hongxi.zhu 2023-7-20
Android 13
void InputDispatcher::dispatchOnce() {
nsecs_t nextWakeupTime = LONG_LONG_MAX;
{ // acquire lock
std::scoped_lock _l(mLock);
mDispatcherIsAlive.notify_all(); //唤醒在这个condition上wait的所有地方
// Run a dispatch loop if there are no pending commands.
// The dispatch loop might enqueue commands to run afterwards.
// 如果当前没有待办的command需要处理(command一般是需要处理一些异常情况,比如ANR)
// 就进行事件的分发
if (!haveCommandsLocked()) {
dispatchOnceInnerLocked(&nextWakeupTime); //事件分发
// Run all pending commands if there are any.
// If any commands were run then force the next poll to wake up immediately.
// 如果mCommandQueue不为空,就执行完所有command,并将下次唤醒时间设置为最小值,强制下一次poll唤醒线程
if (runCommandsLockedInterruptable()) {
nextWakeupTime = LONG_LONG_MIN;
// If we are still waiting for ack on some events,
// we might have to wake up earlier to check if an app is anr'ing.
// 如果此时正在等待分发出去的事件的ack(目标应用的响应),我们需要早点唤醒去检查这个应用是否正在ANR
const nsecs_t nextAnrCheck = processAnrsLocked();
nextWakeupTime = std::min(nextWakeupTime, nextAnrCheck);
// We are about to enter an infinitely long sleep, because we have no commands or
// pending or queued events
// 如果唤醒时间还是LONG_LONG_MAX没有被修改
// 说明上面没有待处理的事件也没有待处理的command,那么将进入无限期的休眠中
if (nextWakeupTime == LONG_LONG_MAX) {
mDispatcherEnteredIdle.notify_all(); //唤醒等待进入idle状态的condition
} // release lock
// Wait for callback or timeout or wake. (make sure we round up, not down)
nsecs_t currentTime = now();
int timeoutMillis = toMillisecondTimeoutDelay(currentTime, nextWakeupTime);
mLooper->pollOnce(timeoutMillis); //进入阻塞等待唤醒或者timeout或者callback回调
void InputDispatcher::dispatchOnceInnerLocked(nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime) {
nsecs_t currentTime = now();
// Reset the key repeat timer whenever normal dispatch is suspended while the
// device is in a non-interactive state. This is to ensure that we abort a key
// repeat if the device is just coming out of sleep.
// 如果设备处于不可交互时,则不进行事件的分发
// 如果处于不可分发状态则重置按键重复计时器
if (!mDispatchEnabled) {
// If dispatching is frozen, do not process timeouts or try to deliver any new events.
// 如果处于frozen状态,则不处理任何有关目标进程是否有简单窗口的timeout行为,也不会进行事件的分发
if (mDispatchFrozen) {
ALOGD("Dispatch frozen. Waiting some more.");
// Optimize latency of app switches.
// Essentially we start a short timeout when an app switch key (HOME / ENDCALL) has
// been pressed. When it expires, we preempt dispatch and drop all other pending events.
// 对APP切换时的优化措施,当按下类似HOME键时,启动一个超时机制(0.5s),当timeout时,会立即分发事件并抛弃其他的未处理事件
bool isAppSwitchDue = mAppSwitchDueTime <= currentTime;
if (mAppSwitchDueTime < *nextWakeupTime) {
*nextWakeupTime = mAppSwitchDueTime;
// Ready to start a new event.
// If we don't already have a pending event, go grab one.
if (!mPendingEvent) { //正常一次分发前mPendingEvent = nullptr
if (mInboundQueue.empty()) {
} else { //因为inputReader已经往Inbound queue中添加了事件,所以不为空
// Inbound queue has at least one entry.
mPendingEvent = mInboundQueue.front(); //拿出一个待分发的事件
mInboundQueue.pop_front(); //从mInboundQueue中移除这个事件
traceInboundQueueLengthLocked(); //systrace、perfetto中可以看到这个队列size发生变化
// Poke user activity for this event.
// 每次分发事件时都调PMS的updatePowerStateLocked更新电源的状态
if (mPendingEvent->policyFlags & POLICY_FLAG_PASS_TO_USER) {
// Now we have an event to dispatch.
// All events are eventually dequeued and processed this way, even if we intend to drop them.
ALOG_ASSERT(mPendingEvent != nullptr);
bool done = false;
DropReason dropReason = DropReason::NOT_DROPPED;
if (!(mPendingEvent->policyFlags & POLICY_FLAG_PASS_TO_USER)) { //如果事件不是分发给用户的则抛弃drop
dropReason = DropReason::POLICY;
} else if (!mDispatchEnabled) { //如果当前属于不可交互的状态则drop
dropReason = DropReason::DISABLED;
if (mNextUnblockedEvent == mPendingEvent) {
mNextUnblockedEvent = nullptr;
switch (mPendingEvent->type) {
case EventEntry::Type::KEY: {
case EventEntry::Type::MOTION: {
std::shared_ptr<MotionEntry> motionEntry =
if (dropReason == DropReason::NOT_DROPPED && isAppSwitchDue) {
dropReason = DropReason::APP_SWITCH; //处于APP切换情形drop的事件
if (dropReason == DropReason::NOT_DROPPED && isStaleEvent(currentTime, *motionEntry)) {
//时间计算:currentTime - entry.eventTime
dropReason = DropReason::STALE;
if (dropReason == DropReason::NOT_DROPPED && mNextUnblockedEvent) {
dropReason = DropReason::BLOCKED;
done = dispatchMotionLocked(currentTime, motionEntry, &dropReason, nextWakeupTime);
if (done) {
if (dropReason != DropReason::NOT_DROPPED) {
dropInboundEventLocked(*mPendingEvent, dropReason);
mLastDropReason = dropReason;
releasePendingEventLocked(); //将mPendingEvent设置为nullptr,重置为下一个事件分发准备
// 强制下一个poll中立即唤醒inputDispatcher线程来干活
*nextWakeupTime = LONG_LONG_MIN; // force next poll to wake up immediately
bool InputDispatcher::dispatchMotionLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, std::shared_ptr<MotionEntry> entry,
DropReason* dropReason, nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime) {
// Preprocessing.
if (!entry->dispatchInProgress) {
entry->dispatchInProgress = true;
logOutboundMotionDetails("dispatchMotion - ", *entry);
// Clean up if dropping the event.
if (*dropReason != DropReason::NOT_DROPPED) {
*dropReason == DropReason::POLICY ? InputEventInjectionResult::SUCCEEDED
: InputEventInjectionResult::FAILED);
return true;
const bool isPointerEvent = isFromSource(entry->source, AINPUT_SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER);
// Identify targets.
std::vector<InputTarget> inputTargets;
bool conflictingPointerActions = false;
InputEventInjectionResult injectionResult;
if (isPointerEvent) { //触屏这这里
// Pointer event. (eg. touchscreen)
injectionResult =
findTouchedWindowTargetsLocked(currentTime, *entry, inputTargets, nextWakeupTime,
} else {
setInjectionResult(*entry, injectionResult);
// Add monitor channels from event's or focused display.
addGlobalMonitoringTargetsLocked(inputTargets, getTargetDisplayId(*entry));
// Dispatch the motion.
dispatchEventLocked(currentTime, entry, inputTargets); //往目标窗口分发事件
return true; //return true就可以进行下一次从iq中读取新事件并分发
void InputDispatcher::dispatchEventLocked(nsecs_t currentTime,
std::shared_ptr<EventEntry> eventEntry,
const std::vector<InputTarget>& inputTargets) {
updateInteractionTokensLocked(*eventEntry, inputTargets);
ALOG_ASSERT(eventEntry->dispatchInProgress); // should already have been set to true
pokeUserActivityLocked(*eventEntry); //再次更新电源状态,避免进入息屏等行为
for (const InputTarget& inputTarget : inputTargets) {
sp<Connection> connection =
if (connection != nullptr) {
prepareDispatchCycleLocked(currentTime, connection, eventEntry, inputTarget);
} else {
ALOGD("Dropping event delivery to target with channel '%s' because it "
"is no longer registered with the input dispatcher.",
void InputDispatcher::prepareDispatchCycleLocked(nsecs_t currentTime,
const sp<Connection>& connection,
std::shared_ptr<EventEntry> eventEntry,
const InputTarget& inputTarget) {
// Skip this event if the connection status is not normal.
// We don't want to enqueue additional outbound events if the connection is broken.
// 如果目标窗口的连接状态不正常,比如进程已经死了,那么就不向它分发了
if (connection->status != Connection::Status::NORMAL) {
// Split a motion event if needed.
// 如果当前系统处于分屏的状态,就需要考虑分离触摸的情形,检查目标窗口是否设置分离触摸标志
if (inputTarget.flags & InputTarget::FLAG_SPLIT) {
const MotionEntry& originalMotionEntry = static_cast<const MotionEntry&>(*eventEntry);
if (inputTarget.pointerIds.count() != originalMotionEntry.pointerCount) {
std::unique_ptr<MotionEntry> splitMotionEntry =
splitMotionEvent(originalMotionEntry, inputTarget.pointerIds);
if (!splitMotionEntry) {
return; // split event was dropped
if (splitMotionEntry->action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_CANCEL) {
std::string reason = std::string("reason=pointer cancel on split window");
<< connection->getInputChannelName().c_str() << reason << LOG_ID_EVENTS;
enqueueDispatchEntriesLocked(currentTime, connection, std::move(splitMotionEntry),
// Not splitting. Enqueue dispatch entries for the event as is.
enqueueDispatchEntriesLocked(currentTime, connection, eventEntry, inputTarget);
void InputDispatcher::enqueueDispatchEntriesLocked(nsecs_t currentTime,
const sp<Connection>& connection,
std::shared_ptr<EventEntry> eventEntry,
const InputTarget& inputTarget) {
bool wasEmpty = connection->outboundQueue.empty();
// Enqueue dispatch entries for the requested modes.
// 将事件加入分发队列outboundQueue,这里有些复杂
enqueueDispatchEntryLocked(connection, eventEntry, inputTarget,
enqueueDispatchEntryLocked(connection, eventEntry, inputTarget,
enqueueDispatchEntryLocked(connection, eventEntry, inputTarget,
enqueueDispatchEntryLocked(connection, eventEntry, inputTarget,
InputTarget::FLAG_DISPATCH_AS_IS); //256
enqueueDispatchEntryLocked(connection, eventEntry, inputTarget,
enqueueDispatchEntryLocked(connection, eventEntry, inputTarget,
// If the outbound queue was previously empty, start the dispatch cycle going.
if (wasEmpty && !connection->outboundQueue.empty()) {
startDispatchCycleLocked(currentTime, connection); //outboundQueue中已经有事件,可以分发
void InputDispatcher::enqueueDispatchEntryLocked(const sp<Connection>& connection,
std::shared_ptr<EventEntry> eventEntry,
const InputTarget& inputTarget,
int32_t dispatchMode) {
int32_t inputTargetFlags = inputTarget.flags;
// 这里有限制条件,根据inputTargetFlags是否等于本次传入的dispatchMode,不同则return
// 所以是否入队还是由inputTargetFlags决定,正常事件都是inputTargetFlags = FLAG_DISPATCH_AS_IS
// 所以一般只有dispatchMode = FLAG_DISPATCH_AS_IS时才会往下执行
if (!(inputTargetFlags & dispatchMode)) {
inputTargetFlags = (inputTargetFlags & ~InputTarget::FLAG_DISPATCH_MASK) | dispatchMode;
// This is a new event.
// Enqueue a new dispatch entry onto the outbound queue for this connection.
// 创建DispatchEntry,DispatchEntry是对EventEntry的包装,加入分发的一些跟踪状态属性值
// 关联eventEntry,inputTarget,inputTarget,
std::unique_ptr<DispatchEntry> dispatchEntry =
createDispatchEntry(inputTarget, eventEntry, inputTarget);
// Use the eventEntry from dispatchEntry since the entry may have changed and can now be a
// different EventEntry than what was passed in.
EventEntry& newEntry = *(dispatchEntry->eventEntry);
// Apply target flags and update the connection's input state.
switch (newEntry.type) {
case EventEntry::Type::KEY: {
case EventEntry::Type::MOTION: {
const MotionEntry& motionEntry = static_cast<const MotionEntry&>(newEntry);
// Assign a default value to dispatchEntry that will never be generated by InputReader,
// and assign a InputDispatcher value if it doesn't change in the if-else chain below.
constexpr int32_t DEFAULT_RESOLVED_EVENT_ID =
dispatchEntry->resolvedEventId = DEFAULT_RESOLVED_EVENT_ID;
if (dispatchMode & InputTarget::FLAG_DISPATCH_AS_OUTSIDE) {
dispatchEntry->resolvedAction = AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_OUTSIDE;
} else if (dispatchMode & InputTarget::FLAG_DISPATCH_AS_HOVER_EXIT) {
dispatchEntry->resolvedAction = AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_HOVER_EXIT;
} else if (dispatchMode & InputTarget::FLAG_DISPATCH_AS_HOVER_ENTER) {
dispatchEntry->resolvedAction = AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_HOVER_ENTER;
} else if (dispatchMode & InputTarget::FLAG_DISPATCH_AS_SLIPPERY_EXIT) {
dispatchEntry->resolvedAction = AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_CANCEL;
} else if (dispatchMode & InputTarget::FLAG_DISPATCH_AS_SLIPPERY_ENTER) {
dispatchEntry->resolvedAction = AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN;
} else { //由上面可知dispatchMode = FLAG_DISPATCH_AS_IS所以走else,保留事件原本的action和id
dispatchEntry->resolvedAction = motionEntry.action;
dispatchEntry->resolvedEventId = motionEntry.id;
if (dispatchEntry->resolvedAction == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_HOVER_MOVE &&
dispatchEntry->resolvedFlags = motionEntry.flags;
//判断当前目标窗口是否被其他可见窗口遮挡的情况并设置到dispatchEntry->resolvedFlags, 全遮挡还是部分遮挡
if (dispatchEntry->targetFlags & InputTarget::FLAG_WINDOW_IS_OBSCURED) {
dispatchEntry->resolvedFlags |= AMOTION_EVENT_FLAG_WINDOW_IS_OBSCURED;
if (dispatchEntry->targetFlags & InputTarget::FLAG_WINDOW_IS_PARTIALLY_OBSCURED) {
// 从上面可知,当dispatchMode = FLAG_DISPATCH_AS_IS时
// 事件的resolvedEventId仍然保留原有motionEntry.id
dispatchEntry->resolvedEventId =
dispatchEntry->resolvedEventId == DEFAULT_RESOLVED_EVENT_ID
? mIdGenerator.nextId()
: motionEntry.id;
if ((motionEntry.flags & AMOTION_EVENT_FLAG_NO_FOCUS_CHANGE) &&
(motionEntry.policyFlags & POLICY_FLAG_TRUSTED)) {
// Skip reporting pointer down outside focus to the policy.
dispatchPointerDownOutsideFocus(motionEntry.source, dispatchEntry->resolvedAction,
// Remember that we are waiting for this dispatch to complete.
if (dispatchEntry->hasForegroundTarget()) {
// Enqueue the dispatch entry.
// 将dispatchEntry加入当前目标窗口的outboundQueue
traceOutboundQueueLength(*connection); //systrace可以看到outboundQueue的size发生改变
void InputDispatcher::startDispatchCycleLocked(nsecs_t currentTime,
const sp<Connection>& connection) {
while (connection->status == Connection::Status::NORMAL && !connection->outboundQueue.empty()) {
DispatchEntry* dispatchEntry = connection->outboundQueue.front(); //取出DispatchEntry
dispatchEntry->deliveryTime = currentTime; //记录分发事件
const std::chrono::nanoseconds timeout = getDispatchingTimeoutLocked(connection);
//事件处理的超时时间点 = currentTime + 5s 超时会引发ANR
dispatchEntry->timeoutTime = currentTime + timeout.count();
// Publish the event.
status_t status;
const EventEntry& eventEntry = *(dispatchEntry->eventEntry); //获取EventEntry
switch (eventEntry.type) {
case EventEntry::Type::KEY: {
case EventEntry::Type::MOTION: {
const MotionEntry& motionEntry = static_cast<const MotionEntry&>(eventEntry); //转化为触摸对应MotionEntry
PointerCoords scaledCoords[MAX_POINTERS];
const PointerCoords* usingCoords = motionEntry.pointerCoords;
// Set the X and Y offset and X and Y scale depending on the input source.
//根据输入源设置 X 和 Y 偏移以及 X 和 Y 比例。
if ((motionEntry.source & AINPUT_SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER) &&
!(dispatchEntry->targetFlags & InputTarget::FLAG_ZERO_COORDS)) { //模拟器走这里
float globalScaleFactor = dispatchEntry->globalScaleFactor;
if (globalScaleFactor != 1.0f) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < motionEntry.pointerCount; i++) {
scaledCoords[i] = motionEntry.pointerCoords[i];
// Don't apply window scale here since we don't want scale to affect raw
// coordinates. The scale will be sent back to the client and applied
// later when requesting relative coordinates.
scaledCoords[i].scale(globalScaleFactor, 1 /* windowXScale */,
1 /* windowYScale */);
usingCoords = scaledCoords;
} else {
std::array<uint8_t, 32> hmac = getSignature(motionEntry, *dispatchEntry);
// Publish the motion event.
// 向目标窗口分发触摸事件
status = connection->inputPublisher
motionEntry.deviceId, motionEntry.source,
motionEntry.displayId, std::move(hmac),
motionEntry.edgeFlags, motionEntry.metaState,
motionEntry.xPrecision, motionEntry.yPrecision,
motionEntry.downTime, motionEntry.eventTime,
motionEntry.pointerProperties, usingCoords);
// Check the result.
// 检测分发的结果,正常时status = 0
if (status) {
if (status == WOULD_BLOCK) {
if (connection->waitQueue.empty()) {
// 当前waitQueue是空的,说明socket中也应该是空的,但是却是WOULD_BLOCK,说明这时一个异常的情况,中断分发
abortBrokenDispatchCycleLocked(currentTime, connection, true /*notify*/);
} else {
// Pipe is full and we are waiting for the app to finish process some events
// before sending more events to it.
// socket满了,等待应用进程处理掉一些事件
} else {
abortBrokenDispatchCycleLocked(currentTime, connection, true /*notify*/);
// Re-enqueue the event on the wait queue.
// 将已经分发的事件dispatchEntry从outboundQueue中移除
traceOutboundQueueLength(*connection); //systrace中跟踪outboundQueue的长度
// 将已经分发的事件dispatchEntry加入目标窗口waitQueue中,记录下已经分发到目标窗口侧的事件,便于监控ANR等行为
if (connection->responsive) {
traceWaitQueueLength(*connection); //systrace中跟踪waitQueue的长度
status_t InputPublisher::publishMotionEvent(
uint32_t seq, int32_t eventId, int32_t deviceId, int32_t source, int32_t displayId,
std::array<uint8_t, 32> hmac, int32_t action, int32_t actionButton, int32_t flags,
int32_t edgeFlags, int32_t metaState, int32_t buttonState,
MotionClassification classification, const ui::Transform& transform, float xPrecision,
float yPrecision, float xCursorPosition, float yCursorPosition,
const ui::Transform& rawTransform, nsecs_t downTime, nsecs_t eventTime,
uint32_t pointerCount, const PointerProperties* pointerProperties,
const PointerCoords* pointerCoords) {
InputMessage msg;
msg.header.type = InputMessage::Type::MOTION;
msg.header.seq = seq;
msg.body.motion.eventId = eventId;
msg.body.motion.deviceId = deviceId;
msg.body.motion.source = source;
msg.body.motion.displayId = displayId;
msg.body.motion.hmac = std::move(hmac);
msg.body.motion.action = action;
msg.body.motion.actionButton = actionButton;
msg.body.motion.flags = flags;
msg.body.motion.edgeFlags = edgeFlags;
msg.body.motion.metaState = metaState;
msg.body.motion.buttonState = buttonState;
msg.body.motion.classification = classification;
msg.body.motion.dsdx = transform.dsdx();
msg.body.motion.dtdx = transform.dtdx();
msg.body.motion.dtdy = transform.dtdy();
msg.body.motion.dsdy = transform.dsdy();
msg.body.motion.tx = transform.tx();
msg.body.motion.ty = transform.ty();
msg.body.motion.xPrecision = xPrecision;
msg.body.motion.yPrecision = yPrecision;
msg.body.motion.xCursorPosition = xCursorPosition;
msg.body.motion.yCursorPosition = yCursorPosition;
msg.body.motion.dsdxRaw = rawTransform.dsdx();
msg.body.motion.dtdxRaw = rawTransform.dtdx();
msg.body.motion.dtdyRaw = rawTransform.dtdy();
msg.body.motion.dsdyRaw = rawTransform.dsdy();
msg.body.motion.txRaw = rawTransform.tx();
msg.body.motion.tyRaw = rawTransform.ty();
msg.body.motion.downTime = downTime;
msg.body.motion.eventTime = eventTime;
msg.body.motion.pointerCount = pointerCount;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) { //多指的情况
return mChannel->sendMessage(&msg); //通过socketpair传递到目标窗口所在的进程中