



    "fileList": {
        "path": "dsadadadadadad",
        "size": 222




 * 本程序是测试Qt 程序存储64位整数 至Json文件 并加载读出

void printTypeInfo();
 Type    Size(bytes)           Minimum               Maximum
 bool    1
 char    1                     -128                  127
 int     4                     -2147483648           2147483647
 uint    4                     4294967295
 short   2                     -32768                32767
 ushort  2                     65535
 long    4                     -2147483648           2147483647
 ulong   4                     4294967295
 ll      8                     -9223372036854775808  9223372036854775807
 ull     8                     18446744073709551615
 float   4                     1.17549e-038          3.40282e+038
 double  8                     2.22507e-308          1.79769e+308
 ldouble 8                     2.22507e-308          1.79769e+308
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);


	using namespace std;

	*	第一部分、往文件中写
	// 创建JSON对象
	QJsonObject root;

	// 创建fileList数组

	QJsonObject obj;
	obj["path"] = "YangNaifeng";
	qint64 llData =  1;// LLONG_MAX;
	obj["size"] = llData;//最大15位

	root.insert("fileList", obj);

	QJsonDocument doc;

	auto path = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath();
	auto outJson = path + "/" + "sad.json";

	QDir dir(path);
	if (dir.mkpath(path))
		QFile file(outJson);
		qCritical() << QString::fromStdWString(L"创建文件夹失败!");

	*	从文件中读 并解析
	QFile readFile(outJson);
	QByteArray data = readFile.readAll();
	QJsonDocument docRead = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data);

	if (!docRead.isNull() && docRead.isObject()) {

		QJsonObject obj = docRead.object();

		if (obj.contains("fileList") && obj["fileList"].isObject()) {

			QJsonObject fileListObj = obj["fileList"].toObject();

			QString path = fileListObj["path"].toString();
			auto eDoubleType = QJsonValue::Double;
			cout << fileListObj["size"].type();//QJsonValue::Double
			auto size = fileListObj["size"].toDouble();

			qint64  nSize = QString::number(size, 'f', 0).toLongLong();
			qDebug() << "Path:" << path;
			qDebug() << "Size:" << size;

			qDebug() << "fileList not found";

		qDebug() << "Invalid JSON document";

	return a.exec();

void printTypeInfo()
	using namespace std;

		// 设置表格样式
		cout << left;
		cout << setw(8) << "Type";
		cout << setw(22) << "Size(bytes)";
		cout << setw(22) << "Minimum";
		cout << setw(22) << "Maximum";
		cout << endl;

		cout << "------------------------------------";
		cout << "------------------------------------";
		cout << "------------------------------------";
		cout << endl;

		// bool
		cout << setw(8) << "bool";
		cout << setw(22) << sizeof(bool);
		cout << setw(22);
		cout << setw(22);
		cout << endl;

		// char
		cout << setw(8) << "char";
		cout << setw(22) << sizeof(char);
		cout << setw(22) << (int)CHAR_MIN;
		cout << setw(22) << (int)CHAR_MAX;
		cout << endl;

		// int
		cout << setw(8) << "int";
		cout << setw(22) << sizeof(int);
		cout << setw(22) << INT_MIN;
		cout << setw(22) << INT_MAX;
		cout << endl;

		// unsigned int
		cout << setw(8) << "uint";
		cout << setw(22) << sizeof(unsigned int);
		cout << setw(22);
		cout << setw(22) << UINT_MAX;
		cout << endl;

		// short
		cout << setw(8) << "short";
		cout << setw(22) << sizeof(short);
		cout << setw(22) << SHRT_MIN;
		cout << setw(22) << SHRT_MAX;
		cout << endl;

		// unsigned short
		cout << setw(8) << "ushort";
		cout << setw(22) << sizeof(unsigned short);
		cout << setw(22);
		cout << setw(22) << USHRT_MAX;
		cout << endl;

		// long
		cout << setw(8) << "long";
		cout << setw(22) << sizeof(long);
		cout << setw(22) << LONG_MIN;
		cout << setw(22) << LONG_MAX;
		cout << endl;

		// unsigned long
		cout << setw(8) << "ulong";
		cout << setw(22) << sizeof(unsigned long);
		cout << setw(22);
		cout << setw(22) << ULONG_MAX;
		cout << endl;

		// long long 
		cout << setw(8) << "ll";
		cout << setw(22) << sizeof(long long);
		cout << setw(22) << LLONG_MIN;
		cout << setw(22) << LLONG_MAX;
		cout << endl;

		// unsigned long long
		cout << setw(8) << "ull";
		cout << setw(22) << sizeof(unsigned long long);
		cout << setw(22);
		cout << setw(22) << ULLONG_MAX;
		cout << endl;

		// float
		cout << setw(8) << "float";
		cout << setw(22) << sizeof(float);
		cout << setw(22) << FLT_MIN;
		cout << setw(22) << FLT_MAX;
		cout << endl;

		// double
		cout << setw(8) << "double";
		cout << setw(22) << sizeof(double);
		cout << setw(22) << DBL_MIN;
		cout << setw(22) << DBL_MAX;
		cout << endl;

		// long double
		cout << setw(8) << "ldouble";
		cout << setw(22) << sizeof(long double);
		cout << setw(22) << LDBL_MIN;
		cout << setw(22) << LDBL_MAX;
		cout << endl;

		cout << "------------------------------------";
		cout << "------------------------------------";
		cout << "------------------------------------";





3.QJsonValue之所以没有tolonglong()的接口是因为double类型是有精度损失的。double类型的有效数字位数:15-16位数字,double类型的有效数字位数是15位还是16位,主要取决于浮点数的值:a. 对于绝对值在1.0和2^53之间的正常值,double类型一般能表示15位有效数字。b. 当浮点数接近0时,指数部位全部为0,此时有效数字位数可以达到16位。3. 当浮点数接近2^53时,指数部位为最大值,此时有效数字位数只有15位。


为什么JSON不支持 int64 类型?


  1. JSON 是基于 JavaScript Programming Language, Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December 1999的一个子集
  2. JSON 支持number 类型

Javascript的数字存储使用了IEEE 754中规定的双精度浮点数数据类型,而这一数据类型能够安全存储 -(2^53-1) 到 2^53-1 之间的数值(包含边界值)。JSON 是 Javascript 的一个子集,所以它也遵守这个规则。


Note that when such software is used, numbers that are integers and are in the range [-(2^53)+1, (2^53)-1] are interoperable in the sense that implementations will agree exactly on their numeric values.

这两个边界值可以通过 JavaScript 的 Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER 和 Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER 获取。

