Install the Chinese input method on Linux

Open terminal and input:

sudo -i
apt install fcitx fcitx-googlepinyin

Install the Chinese input method on Linux_第1张图片

Wait for it to finish.

Install the Chinese input method on Linux_第2张图片

 Search fcitx:

Install the Chinese input method on Linux_第3张图片

 Install the Chinese input method on Linux_第4张图片


Install the Chinese input method on Linux_第5张图片


Install the Chinese input method on Linux_第6张图片

Finally, we get the following result:

 Install the Chinese input method on Linux_第7张图片

Ctrl + Space:Switch the input method.

Install the Chinese input method on Linux_第8张图片 

The test results are as follows:

Install the Chinese input method on Linux_第9张图片 

