Day 1-DeepMind and London hospital focus AI on spotting eye diseases from scans

  • 1.Google’s DeepMind has developed artificial intelligence to diagnose diseases by analysing medical images, in what could be the first significant application of AI in healthcare.

  • 2.London-based DeepMind has crunched data from thousands of retinal scans to train an AI algorithm to detect signs of eye disease more quickly and efficiently than human specialists.
    [detect] v. 洞察;查明;探查;(detection-n. 查明;探查)

  • 3.Findings have been submitted to a medical journal by the company after “promising signs” from a two-year partnership with the National Health Service and London’s Moorfields Eye Hospital, one of the best-known in the world for ophthalmology. The technology could enter clinical trials in a few years if results pass a peer review by academics.
    [peer review] 同行评议

  • 4.“In areas like medical imaging, you can see we’re going to make really tremendous progress in the next couple of years with artificial intelligence,” Dominic King, clinical lead for DeepMind Health, told the Financial Times.

  • 5.DeepMind’s algorithm has been trained using anonymised 3D retinal scans provided by Moorfields and painstakingly labelled for signs of disease by doctors. The DeepMind division has now begun discussing clinical trials with hospitals including Moorfields.
    [division] 部门;除法;分配;分割;师(军队);赛区(divisive引起分歧的;导致分裂的)

  • 6.Because the images provide rich data with millions of pixels of information, the algorithm can learn to analyse them for signs of three of the biggest eye diseases: glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration.
    [pixels] 像素(px)

  1. Peng Tee Khaw, director of research and development at Moorfields, said: “I am optimistic that what we learn from this research will benefit people around the world and help put an end to avoidable sight loss.”

  2. The artificial intelligence is “generalised”, according to Dr King, meaning it can be applied to other kinds of images. DeepMind said the next stage would involve training the algorithm to analyse radiotherapy scans, through a partnership with University College London Hospitals, and mammograms, in partnership with Imperial College London.
    [generalised]概括;推广;形成概念的;it can be applied to other kinds of images;
    [mammograms]乳腺造影(molybdenum target mammogram钼靶);


  • [DeepMind] DeepMind 是AI研究的世界领到者并将其研究运用于积极领域。DeepMind于2010年在伦敦成立,并且由一些世界上最成功的技术创业者提供技术支持。在2014年被谷歌收购,现在DeepMind隶属于Alphabet group。公司仍位于创始地伦敦,并且在加拿大埃德蒙顿和蒙特利尔有新增的研究中心,并在加利福利亚山景城有DeepMind的运用团队

  • [National Health Service]英国医疗卫生服务体系,以社区为主的基层医疗及以医院为主体的二级医疗体系。貌似NHS是医疗体系、政策,而非机构,与MHRA之间无从属关系。待进一步确认.
    [retinal scans]视网膜扫描
    [diabetic retinopathy]糖尿病视网膜病变
    [age-related macular degeneration]老年黄斑变性

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