uni-app运行微信小程序时报错routeDone with a webviewId 2 that is not the current page

uni-app运行微信小程序时报错routeDone with a webviewId 2 that is not the current page_第1张图片 在开发微信小程序时使用HBuilderX uni-app开发运行项目的时候新手可能会出现routeDone with a webviewId 1 that is not the current page这个报错,有时是因为调试基础库处于灰度中所以会出现这个报错信息,想解决这个报错我们可以尝试降一下微信开发者工具的调试基础库,总共分为三步:1.点击微信开发者工具右上方的详情;2.点击本地设置;3.点击调试基础库,选择低一点的且不在灰度中的版本。


uni-app运行微信小程序时报错routeDone with a webviewId 2 that is not the current page_第2张图片


uni-app运行微信小程序时报错routeDone with a webviewId 2 that is not the current page_第3张图片


uni-app运行微信小程序时报错routeDone with a webviewId 2 that is not the current page_第4张图片

 uni-app运行微信小程序时报错routeDone with a webviewId 2 that is not the current page_第5张图片


uni-app运行微信小程序时报错routeDone with a webviewId 2 that is not the current page_第6张图片

