英文 | 中文 |
I have been sober for 2 years, 7 months, and 13 days now. | 我已经2年7个月13天沒碰毒品了 |
I could... give you how many hours in seconds, | 我可以把单位换算成秒 |
but then you might think I'm obsessive. | 但这样一来你们可能会觉得我有强迫症 |
I guess I just want to say... | 我想说的只有 |
thank you. | 谢谢你们 |
Uh, without these meetings, | 如果没有这些交流会 |
without the support of people like you, | 没有你们这些人的支持 |
I just don't know where I'd be. | 难以想象我现在会怎样 |
Thanks, Eric. | 谢谢埃里克 |
You okay? | 你还好吗 |
All right, we're gonna wrap things up now. | 好现在我们来总结一下 |
Uh, tomorrow's meeting... | 明天的交流会 |
- Sherlock... - Amygdala! | -夏洛克-杏仁核 |
完整版请点击 | |
Oh, 6 o'clock. | 6点了 |
Excellent. | 好极了 |
What do you mean you put yourself in a trance? | 你说你让自己进入恍惚状态是什么意思 |
Hypnotize myself. | 是自我催眠 |
Simple, really. | 其实挺简单的 |
The key is word repetition. | 关键在于重复同一个词 |
My word, as you may have guessed, is "Amygdala." | 你可能已经猜到了我的词就是杏仁核 |
So you hypnotized yourself | 所以说你在第一次互助会上 |
at your first group support meeting? | 就开始自我催眠了是吗 |
Couldn't listen to all those sob stories, now, could I? | 实在听不进去那些伤心的故事 |
That's the whole point. | 这才是意义所在 |
And, you know, when you feel comfortable, you can share. | 如果你愿意也可以分享你的故事 |
You've lived with me a week now, Watson. | 你都跟我住一个礼拜了华生 |
You know I don't share. | 你知道我从不与人分享 |
Well, then why can't you listen? | 好吧那为什么听都听不进去 |
Attic Theory. | 阁楼理论 |
I've always believed the human brain is like... an attic. | 我一直认为人的大脑就像一间阁楼 |
A storage space for facts. | 一个储存事情的地方 |
But because that space is finite, | 但是由于这里空间有限 |
it must be filled only with the things | 所以它只能用来 |
one needs to be the best version of oneself. | 存放对我们最有用的东西 |
It's important, therefore, not to have useless facts. | 所以就不能在里面存放无用的事情 |
The natterings that comprise a typical support group meeting, | 比如净是瞎扯淡的互助会 |
for example, crowding out useful ones. | 它们会把有用的东西挤出去 |
Just... | 就好比 |
Can I borrow this? | 能借用一下吗 |
- Hey, what are you doing? - He's nuts. | -你想干嘛-神经病 |
Your brain. | 这就好比你的大脑 |
Useful facts. | 这是有用的事情 |
Useful, viscous, golden. | 有用的粘滞的金色的 |
Natterings. | 这就好比无用的闲扯 |
That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. | 这是我听过最愚蠢的事情 |
That is not even how the brain works... | 这根本不是大脑的运作方式 |
It's how my brain works. | 我的大脑就是这样的 |
Okay, more natterings: | 好吧再闲扯两句 |
I am going to a dinner tonight with a friend, | 我今晚要去见个朋友 |
but I will be back before 10:00, | 但是我会在10点之前赶回来 |
so I'll be there at 8:00... | 所以我8点要到那 |
Two whole hours by my lonesome? | 给我两个小时独自行动 |
Aren't you worried I'll go on some sort of binge? | 你就不怕我放纵自己吗 |
Well, brief stretches apart are actually a natur... | 偶尔的短暂分离实际上是 |
A natural progression in our companionship. | 我们陪护关系的正常步骤 |
Yes, you mentioned. | 你说过了 |
But just to be safe, | 但是保险起见 |
I will be giving you a drug test when I get home. | 我回来之后会对你做一次药检 |
Captain Gregson... | 格雷森警监 |
How may I be of assistance? | 我能帮上什么忙吗 |
Name's Casey McManus. | 死者名叫凯西·麦克马纳斯 |
Walked through his front door tonight | 今晚刚进家门 |
and took one right between the eyes. | 眉心就正中一枪 |
Cousin's on the job. | 我的弟兄在当班 |
Patrolman assigned to the 116 in Queens. | 他被派到皇后区116号巡逻了 |
That's why I called you. | 所以我打给了你 |
Gotta have my best guys on this. | 我需要最优秀的人手来调查 |
You said on the phone he walked in on a burglar. | 你电话里说他遇到了窃贼 |
He did. His watch and wallet are gone. | 的确是他的手表和钱包都不见了 |
The drawers were tossed, too. | 抽屉也都被拉开了 |
The victim probably startled the perp | 受害人也许是在进门的时候 |
when he came in from the hall. | 吓到了嫌疑人 |
Holmes, Ms. Watson, | 福尔摩斯华生女士 |
meet Detective Bell-- | 这位是贝尔警探 |
another one of my best guys. | 我的得意部下之一 |
He's running point on the case. | 他正在分析案情 |
You're the consultant, right? | 你是顾问对吧 |
I heard good things. | 听说你很厉害 |
Yeah, of course you did. Who's he? | 那当然他是谁 |
Neighbor from across the hall. | 住在对面的邻居 |
He's the one who saw the body and called 911. | 就是他发现尸体并报警的 |
Captain. | 警监 |
I'm gonna wait in the hall. | 我在走廊里等着 |
Why must you continue to act | 你为什么总是表现得 |
like you've never seen a dead body before? | 像从来没见过死人似的 |
You were a surgeon. You went to medical school. | 你是外科医生上过医学院 |
Surely, you worked on cadavers. | 肯定处理过尸体 |
Right. Because that's exactly the same thing. | 对所以我觉得毫无新意 |
Detective Bell! | 贝尔警探 |
You would classify this as a robbery-homicide, would you not? | 你把这案子归为抢劫杀人对吧 |
Yeah. | 没错 |
You would be wrong. | 那你就错了 |
This was a robbery & a homicide. | 这案子是抢劫加杀人 |
Ampersand, not dash. | 二者是独立的 |
There were two separate crimes committed | 这里有两名罪犯 |
by two separate perpetrators. | 犯下了两宗案件 |
The trajectory of the bullet | 杀死麦克马纳斯先生的子弹 |
that killed Mr. McManus traces back to this chair. | 是在这把椅子上射出的 |
The killer was seated when she pulled the trigger. | 那个女人开枪时是坐在这把椅子上的 |
She? | 女人 |
I can smell "T-Blossom" brand deodorant on the leather. | 我能从皮革上闻到波拉松牌体香剂的味道 |
It's lady's deodorant. | 那是女士体香剂 |
A woman sat here quite recently. | 有个女人不久前曾坐在这 |
None of your people, of course. | 当然不会是你的手下 |
完整版请点击 | |
This is an active crime scene, | 这里是犯罪现场 |
and knowing you, captain, they know better. | 你清楚这一点他们更清楚 |
That leaves the shooter. | 这样一来就只可能是凶手 |
Go on. | 接着说 |
The second crime, the robbery, was committed by a man. | 第二起犯罪抢劫是一个男人干的 |
A very strong man judging by | 从他带走的东西来看 |
the items he removed from the apartment. | 他是一个很健壮的男人 |
How strong does a guy have to be to steal a wallet and a watch? | 偷个钱包和手表需要多健壮 |
You're forgetting the armoire. | 你忽略了衣柜 |
Dust patterns on the wall and the floor | 墙上和地上的灰尘痕迹 |
tell us it stood here, | 表明这里曾有个衣柜 |
as do these scratches on the floor. | 地板上的划痕也证明了这一点 |
You're nuts. | 你在胡扯 |
Actually, he's not. | 非也非也 |
It was a very heavy piece of furniture, that. | 这是一件非常重的家具 |
And this building has no elevator. | 而且这栋楼没有电梯 |
Are we to suppose that the thief got it down | 你们觉得窃贼能赶在警察到来之前 |
six flights of stairs before the police arrived? | 把它搬下六层楼吗 |
Of course not. | 当然不行 |
Yet the scratches on the floor tell us | 地上的划痕也表明 |
it was dragged into the tiled hallway. | 衣柜被拖到了走廊里 |
Makes me think it never left this floor. | 因此我觉得它还在这层楼里 |
What do you think? | 你觉得呢 |
Yeah, thought so. | 没错我都料到了 |
Across the hall you said? | 你刚才说他住在对面是吧 |
You, you can't go in there. You need a warrant. | 你不能进去你没有搜查证 |
Bureaucracy. One of the many reasons I'm not a policeman. | 官僚主义这就是我不当警察的原因之一 |
Holmes, halt. | 福尔摩斯住手 |
Thief. | 窃贼找到了 |
Now all you need is your killer. | 现在你只需要找出凶手了 |
Casey was already dead when I found him. | 我发现凯西的时候他已经死了 |
I know I should've called the cops first, | 我知道我应该先报警的 |
but things have been so bad for me lately. | 但是最近我过得太不顺了 |
You know, I just... freakin' economy, I... | 你知道的经济这么糟糕我 |
And that armoire was an antique. | 那个衣柜是件古董 |
It's worth two grand at least. | 至少值两千 |
But I, I never laid a finger on him. | 但我绝对没有动过他一根汗毛 |
No, you didn't. | 是的你没有 |
You put a bullet in his brain. | 但你打爆了他的头 |
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong! | 错错错大错特错 |
What's wrong? | 怎么错了 |
I'm sorry, I don't think | 对不起我想 |
I could've been much clearer earlier. | 我已经说得够明白了 |
There were two crimes, two perpetrators. | 有两宗案件两个犯人 |
This guy had all of the victim's stuff. | 受害人被盗的东西都在他那 |
But no gun. Not anywhere in his apartment. | 但没有枪在他的公寓里没找到枪 |
I suspect the GSR test your people performed | 我认为射击残留物鉴定会证明 |
will show that he hasn't fired one of late. | 他近期没有开过枪 |
Also, he isn't wearing any deodorant, | 再说他也没喷体香剂 |
let alone Lady's "T-Blossom." | 更不用说女士用的波拉松牌了 |
Or hadn't you noticed? | 难道你没发现吗 |
You're the only one who could smell anything on that chair. | 椅子上的气味只有你得闻出来 |
The chair, right...I'm glad you brought that up. | 对了那个椅子多谢提醒 |
If, per Detective Bell's theory, | 如果按照贝尔警探的理论 |
the burglar was startled by the victim's unexpected return, | 窃贼看到受害者突然回来吓了一跳 |
why was he sitting down? | 那他为什么要坐下来 |