Flutter CustomPaint 使用介绍

CustomPaint 介绍

CustomPaint class提供了让用户自定义widget的能力,它暴露了一个canvas,可以通过这个canvas来绘制widget,CustomPaint会先调用painter绘制背景,然后再绘制child,最后调用foregroundPainter来绘制前景,CustomPaint的定义如下

CustomPaint({Key key, 
      CustomPainter painter,
      CustomPainter foregroundPainter,
      Size size: Size.zero, 
      bool isComplex: false, 
      bool willChange: false, 
      Widget child })
  • painter:负责绘制背景的painter
  • foregroundPainter : 负责绘制前景的painter
  • size : 控件大小
  • isComplex : 是否复杂绘制,需要用cache来提高绘制效率
  • willChange : 和isComplex配合使用,当启用缓存时,该属性代表在下一帧中绘制是否会改变
  • child : 子widget

CustomPainter 介绍


  • paint : 每当CustomPaint需要重绘的时候都会调用此接口
  • shouldRepaint : 当CustomPaint被重新设置了一个新的painter后会回调此方法,CustomPaint会根据shouldRepaint的返回值来判断是否需要重新绘制ui,譬如新的painter跟旧的painter绘制的内容不一样时,此时shouldRepaint需要返回true来通知CustomPaint重新绘制。

Canvas 介绍


drawCircle(Offset c, double radius, Paint paint) → void
drawImage(Image image, Offset p, Paint paint) → void
drawImageNine(Image image, Rect center, Rect dst, Paint paint) → void
drawLine(Offset p1, Offset p2, Paint paint) → void
drawOval(Rect rect, Paint paint) → void
drawParagraph(Paragraph paragraph, Offset offset) → void
drawRect(Rect rect, Paint paint) → void
drawShadow(Path path, Color color, double elevation, bool transparentOccluder) → void

Paint 介绍

color : 设置画笔颜色
isAntiAlias : 设置画笔是否扛锯齿
shader : 着色器,填充形状或者画线时用到,如果没设置将会使用color
strokeWidth : 设置画笔画线宽度
style :绘制模式,画线或充满

CustomPaint 使用

下面这个例子来自于官方,通过CustomPaint 画出了一个蓝天跟太阳出来

class HomeState extends State {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(title: Text('CustomPaintDemo'),),
      body: Container(
        alignment: Alignment.center,
        child: CustomPaint(
          painter: Sky(),
          child: Center(
            child: Text(
              'Once upon a time...',
              style: const TextStyle(
                fontSize: 40.0,
                fontWeight: FontWeight.w900,
                color: Color(0xFFFFFFFF),

class Sky extends CustomPainter {
  void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
    var rect = Offset.zero & size;
    var gradient = RadialGradient(
      center: const Alignment(0.7, -0.6),
      radius: 0.2,
      colors: [const Color(0xFFFFFF00), const Color(0xFF0099FF)],
      stops: [0.4, 1.0],
      Paint()..shader = gradient.createShader(rect),

  SemanticsBuilderCallback get semanticsBuilder {
    return (Size size) {
      // Annotate a rectangle containing the picture of the sun
      // with the label "Sun". When text to speech feature is enabled on the
      // device, a user will be able to locate the sun on this picture by
      // touch.
      var rect = Offset.zero & size;
      var width = size.shortestSide * 0.4;
      rect = const Alignment(0.8, -0.9).inscribe(Size(width, width), rect);
      return [
          rect: rect,
          properties: SemanticsProperties(
            label: 'Sun',
            textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,

  // Since this Sky painter has no fields, it always paints
  // the same thing and semantics information is the same.
  // Therefore we return false here. If we had fields (set
  // from the constructor) then we would return true if any
  // of them differed from the same fields on the oldDelegate.
  bool shouldRepaint(Sky oldDelegate) => false;
  bool shouldRebuildSemantics(Sky oldDelegate) => false;


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