *pattern++;switch (ch) {case '*':retryPat = pattern;retryText = text;break;case '[':found = FALSE;while ((ch = *pattern++) != ']') {if (ch == '\\')ch = *pattern++;if (ch == '\0')return FALSE;if (*text == ch)found = TRUE;}len=strlen(text);if (found == FALSE && len!=0) {return FALSE;}if (found == TRUE) {if (strlen(pattern)==0 && len==1) {return TRUE;}if (len!=0) {text++;continue;}}/* fall into next case */case '?':if (*text++ == '\0')return FALSE;break;case '\\':ch = *pattern++;if (ch == '\0')return FALSE;/* fall into next case */default:if (*text == ch) {if (*text)text++;break;}if (*text) {pattern = retryPat;text = ++retryText;break;}return FALSE;}if (pattern == NULL)return FALSE;}return TRUE;}#endif /* BB_FIND || BB_INSMOD */#if defined BB_DF || defined BB_MTAB/* * Given a block device, find the mount table entry if that block device * is mounted. * * Given any other file (or directory), find the mount table entry for its * filesystem. */extern struct mntent *findMountPoint(const char *name, const char *table){struct stat s;dev_t mountDevice;FILE *mountTable;struct mntent *mountEntry;if (stat(name, &s) != 0)return 0;if ((s.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFBLK)mountDevice = s.st_rdev;elsemountDevice = s.st_dev;if ((mountTable = setmntent(table, "r")) == 0)return 0;while ((mountEntry = getmntent(mountTable)) != 0) {if (strcmp(name, mountEntry->mnt_dir) == 0|| strcmp(name, mountEntry->mnt_fsname) == 0) /* String match. */break;if (stat(mountEntry->mnt_fsname, &s) == 0 && s.st_rdev == mountDevice) /* Match the device. */break;if (stat(mountEntry->mnt_dir, &s) == 0 && s.st_dev == mountDevice) /* Match the directory's mount point. */break;}endmntent(mountTable);return mountEntry;}#endif /* BB_DF || BB_MTAB */#if defined BB_DD || defined BB_TAIL/* * Read a number with a possible multiplier. * Returns -1 if the number format is illegal. */extern long getNum(const char *cp){long value;if (!isDecimal(*cp))return -1;value = 0;while (isDecimal(*cp))value = value * 10 + *cp++ - '0';switch (*cp++) {case 'M':case 'm': /* `tail' uses it traditionally */value *= 1048576;break;case 'k':value *= 1024;break;case 'b':value *= 512;break;case 'w':value *= 2;break;case '\0':return value;default:return -1;}if (*cp)return -1;return value;}#endif /* BB_DD || BB_TAIL */#if defined BB_INIT || defined BB_SYSLOGD/* try to open up the specified device */extern int device_open(char *device, int mode){int m, f, fd = -1;m = mode | O_NONBLOCK;/* Retry up to 5 times */for (f = 0; f < 5; f++)if ((fd = open(device, m, 0600)) >= 0)break;if (fd < 0)return fd;/* Reset original flags. */if (m != mode)fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, mode);return fd;}#endif /* BB_INIT BB_SYSLOGD */#if defined BB_KILLALL || ( defined BB_FEATURE_LINUXRC && ( defined BB_HALT || defined BB_REBOOT || defined BB_POWEROFF ))#ifdef BB_FEATURE_USE_DEVPS_PATCH#include /* For Erik's nifty devps device driver */#endif#if defined BB_FEATURE_USE_DEVPS_PATCH/* findPidByName() * * This finds the pid of the specified process, * by using the /dev/ps device driver. * * Returns a list of all matching PIDs */extern pid_t* findPidByName( char* pidName){int fd, i, j;char device[] = "/dev/ps";pid_t num_pids;pid_t* pid_array = NULL;pid_t* pidList=NULL;/* open device */ fd = open(device, O_RDONLY);if (fd < 0)fatalError( "open failed for `%s': %s\n", device, strerror (errno));/* Find out how many processes there are */if (ioctl (fd, DEVPS_GET_NUM_PIDS, &num_pids)<0) fatalError( "\nDEVPS_GET_PID_LIST: %s\n", strerror (errno));/* Allocate some memory -- grab a few extras just in case * some new processes start up while we wait. The kernel will * just ignore any extras if we give it too many, and will trunc. * the list if we give it too few. */pid_array = (pid_t*) calloc( num_pids+10, sizeof(pid_t));pid_array[0] = num_pids+10;/* Now grab the pid list */if (ioctl (fd, DEVPS_GET_PID_LIST, pid_array)<0) fatalError( "\nDEVPS_GET_PID_LIST: %s\n", strerror (errno));/* Now search for a match */for (i=1, j=0; id_name))continue;/* Now open the status file */sprintf(filename, "/proc/%s/status", next->d_name);status = fopen(filename, "r");if (!status) {continue;}fgets(buffer, 256, status);fclose(status);/* Make sure we only match on the process name */p=buffer+5; /* Skip the name */while ((p)++) {if (*p==0 || *p=='\n') {*p='\0';break;}}p=buffer+6; /* Skip the "Name:\t" */if ((strstr(p, pidName) != NULL)&& (strlen(pidName) == strlen(p))) {pidList=realloc( pidList, sizeof(pid_t) * (i+2));if (pidList==NULL)fatalError(memory_exhausted, "");pidList[i++]=strtol(next->d_name, NULL, 0);}}if (pidList)pidList[i]=0;return pidList;}#endif /* BB_FEATURE_USE_DEVPS_PATCH */#endif /* BB_KILLALL || ( BB_FEATURE_LINUXRC && ( BB_HALT || BB_REBOOT || BB_POWEROFF )) *//* this should really be farmed out to libbusybox.a */extern void *xmalloc(size_t size){void *cp = malloc(size);if (cp == NULL)fatalError(memory_exhausted, "");return cp;}#if defined BB_FEATURE_NFSMOUNTextern char * xstrdup (const char *s) {char *t;if (s == NULL)return NULL;t = strdup (s);if (t == NULL)fatalError(memory_exhausted, "");return t;}extern char * xstrndup (const char *s, int n) {char *t;if (s == NULL)fatalError("xstrndup bug");t = xmalloc(n+1);strncpy(t,s,n);t[n] = 0;return t;}#endif#if (__GLIBC__ < 2) && (defined BB_SYSLOGD || defined BB_INIT)extern int vdprintf(int d, const char *format, va_list ap){char buf[BUF_SIZE];int len;len = vsprintf(buf, format, ap);return write(d, buf, len);}#endif /* BB_SYSLOGD */#if defined BB_FEATURE_MOUNT_LOOPextern int del_loop(const char *device){int fd;if ((fd = open(device, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {perror(device);return (FALSE);}if (ioctl(fd, LOOP_CLR_FD, 0) < 0) {perror("ioctl: LOOP_CLR_FD");return (FALSE);}close(fd);return (TRUE);}extern int set_loop(const char *device, const char *file, int offset,int *loopro){struct loop_info loopinfo;int fd, ffd, mode;mode = *loopro ? O_RDONLY : O_RDWR;if ((ffd = open(file, mode)) < 0 && !*loopro&& (errno != EROFS || (ffd = open(file, mode = O_RDONLY)) < 0)) {perror(file);return 1;}if ((fd = open(device, mode)) < 0) {close(ffd);perror(device);return 1;}*loopro = (mode == O_RDONLY);memset(&loopinfo, 0, sizeof(loopinfo));strncpy(loopinfo.lo_name, file, LO_NAME_SIZE);loopinfo.lo_name[LO_NAME_SIZE - 1] = 0;loopinfo.lo_offset = offset;loopinfo.lo_encrypt_key_size = 0;if (ioctl(fd, LOOP_SET_FD, ffd) < 0) {perror("ioctl: LOOP_SET_FD");close(fd);close(ffd);return 1;}if (ioctl(fd, LOOP_SET_STATUS, &loopinfo) < 0) {(void) ioctl(fd, LOOP_CLR_FD, 0);perror("ioctl: LOOP_SET_STATUS");close(fd);close(ffd);return 1;}close(fd);close(ffd);return 0;}extern char *find_unused_loop_device(void){char dev[20];int i, fd;struct stat statbuf;struct loop_info loopinfo;for (i = 0; i <= 7; i++) {sprintf(dev, "/dev/loop%d", i);if (stat(dev, &statbuf) == 0 && S_ISBLK(statbuf.st_mode)) {if ((fd = open(dev, O_RDONLY)) >= 0) {if (ioctl(fd, LOOP_GET_STATUS, &loopinfo) == -1) {if (errno == ENXIO) { /* probably free */close(fd);return strdup(dev);}}close(fd);}}}return NULL;}#endif /* BB_FEATURE_MOUNT_LOOP */#if defined BB_MOUNT || defined BB_DF || ( defined BB_UMOUNT && ! defined BB_MTAB)extern int find_real_root_device_name(char* name){DIR *dir;struct dirent *entry;struct stat statBuf, rootStat;char fileName[BUFSIZ];if (stat("/", &rootStat) != 0) {errorMsg("could not stat '/'\n");return( FALSE);}dir = opendir("/dev");if (!dir) {errorMsg("could not open '/dev'\n");return( FALSE);}while((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {/* Must skip ".." since that is "/", and so we * would get a false positive on ".." */if (strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") == 0)continue;sprintf( fileName, "/dev/%s", entry->d_name);if (stat(fileName, &statBuf) != 0)continue;/* Some char devices have the same dev_t as block * devices, so make sure this is a block device */if (! S_ISBLK(statBuf.st_mode))continue;if (statBuf.st_rdev == rootStat.st_rdev) {strcpy(name, fileName); return ( TRUE);}}return( FALSE);}#endif/* get_line_from_file() - This function reads an entire line from a text file * up to a newline. It returns a malloc'ed char * which must be stored and * free'ed by the caller. */extern char *get_line_from_file(FILE *file){static const int GROWBY = 80; /* how large we will grow strings by */int ch;int idx = 0;char *linebuf = NULL;int linebufsz = 0;while (1) {ch = fgetc(file);if (ch == EOF)break;/* grow the line buffer as necessary */if (idx > linebufsz-2)linebuf = realloc(linebuf, linebufsz += GROWBY);linebuf[idx++] = (char)ch;if ((char)ch == '\n')break;}if (idx == 0)return NULL;linebuf[idx] = 0;return linebuf;}#if defined BB_ECHO || defined BB_TRchar process_escape_sequence(char **ptr){char c;switch (c = *(*ptr)++) {case 'a':c = '\a';break;case 'b':c = '\b';break;case 'f':c = '\f';break;case 'n':c = '\n';break;case 't':c = '\t';break;case 'v':c = '\v';break;case '\\':c = '\\';break;case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':c -= '0';if ('0' <= **ptr && **ptr <= '7') {c = c * 8 + (*(*ptr)++ - '0');if ('0' <= **ptr && **ptr <= '7')c = c * 8 + (*(*ptr)++ - '0');}break;default:(*ptr)--;c = '\\';break;}return c;}#endif#if defined BB_BASENAME || defined BB_LNchar *get_last_path_component(char *path){char *s=path+strlen(path)-1;/* strip trailing slashes */while (s && *s == '/') {*s-- = '\0';}/* find last component */s = strrchr(path, '/');if (s==NULL) return path;else return s+1;}#endif#if defined BB_GREP || defined BB_SEDint bb_regcomp(regex_t *preg, const char *regex, int cflags){int ret;if ((ret = regcomp(preg, regex, cflags)) != 0) {int errmsgsz = regerror(ret, preg, NULL, 0);char *errmsg = xmalloc(errmsgsz);regerror(ret, preg, errmsg, errmsgsz);errorMsg("bb_regcomp: %s\n", errmsg);free(errmsg);regfree(preg);}return ret;}#endif/* END CODE *//*Local Variables:c-file-style: "linux"c-basic-offset: 4tab-width: 4End:*/
