数据结构与算法分析-C++描述 第4章 二叉树ADT(二叉查找树)

       二叉树(binary tree)是一棵每个节点都不能多于两个子节点的树。其递归结构如图所示:

数据结构与算法分析-C++描述 第4章 二叉树ADT(二叉查找树)_第1张图片

       二叉树的一个性质是平均二叉树的深度要比节点个数N小得多,分析表明,这个深度是O(\sqrt N),对于特殊类型的二叉树,即二叉查找树(binary search tree),其深度的平均值为 O(\log N)


数据结构与算法分析-C++描述 第4章 二叉树ADT(二叉查找树)_第2张图片

可以通过中序遍历实现中缀表达式,可以通过后序遍历实现后缀表达式 。

       二叉查找树:对于二叉树,假设x为二叉树中的任意一个结点,x节点包含关键字key,节点x的key值记为key[x]。如果y是x的左子树中的一个结点,则key[y] <= key[x];如果y是x的右子树的一个结点,则key[y] >= key[x]。那么,这棵树就是二叉查找树。




#ifndef TREE_H_
#define TREE_H_


using namespace std;

struct Node{
	dataType data;
	Node *left;
	Node *right;
	Node *parent;
	Node(dataType &d, Node *l, Node *r, Node *p):data(d), left(l), right(r), parent(p){};

class Tree{
	Node *root;
	void preOrder()
	void inOrder()
	void postOrder()
	Node* search(dataType d)
		search(root, d);
	Node* iterativeSearch(dataType d)
		iterativeSearch(root, d);
	dataType min()
		Node *node = min(root);
		if(node != NULL)
			return node -> data;
		return (dataType)NULL;
	dataType max()
		Node *node = max(root);
		if(node != NULL)
			return node -> data;
		return (dataType)NULL;
	//successor : min node bigger than the given node
	Node* successor(Node *node)
		//if node has right child, successor is the min node bigger than given node itself
		if(node -> right != NULL)
			return min(node -> right);
		//if not, case 1 node is left child, successor is the parent node
		Node *temp = node -> parent;
		//case 2 : node is right child, successor is the lowest parent node
		while(temp != NULL && node == temp -> right)
			node = temp;
			temp = temp -> parent;
		return temp;
	//presuccessor : max node less than the given node
	Node* presuccessor(Node *node)
		//if node has left child, presuccessor is the max node in given node
		if(node -> left != NULL)
			return max(node -> left);
		//if not, #1 node is right child, presuccessor is the parent node, #2 presuccessor the lowest parent node
		Node *temp = node -> parent;
		while(temp != NULL && node == temp -> left)
			node = temp;
			temp = temp -> parent;
		return temp;
	void insert(dataType d)
		Node *temp = NULL;
		if((temp = new Node(d, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == NULL)
		insert(root, temp);
	void remove(dataType d)
		Node *temp, *node;
		//judge whether d is in the Tree
		if(((temp = search(root, d))) != NULL)
			if((node = remove(root, temp)) != NULL)
				delete node;
	void destroy()
	void print()
		if(root != NULL)
			print(root, root -> data, 0);
	void preOrder(Node *node) const;
	void inOrder(Node *node) const;
	void postOrder(Node *node) const;
	Node* search(Node *node, dataType d) const;
	Node* iterativeSearch(Node *node, dataType d) const;
	Node* min(Node *node);
	Node* max(Node *node);
	void insert(Node* &node, Node *d);
	Node* remove(Node* &node, Node *d);
	void destroy(Node* &node);
	void print(Node *node, dataType d, int direction);

//preOrder : root -> left -> right
void Tree::preOrder(Node *node) const
	if(node != NULL)
		cout << node -> data << " ";
		preOrder(node -> left);
		preOrder(node -> right);

//inOrder : left -> root -> right
void Tree::inOrder(Node *node) const
	if(node != NULL)
		inOrder(node -> left);
		cout << node -> data << " ";
		inOrder(node -> right);

//postOrder : left -> right -> root
void Tree::postOrder(Node *node) const
	if(node != NULL)
		postOrder(node -> left);
		postOrder(node -> right);
		cout << node -> data << " ";

//binary search without iteration
Node* Tree::search(Node *node, dataType d) const
	if(node == NULL || node -> data == d)
		return node;
	if(d < node -> data)
		search(node -> left, d);
		search(node -> right, d);

//binary search with iteration
Node* Tree::iterativeSearch(Node *node, dataType d) const
	while((node != NULL) && (node -> data != d))
		if(d < node -> data)
			iterativeSearch(node -> left, d);
			iterativeSearch(node -> right, d);
	return node;

//find the minimum node in Tree (left -> .. -> left)
Node* Tree::min(Node *node)
	if(node == NULL)
		return node;
	while(node -> left != NULL)
		node = node -> left;
	return node;

//find the maxmium node in Tree (right -> ... -> right)
Node* Tree::max(Node *node)
	if(node == NULL)
		return node;
	while(node -> right != NULL)
		node = node -> right;
	return node;

//insert data into Tree
void Tree::insert(Node* &node, Node *d)
	Node *temp = NULL;
	Node *n = node;
	//judge the position of d
	while(n != NULL)
		temp = n;
		//update left part if d < temp
		if(d -> data < temp -> data)
			n = n -> left;
		//update right part if d > temp
			n = n -> right;
	//insert node		
	d -> parent = temp;
	if(temp == NULL)
		node = d;
	else if(d -> data < temp -> data)
		temp -> left = d;
		temp -> right = d;

//remove node d from node
Node* Tree::remove(Node* &node, Node *d)
	Node *temp1 = NULL;
	Node *temp2 = NULL;
	if((d -> left == NULL) || (d -> right == NULL))
		temp2 = d;
		temp2 = successor(d);
	if(temp2 -> left != NULL)
		temp1 = temp2 -> left;
		temp1 = temp2 -> right;
	if(temp1 != NULL)
		temp1 -> parent = temp2 -> parent;
	if(temp2 -> parent == NULL)
		node = temp1;
	else if(temp2 == temp2 -> parent -> left)
		temp2 -> parent -> left = temp1;
		temp2 -> parent -> right = temp1;
	if(temp2 != d)
		d -> data = temp2 -> data;
	return temp2;

//destroy the Tree
void Tree::destroy(Node* &node)
	if(node == NULL)
	if(node -> left != NULL)
		destroy(node -> left);
	if(node -> right != NULL)
		destroy(node -> right);
	delete node;
	node = NULL;

//print the Tree structure
void Tree::print(Node *node, dataType d, int direction)
	if(node != NULL)
		//root : direction = 0
		if(direction == 0)
			cout << setw(2) << node -> data << " is root " << endl;	
			cout << setw(2) << node -> data << " is " << d << " 's " << setw(12) << (direction == 1 ? " right child " : " left child ") << endl;
		// left : direction = -1
		print(node -> left, node -> data, -1);
		//right : direction = 1
		print(node -> right, node -> data, 1);




using namespace std;

int main()
	int arr[8] = {5, 3, 2, 7, 4, 8, 1, 6};
	Tree *tree = new Tree();
	cout << "******* insert *******" << endl;
	for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
		tree -> insert(arr[i]);
	cout << "******* print *******" << endl;
	tree -> print();
	cout << "******* preOrder *******" << endl;
	tree -> preOrder();
	cout << endl;
	cout << "******* inOrder *******" << endl;
	tree -> inOrder();
	cout << endl;
	cout << "******* postOrder *******" << endl;
	tree -> postOrder();
	cout << endl;
	cout << "******* min *******" << endl;
	cout << "the min data in Tree is " << tree -> min() << endl;
	cout << "******* max *******" << endl;
	cout << "the max data in Tree is " << tree -> max() << endl;
	cout << "******* remove *******" << endl;
	tree -> remove(4);
	cout << "******* inOrder *******" << endl;
	tree -> inOrder();
	cout << endl;
	cout << "******* destroy *******" << endl;
	tree -> destroy();
	cout << "done " << endl;
	return 0;

practice makes perfect!

参考博客:二叉查找树(二)之 C++的实现
