中译英 - 人民网 - 商务部回应“补偿性消费”一说


"Compensatory consumption" is coming soon?This is the answer of the Ministry of Commerce

19:30, April 09, 2020 Source: People's Net-Sanjing Channel

(People's Daily Online, Beijing, April 9, Reporter Li Nanhua) On the 9th, the Ministry of Commerce spokesman, Gao Feng, responded to the question of whether there will be "compensatory consumption" in Chinese consumer market at a regular press conference of the Ministry of Commerce. "With the implementation of a series of policies and measures promulgated by national and local governments to promote consumption replenishment and release potential ones, the results have come into effect, and soon the consumption will be recovered gradually. The epidemic will not change the development trend of Chinese long-term stable and continuous upgraded consumption."

Gao Feng said, “With the great countermeasures of prevention and control for this epidemic, the current situation keeps going well, which leads the enterprises' resumption of business speed up and expand, and the market consumption bottoms out and rises steadily.”

Data shows that the rate of opening business of national large-scale agricultural wholesale markets, large supermarkets, department stores, brand convenience stores, e-commerce platforms and express delivery are all above 95%. The supply of daily necessities in the country is generally adequate, and the prices have fallen steadily. The average daily sales in late March of some retail enterprises, which are closely monitored by the Ministry of Commerce, increased by 0.9% from mid March and 3.2% from late February.

According to Gao Feng, more than 20 cities and organizations in 7 provinces have issued various forms of consumption vouchers to stimulate consumption potential and drive consumption replenishment, which has achieved positive results in a short term. For example, the consumption vouchers issued in Hangzhou have been written off 220 million yuan, which drove consumption of 2.37 billion yuan, with a multiplier effect up to 10.7 times. Zhengzhou issued 50 million yuan of consumption vouchers in the first phase, and 11.524 million yuan have been written off two days after that, driving consumption of 128 million Yuan, with a multiplier effect up to 11 times.


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