

1 ExceptionFilterAttribute

1.1 Represents the base class for all method-filter attributes.

2 ExtensionMethods

2.1 Provide some extension methods

2.1.1 Try to get a result of a Task when we don't know it's generic argument type

  1. ExceptionFilterAttribute 

using System;

using System.Diagnostics;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Flatwhite.Core



    1. Represents the base class for all method-filter attributes.


[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)]

    public abstract class ExceptionFilterAttribute : Attribute



        /// Occurs when there is an exception


        /// exceptionContext">


        public virtual void OnException(MethodExceptionContext exceptionContext)




        /// Occurs when there is an exception


        /// exceptionContext">



        public virtual Task OnExceptionAsync(MethodExceptionContext exceptionContext)



            return Task.CompletedTask;




  1. ExtensionMethods

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Flatwhite.Core



    1. Provide some extension methods


    public static class ExtensionMethods



        /// Try to get the object from dictionary by key

        /// If not found, return the provided default value


        /// T">

        /// dictionary">

        /// key">The key to get the object

        /// default">Default value if dictionary doesn't contain key


        public static T TryGetByKey<T>(this IDictionary<string, object> dictionary, string key, T @default = default(T))


            if (dictionary == null || key == null || !dictionary.ContainsKey(key))


                return default(T);


            var obj = dictionary[key];

            if (!(obj is T))


                return default(T);


            return (T)obj;



      1.       Try to get a result of a Task when we don't know it's generic argument type


        /// unknownGenericArgumentTypeTaskWithResult">


        internal static async Task<object> TryGetTaskResult(this Task unknownGenericArgumentTypeTaskWithResult)


            await unknownGenericArgumentTypeTaskWithResult;

            dynamic taskWithResult = unknownGenericArgumentTypeTaskWithResult;

            return taskWithResult.Result;



