



 binary system





Pseudo-Code (or Program Design Language)

way to use fuction

 Algorithm Efficiency

Proof of correctness




Basic Data Structures

 data structures

Related Concepts

Storing Arrays


A representation of an algorithm is called a program.
The process of developing a program, encoding it in machine-compatible form, and inserting
it into a machine is called programming.


Programs, and the algorithms they represent, are collectively referred to as software, in contrast to the machinery itself, which is known as hardware. 



A device that produces the output of a Boolean operation when given the operation’s input values is called a gate.
Gates provide the building blocks from which computers are constructed.One important step in this direction is depicted in the circuit in Figure 1.3. This is a particular example from a collection of circuits known as a flip-flop.
A technology known as very large-scale integration (VLSI), which allows millions of electrical components to be constructed on a wafer (called a chip ), is used to create miniature devices containing millions of flip-flops along with their controlling circuitry. Consequently, these chips are used as abstract tools in the construction of computer systems. In fact, in some cases VLSI is used to create an entire computer system on a single chip.
For the purpose of storing data, a computer contains a large collection of circuits (such as flip-flops), each capable of storing a single bit. This bit reservoir is known as the machine’s main memory.
A computer’s main memory is organized in manageable units called cells, with a typical cell size being eight bits. (A string of eight bits is called a byte.

The left end of this row is called the high-order end, and the right end is called the low-order end.
The left most bit is called either the high-order bit or the most significant bit in reference to the fact that if the contents of the cell were interpreted as representing a numeric value, this bit would be the most significant digit in the number. Similarly, the rightmost bit is referred to as the low-order bit or the least significant bit.
To identify individual cells in a computer’s main memory, each cell is assigned a unique “name,” called its address.
Because a computer’s main memory is organized as individual, addressable cells, the cells can be accessed independently as required. To reflect the ability to access cells in any order, a computer’s main memory is often called random access memory (RAM). This random access feature of main memory is in stark contrast to the mass storage systems that we will discuss in the next section, in which long strings of bits are manipulated as amalgamated blocks.
In recognition of this volatility, computer memory constructed from such technology is often called dynamic memory, leading to the term DRAM (pronounced “DEE–ram”) meaning Dynamic RAM. Or, at times the term SDRAM (pronounced “ES-DEE-ram”), meaning Synchronous DRAM, is used in reference to DRAM that applies additional techniques to decrease the time needed to retrieve the contents from its memory cells.
Due to the volatility and limited size of a computer’s main memory, most computers have additional memory devices called mass storage (or secondary storage) systems, including magnetic disks, CDs, DVDs, magnetic tapes, flash drives, and solid-state disks (all of which we will discuss shortly). The advantages of mass storage systems over main memory include less volatility, large storage capacities, low cost, and in many cases, the ability to remove the storage medium from the machine for archival purposes. A major disadvantage of magnetic and optical mass storage systems is that they typically require mechanical motion and therefore require significantly more time to store and retrieve data than a machine’s main memory, where all activities are performed electronically. Moreover, storage systems with moving parts are more prone to mechanical failures than solid state systems.
The most common example in use today is the magnetic disk or hard disk drive (HDD), in which a thin spinning disk with magnetic coating is used to hold data (Figure 1.9). Read/write heads are placed above and/or below the disk so that as the disk spins, each head traverses a circle, called a track. In many cases, a disk storage system consists of several disks mounted on a common spindle, one on top of the other, with enough space for the read/write heads to slip between the platters. In such cases, the read/write heads move in unison. Each time the read/write heads are repositioned, a new set of tracks—which is called a cylinder —becomes accessible.
Since a track can contain more information than we would normally want to manipulate at any one time, each track is divided into small arcs called sectors on which information is recorded as a continuous string of bits. All sectors on a disk contain the same number of bits (typical capacities are in the range of 512 bytes toa few KB), and in the simplest disk storage systems each track contains the samenumber of sectors. Thus, the bits within a sector on a track near the outer edge of the disk are less compactly stored than those on the tracks near the center, since the outer tracks are longer than the inner ones. In contrast, in high-capacity disk storage systems, the tracks near the outer edge are capable of containing significantly more sectors than those near the center, and this capability is often used by applying a technique called zoned-bit recording. Using zoned-bit recording, several adjacent tracks are collectively known as zones, with a typical disk containing approximately 10 zones. All tracks within a zone have the same number of sectors, but each zone has more sectors per track than the zone inside of it. In this manner, efficient use of the entire disk surface is achieved. Regardless of the details, a disk storage system consists of many individual sectors, each of which can be accessed as an independent string of bits.
seek time :the time required to move the read/write heads from one track to another
rotation delay or latency time :half the time required for the disk to make a complete rotation, which is the average amount of time required for the desired data to rotate around to the read/write head once the head has been positioned over the desired track
access time :the sum of seek time and rotation delay
transfer rate :the rate at which data can be transferred to or from the disk
Note that in the case of zone-bit recording, the amount of data passing a read/write head in a single disk rotation is greater for tracks in an outer zone than for an inner zone, and therefore the data transfer rate varies depending on the portion of the disk being used.
Magnetic storage technologies that are now less widely used include magnetic tape, in which information is recorded on the magnetic coating of a thin plastic tape wound on reels, and floppy disk drives, in which single platters with a magnetic coating are encased in a portable cartridge designed to be readily removed from the drive.
Flash memory technology has the potential of alleviating this drawback. In a flash memory system, bits are stored by sending electronic signals directly to the storage medium where they cause electrons to be trapped in tiny chambers of silicon dioxide, thus altering the characteristics of small electronic circuits. Since these chambers are able to hold their captive electrons for many years without external power, this technology is excellent for portable, nonvolatile data storage.
Flash memory devices called flash drives, with capacities of hundreds of GBs, are available for general mass storage applications
Larger flash memory devices called SSDs (solid-state disks) are explicitly designed to take the place of magnetic hard disks. SSDs compare favorably to hard disks in their resilience to vibrations and physical shock, their quiet operation (due to no moving parts), and their lower access times. SSDs remain more expensive than hard disks of comparable size and thus are still considered a high-end option when buying a computer. SSD sectors suffer from the more limited lifetime of all flash memory technologies, but the use of wear-leveling techniques can reduce the impact of this by relocating frequently altered data blocks to fresh locations on the drive. 
Another application of flash technology is found in SD (Secure Digital) memory cards (or just SD Card). These provide up to two GBs of storage and are packaged in a plastic rigged wafer about the size a postage stamp (SD cards are also available in smaller mini and micro sizes), SDHC (High Capacity) memory cards can provide up to 32 GBs and the next generation SDXC (Extended Capac ity) memory cards may exceed a TB.
闪存技术的另一个应用是在SD(安全数字)存储卡(或仅仅是SD卡)中。这些提供2 gb的存储和打包在一个塑料操纵晶片大小邮票(SD卡也可以在较小的小型和微型大小),SDHC记忆卡(大容量)可以提供32 GBs和下一代SDXC(扩展能力)记忆卡可能超过一个结核病。

 binary system

one’s complement notation:如果是正整数,为原二进制码。如果是负整数,将二进制数反转(包括符号位),得到的数即为原二进制的一的补数(ones' complement)。若某一位为0,则使其变为1,反之亦然。

two’s complement notation:如果是正数, 补码与原码一样。如果是负数,在反码的基础上+1。

excess notation:2的n-1次方+原数(与two’s complement notation就符号位相反)

floating-point notation:sign bite(符号位)+exponent(用excess notation表示, 正数:将基数向右移动; 负数:将基数向左移动 )+mantissa(如果超出要去除lsm——最后一位)
One means of representing an image is to interpret the image as a collection of dots, each of which is called a pixel, short for “picture element.” The appearance of each pixel is then encoded and the entire image is represented as a collection of these encoded pixels. Such a collection is called a bit map.
For the purpose of storing or transferring data, it is often helpful (and sometimes mandatory) to reduce the size of the data involved while retaining the underlying information. The technique for accomplishing this is called data compression.
In cases where the data being compressed consist of long sequences of the same value, the compression technique called run-length encoding, which is a lossless method, is popular.
The parity system just described is called odd parity, because we designed our system so that each correct pattern contains an odd number of 1s. Another technique is called even parity.


The circuitry in a computer that controls the manipulation of data is called the central processing unit, or CPU (often referred to as merely the processor).
计算机中控制数据操作的电路称为中央处理单元(central processing unit,简称CPU)(通常简称处理器)。
The CPUs found in today’s desktop computers and notebooks are packaged as small flat squares (approximately two inches by two inches) whose connecting pins plug into a socket mounted on the machine’s main circuit board (called the motherboard). In smartphones, mini-notebooks, and other Mobile Internet Devices (MID), CPUs are around half the size of a postage stamp. Due to their small size, these processors are called microprocessors.
A CPU consists of three parts:the arithmetic/logic unit, which contains the circuitry that performs operations on data (such as addition and subtraction); the control unit, which contains the circuitry for coordinating the machine’s activities; and the register unit, which contains data storage cells (similar to main memory cells), called registers, that are used for temporary storage of information within the CPU.
Some of the registers within the register unit are considered general-purpose registers, whereas others are special-purpose registers.
For the purpose of transferring bit patterns, a machine’s CPU and main memory are connected by a collection of wires called a bus.
The idea of storing a computer’s program in its main memory is called the stored-program concept and has become the standard approach used today—so standard, in fact, that it seems obvious.
This collection of instructions along with the encoding system is called the machine language. An instruction expressed in this language is called a machine-level instruction or, more commonly, a machine instruction.
Reduced instruction set computer (RISC) is that a CPU should be designed to execute a minimal set of machine instructions. The argument in favor of RISC architecture is that such a machine is efficient, fast, and less expensive to manufacture.
Others argue in favor of CPUs with the ability to execute a large number of complex instructions, even though many of them are technically redundant. The result of this approach is known as a complex instruction set computer (CISC).
An important group of instructions within the data transfer category consists of the commands for communicating with devices outside the CPU-main memory context (printers, keyboards, display screens, disk drives, etc.). Since these instructions handle the input/output (I/O) activities of the machine, they are called I/O instructions and are sometimes considered as a category in their own right. 
数据传输类中的一组重要指令由用于与cpu -主存上下文之外的设备(打印机、键盘、显示屏、磁盘驱动器等)通信的命令组成。因为这些指令处理机器的输入/输出(I/O)活动,所以它们被称为I/O指令,有时被认为是它们自己的一类。
To understand how the overall execution process takes place, it is necessary to consider two of the special purpose registers within the CPU: the instruction register and the program counter.
The CPU performs its job by continually repeating an algorithm that guides it through a three-step process known as the machine cycle.

Technologies to increase throughput:
Pipelining: Overlap steps of the machine cycle
Parallel Processing : Use multiple processors simultaneously
SISD (single-instruction stream, single-data stream)→ No parallel processing


MIMD (Multiple-instruction stream, Multiple-data stream)→ Different programs, different data

MIMD(多指令流,多数据流)→ 不同的程序,不同的数据

SIMD (single-instruction stream, Multiple-data stream)→ Same program, different data



The execution of each program, called a job, was handled as an isolated activity—the machine was prepared for executing the program, the program was executed, and then all the tapes, punched cards, etc. had to be retrieved before the next program preparation could begin.
This was the beginning of batch processing—the execution of jobs by collecting them in a single batch, then executing them without further interaction with the user.
One early development was the separation of users and equipment, which eliminated the physical transition of people in and out of the computer room. For this purpose a computer operator was hired to operate the machine. Anyone wanting a program run was required to submit it, along with any required data and special directions about the program’s requirements, to the operator and return later for the results. The operator, in turn, loaded these materials into the machine’s mass storage where a program called the operating system could read and execute them one at a time. This was the beginning of batch processing—the execution of jobs by collecting them in a single batch, then executing them without further interaction with the user.
A queue is a storage organization in which objects (in this case, jobs) are ordered in first-in, first-out (abbreviated FIFO and pronounced “FI-foe”) fashion.
To accommodate these needs, new operating systems were developed that allowed a program being executed to carry on a dialogue with the user through remote terminals—a feature known as interactive processing.


In a sense, the computer is forced to execute tasks under a deadline, a process that became known as real-time processing in which the actions performed are said to occur in real-time.


The solution to this problem was to design operating systems that provided service to multiple users at the same time: a feature called time-sharing. One means of implementing time-sharing is to apply the technique called multiprogramming in which time is divided into intervals and then the execution of each job is restricted to only one interval at a time. At the end of each interval, the current job is temporarily set aside and another is allowed to execute during the next interval. By rapidly shuffling the jobs back and forth in this manner, the illusion of several jobs executing simultaneously is created. Depending on the types of jobs being executed, early time-sharing systems were able to provide acceptable real-time processing to as many as 30 users simultaneously. Today, multiprogramming techniques are used in single-user as well as multiuser systems, although in the former the result is usually called multitasking. That is, time-sharing refers to multiple users sharing access to a common computer, whereas multitasking refers to one user executing numerous tasks simultaneously.
The development of multiprocessor machines has led to operating systems that provide time-sharing/ multitasking capabilities by assigning different tasks to different processors as well as by sharing the time of each single processor. These operating systems must wrestle with such problems as load balancing (dynamically allocating tasks to the various processors so that all processors are used efficiently) as well as scaling (breaking tasks into a number of subtasks compatible with the number of processors available).
Still another direction of research in operating systems focuses on devices that are dedicated to specific tasks such as medical devices, vehicle electronics, home appliances, cell phones, or other hand-held computers. The computer systems found in these devices are known as embedded systems.
Application software consists of the programs for performing tasks particular to the machine’s utilization. A machine used to maintain the inventory for a manufacturing company will contain different application software from that found on a machine used by an electrical engineer. Examples of application software include spreadsheets, database systems, desktop publishing systems, accounting systems, program development software, and games.
In contrast to application software, system software performs those tasks that are common to computer systems in general. In a sense, the system software provides the infrastructure that the application software requires, in much the same manner as a nation’s infrastructure (government, roads, utilities, financial institutions, etc.) provides the foundation on which its citizens rely for their individual lifestyles.
In order to perform the actions requested by the computer’s users, an operating system must be able to communicate with those users. The portion of an operating system that handles this communication is often called the user interface.
Older user interfaces,called shells,communicated with users through textual messages using a keyboard and monitor screen.
More modern systems perform this task by means of a graphical user interface (GUI—pronounced “GOO–ee”) in which objects to be manipulated, such as files and programs, are represented pictorially on the display as icons.
更现代的系统通过图形用户界面(gui -发音为“gooe - ee”)来执行这项任务,在图形用户界面中,要操作的对象,如文件和程序,在显示器上以图形化的图标表示。

An important component within today’s GUI shells is the window manager, which allocates blocks of space on the screen, called windows, and keeps track of which application is associated with each window.
今天GUI shell中的一个重要组件是窗口管理器,它在屏幕上分配称为窗口的空间块,并跟踪哪个应用程序与每个窗口相关联。
In contrast to an operating system’s user interface, the internal part of an operating system is called the kernel. An operating system’s kernel contains those software components that perform the very basic functions required by the computer installation. One such unit is the file manager, whose job is to coordinate the use of the machine’s mass storage facilities. More precisely, the filemanager maintains records of all the files stored in mass storage, including whereeach file is located, which users are allowed to access the various files, and which portions of mass storage are available for new files or extensions to existing files. These records are kept on the individual storage medium containing the related files so that each time the medium is placed online, the file manager can retrieve them and thus know what is stored on that particular medium.
与操作系统的用户界面相比,操作系统的内部部分称为内核。操作系统的内核包含那些执行计算机安装所需要的基本功能的软件组件。其中一个这样的单元是文件管理器,它的工作是协调机器的大量存储设施的使用。更准确地说,file manager维护存储在大容量存储中的所有文件的记录,包括每个文件的位置、允许哪些用户访问各种文件,以及大容量存储中的哪些部分可用于新文件或现有文件的扩展名。这些记录保存在包含相关文件的单个存储媒体上,因此每次将媒体置于在线状态时,文件管理器就可以检索它们,从而知道在该特定媒体上存储了什么。
For the convenience of the machine’s users, most file managers allow files to be grouped into a bundle called a directory or folder. This approach allows a user to organize his or her files according to their purposes by placing related files in the same directory. Moreover, by allowing directories to contain other directories, called subdirectories, a hierarchical organization can be constructed.
A chain of directories within directories is called a directory path. Paths are often expressed by listing the directories along the path separated by slashes.
Another component of the kernel consists of a collection of device drivers, which are the software units that communicate with the controllers (or at times, directly with peripheral devices) to carry out operations on the peripheral devices attached to the machine. Each device driver is uniquely designed for its particular type of device (such as a printer, disk drive, or monitor) and translates generic requests into the more technical steps required by the device assigned to that driver.
Still another component of an operating system’s kernel is the memory manager, which is charged with the task of coordinating the machine’s use of main memory.The task of the memory manager is complicated further when the total main memory space required exceeds the space actually available in the computer. In this case the memory manager may create the illusion of additional memory space by rotating programs and data back and forth between main memory and mass storage (a technique called paging ). Suppose, for example, that a main memory of 8GB is required but the computer only has 4GB. To create the illusion of the larger memory space, the memory manager reserves 4GB of storage space on a magnetic disk. There it records the bit patterns that would be stored in main memory if main memory had an actual capacity of 8GB. This data is divided into uniform sized units called pages, which are typically a few KB in size. Then the memory manager shuffles these pages back and forth between main memory and mass storage so that the pages that are needed at any given time are actually present in the 4GB of main memory. The result is that the computer is able to function as though it actually had 8GB of main memory. This large “fictional” memory space created by paging is called virtual memory.
Two additional components within the kernel of an operating system are the scheduler and dispatcher, which we will study in the next section. For now we merely note that in a multiprogramming system the scheduler determines which activities are to be considered for execution, and the dispatcher controls the allocation of time to these activities.
boot strapping (often shortened to booting )  is performed by a computer each time it is turned on.
引导捆绑(通常缩短为引导)是由计算机每次打开时执行的。 计算机系统概论基本知识_第11张图片

To resolve this dilemma, a small portion of a computer’s main memory where the CPU expects to find its initial program is constructed from special nonvolatile memory cells. Such memory is known as read-only memory (ROM) because its contents can be read but not altered.
In a general-purpose computer, a program called the boot loader is permanently stored in the machine’s ROM.
The overall process of executing the boot loader and thus starting the operating system is called booting the computer.
The activity of executing a program under the control of the operating system is known as a process. Associated with a process is the current status of the activity, called the process



To keep track of all the processes, the scheduler maintains a block of information in main memory called the process table.
Scheduler :1.Allows multiple processes to be loaded into executable memory at a time and the loaded process shares CPU (time sharing). 2.Maintains a record of processes present. 3.Adds new processes to the process table and removes completed processes from the process table.调度程序:1。允许多个进程一次加载到可执行内存中,加载的进程共享CPU(时间共享)。2. 维护当前进程的记录。3.向进程表中添加新进程,并从进程表中删除已完成的进程。
Dispatcher :1.Oversees the execution of scheduled processes.2.Controls the allocation of time slices to the processes in the process table. 3.The end of a time slice is signaled by an interrupt.
Each process occupies CPU for a short period of time ( a few tens of ms) .Time period is called time slice.Multiprogramming between process A and B.Process switch (or context switch).Changing one process to another
The solution to this problem is to insist that the task of testing and possibly setting the flag be completed without interruption. One approach is to use the interrupt disable and interrupt enable instructions provided in most machine languages. When executed, an interrupt disable instruction causes future interrupts to be blocked, whereas an interrupt enable instruction causes the CPU to resume responding to interrupt signals. Thus, if the operating system starts the flag-testing routine with a disable interrupt instruction and ends it with an enable interrupt instruction, no other activity can interrupt the routine once it starts.Another approach is to use the test-and-set instruction that is available inmany machine languages. This instruction directs the CPU to retrieve the value of a flag, note the value received, and then set the flag—all within a single machine instruction. The advantage here is that because the CPU always completes an instruction before recognizing an interrupt, the task of testing and setting the flag cannot be split when it is implemented as a single instruction.
这个问题的解决方案是坚持测试和可能设置标志的任务必须不中断地完成。一种方法是使用大多数机器语言中提供的中断禁用和中断启用指令。当中断执行时,interrupt disable指令会导致以后的中断被阻塞,而interrupt enable指令会导致CPU恢复响应中断信号。因此,如果操作系统用一个禁用的中断指令启动标志测试例程,并以一个启用的中断指令结束它,那么一旦例程启动,其他任何活动都不能中断它。另一种方法是使用在许多机器语言中可用的测试和设置指令。这条指令指示CPU检索一个标志的值,记录接收到的值,然后设置该标志——所有这些都在一条机器指令中。这样做的好处是,因为CPU总是在识别到一个中断之前完成一条指令,所以测试和设置标志的任务不能被拆分,当它被实现为一个单独的指令时。
A properly implemented flag, as just described, is called a semaphore, in reference to the railroad signals used to control access to sections of track.
Corresponding to the section of track that can contain only one train at a time is a sequence of instructions that should be executed by only one process at a time. Such a sequence of instructions is called a critical region.
The requirement that only one process at a time be allowed to execute a critical region is known as mutual exclusion.
Another problem that can arise during resource allocation is deadlock, the condition in which two or more processes are blocked from progressing because each is waiting for a resource that is allocated to another.

This technique of holding data for output at a later but more convenient time is called spooling.



Algorithmic operations
Ordered (first instruction, second instruction, etc.)
Able to alter the order of its instructions. ( control structure)

Three Categories of Algorithmic Operations:
Sequential operations: instructions are executed in order
Conditional operations: asks true/false question and then selects the next instruction based on the answer
Iterative operations (loops): repeats the execution of a block of instructions

Pseudo-Code (or Program Design Language)

Informal way to express the design of a computer program or an algorithm
1.Consists of natural language-like statements that precisely describe the steps of an algorithm or program
2. Statements describe actions
3.  Focuses on the logic of the algorithm or program
4.  Avoids language-specific elements
5.  Written at a level so that the desired programming code can be generated almost automatically from each statement (i.e., easy to translate statement programming code )
6.  Steps are numbered. Subordinate numbers and/or indentation are used for dependent statements in selection and repetition structures



Binary Search Algorithm

way to use fuction


 Algorithm Efficiency

Big theta notation: Used to represent efficiency classes
Example: Sequential search is in Θ (n)
                Insertion sort is in Θ (n 2 )
                Binary search is in Θ (log 2 n)
Best, worst, and average case analysis
Insertion sort in a worst-case situation

Proof of correctness

Assertions: true-false statement placed in a program to assert that it is true at that point
Preconditions: assertion placed before a statement.True before the execution of the algorithm
Postconditions : assertion placed after a statement .True after the execution of the algorithm
Loop invariant : assertion supposed to be true before and after each iteration of the loop
An assertion must specify the desired output of the algorithm.
If , given the preconditions, each identified assertion is true when the execution reaches that particular point, then the algorithm is correct




Basic Data Structures

Array: A block of data whose entries are of same type
A two dimensional array consists for rows and columns
Indices are used to identify positions
A two-dimensional array with two rows and nine columns
Aggregate : A block of data items that might be of different type or sizes
Each data item is called a field
Fields are usually accessed by name 计算机系统概论基本知识_第19张图片
List : A collection of data whose entries are arranged sequentially
Head : The beginning of the list
Tail : The end of the list
Tree: A collection of data whose entries have a hierarchical organization
Node: An entry in a tree
Root node: The node at the top
Terminal (or leaf ) node: A node at the bottom
Parent : The node immediately above a specified node
Child : A node immediately below a specified node
Ancestor : Parent, parent of parent, etc.
Descendent : Child, child of child, etc.
Siblings: Nodes sharing a common parent 计算机系统概论基本知识_第20张图片

 data structures

Stack : A list in which entries are removed and inserted only at the
head 计算机系统概论基本知识_第21张图片

LIFO : Last-in-first-out
Top : The head of list (stack)
Bottom or base: The tail of list (stack)
Pop : To remove the entry at the top
Push : To insert an entry at the top
Queue : A list in which entries are removed at the head and are inserted at the tail 计算机系统概论基本知识_第22张图片

FIFO : First-in-first-out

Related Concepts

Shield users (application software) from details of actual data storage
Static vs. Dynamic Structure
Does the shape and size change over time?
A storage area that encodes an address where data is stored
Later used to access the data

Storing Arrays





