


  To yield is to be preserved whole. To be bent is to become straight. To be hollow is to be filled. To be tattered is to be renewed. To be in want is to possess. To have plenty is to be confused. Therefore the Sage embraces the One, and becomes the model of the world. He does not reveal himself, and is therefore luminous. He does not justify himself, and is therefore far-famed. He does not boast of himself, and therefore people give him credit. He does not pride himself, and is therefore the chief among men. Is it not indeed true, as the ancients say, "To yield is to be preserved whole?" Thus he is preserved and the world does him homage.委屈才能保全。弯曲反而能伸直。有空洞才有空间被填满。破旧才能被更新。缺乏才能获得。拥有过多反而容易迷茫。因此圣人遵循“道”,成为天下的典范。不自我表现,所以能被人所看见。不自我辩护,因此他声名远播。不吹嘘自己,因此人们把功绩归于他。不自高自傲,所以能领导众人。如古人所说:“委屈才能保全”,难道不是真理吗?因此圣人得到保全,天下都对他致以敬意。
