
很多人全然不知什么才是英文好?和母语一样,先语后文,第一步当然是听说!对于新生测试,随便丢一个图,测试看图说话的能力!如果大家用这个图片来看图说话,我们应该如何开始呢?我们首先来回答一个问题,Who can we see in this picture?第二个问题是 Where are they? 第三个问题是 When is it happening?第四个问题 What do you think it's happening?第五个问题是 What have you learned from this picture?(其实这个问题就是你的看法)大家先回想一下如何利用我们课堂训练来即兴组织下!市面上的孩子:“pig,I can see a pig, this is daddy pig, i can see Peppa and I can see George” 输出告急,全部倒空,仅此而已[破涕为笑][破涕为笑][破涕为笑]惨的一批!我们的孩子:“ First, I can see that there is a pig and it is Peppa’s father, dad or daddy. Here comes a pig that is daddy pig. Following him, here come daddy pig’s two kids, one is Peppa, the other is George. Totally there are three pigs in this picture, but without mommy pig here this time” Come on! 这是我们感初的学员的简单输出,拜托,这只是第一个问题的回答,人物的介绍,我们五大经典句式随便丢!!后面内容想知道么?想知道一年后走完感初的学员有多棒么?来!我们来个对堵协议,拭目以待!
