SAP 消息号修改









从是否允许你configure层次分两种: configurable和non-configurable.

对configurable message可选的message type通常有S, I, W, E, A,-

(online表示即时output message -表示switch off message继续做后面工作 batchi表示做batch input时).

就是说对configurable message SAP允许你设置它是Error, warning或者switch off干脆忽略,通常这些个




Application area:告诉你消息归属,分类吧.其实就是SE91所说的Message class


T100: SAP default Message,

T160M :Message Control: Purchasing (System Messages)

T100C: User_defined messaeg mainly for FI

TVGMS: View Control

T100S: Configurable system messages

T100W: For Workflow

T100U: 最后更改消息的user table

T5CBN: PC Operation Conditions





T100s:Configurable system messages顾名思义就是你能设置的消息.

      i_arbgb = i_arbgb
      i_dtype = i_dtype
      i_msgnr = i_msgnr
      e_msgty = l_msgts.

  IF l_msgts NE '-'.(如果没switch off)
然后就是提示. 然后去读T100C 用户自定的messge type(Error,warnig, error0决定是否继续work.


FI 部分:
OBA5:FI messge
BD60:Additional data for message type
OFMG:FOr FM Message
O04C:PI: Message Control Purchasing
OFPM:Change Message Control
OMPJ:Reqmts Type Message Control
F00-->***这个是send office message
KD99:setup message
KDNN:Setup messaeg

O04C:For purchase
OKZZ:Invoice Verification/Valuation

OMCQ :可以设置下面四个工作区消息

M7 Inventory Management and Physical Inventory
MIGO Inventory Management: Interface
OM Customizing: Materials Management
12 Production date/shelf life expiration date/batches


OPR4_ACT Multilevel Actual Settlement  
OPR4_CK Material Cost Estimate  
OPR4_CKML Closing and Calc. of Periodic Price  
OPR4_CKPF Price Update  
OPR4_KKA WIP Calculation  
OPR4_KKP Repetitive Mfg and Process Mfg  
OPR4_KKS Collective Processing: Variances  
OPR4_KKS1 Individual Processing: Variances  
OPR4_PPCO Production Order: Cost Calculation  
OPR5 Definition of Error Mgmt IDs (SAP)
OPR1 Area of Responsibility <-> Message  
OPR3 Definition of Breakpoints  
OPR6 Definition of Object IDs (SAP)  
OPR7 Def. of Areas of Responsibility  
OPR8 Def. of Minimum Message Types (SAP)  
OPR9 Def. of Reference Objects (SAP)  
OPRCMFE User-Defined Messages 

OVAH  :SD Define Variable Messages

M/30 Maintain  Types: RFQ  
M/32 Maint.  Determ. Schema: RFQ  
M/34 Maintain  Types: PO  
M/36 Maintain  Determ. Schema: PO  
M/38 Maint.  Types: Outline Agmt.  
M/40 Maint.  Types: Del. Schedule  
M/42 Maintain  Schema: Del. Sched.  
M/48 Maintain Access Sequences: RFQ  
M/50 Maintain Access Sequences: PO  
M/56 s: Create Cond. Table: RFQ  
M/57 s: Change Condition Table  
M/58 s: Display CondTab: RFQ  
M/59 s: Create CondTab: Pur. Order  
M/60 s: Change CondTab: Pur. Order  
M/61 s: Disp. CondTab: Pur. Order  
M/62 s: Create CondTab: Del. Schd.  
M/63 s: Change CondTab: Del. Schd.  
M/64 s: Disp. CondTab: Del. Sched.  
M/65 s: Create CondTab: O. Agmt.  
M/66 s: Change CondTab: O. Agmt.  
M/67 s: Disp. CondTab: Outl. Agmt.  
M/68 Maintain  Schema: Outl. Agmt.  
M/70 s: Create CondTab.: Entry Sh.  
M/71 s: Change CondTab.: Entry Sh.  
M/72 s: Disp. CondTab.: Entry Sh.  
M/73 Maintain Access Sequences: Entry  
M/74 Maintain Access Sequences: Entry  
M/75 Maintain s: Serv. Entry Sheet  
M/76 Display s: Entry  
M/77 Maintain  Schema: Entry Sheet  
M/78 Disp.  Determ. Schema: Entry  
M/N1 Maintain accesses (fr.gds - purch.) 

将消息warning change to display显示.
MSW1  Reset Warnings
MSW2  Reset Warnings

六附录: Message_related tables:(部分)    
T100: All message    
T100A:  IDs for T100     
T100C:  Control by User     
T100O: Assignment of  to object     
T100S: Configurable system s     
T100SA: Application Areas for Configurable s     
T100U: Last person to change s     
T100V: Assignment of s to tables/views     
T100W: Assign s to Workflow     
T100X: Error s: Supplements     
T139A: Exception s: Period Closing Program     
T139B: Exception s: Period Closing Program     
T159F: MMIM: Error s Resulting From Blocked Objects     
T160M:  Control: Purchasing (System s)     
T160MVAL:  category restriction for T160M     
T161M: Fine-Tuned Control:  Types     
T161N:  Determination Schemas: Assignment     
T321K: Definition of Accumulated s to HOST (R/2)     
T323P: Parameters for Generating Logs and Mail s (R/2->R/3)     
T440F: Exception s for the forecast     
T458A: Exception s in Material Requirements Planning     
T458B: Description of exception s     
T458C: Selection Group for Exception s     
T555E: Time Evaluation s     
T5CAR:  for Employee Attribute Combination     
T5CBN: s for PC Operation Conditions     
T5D5D: Supplementary Benefits for Civil Service:  Fields     
T5D5E: Supplemenary Bens. for Civil Service:  Reason Table     
T5E31: Actions and situations for registration s     
T5F6N: Global Error s.     
T5F6NN: Communication of Error s (ADP Interface)     
T5MP1: General s for the PBS Remuneration Statement     
T5QGM: Payroll Highlight s Australia     
T5QGT: s Area Check Table Australia     
T5QSM: Superannuation Highlight s Australia     
T5S0S: s for sickness administration (SE)     
T5V5M: s sent electronically to AA-registeret     
T5V7B: s sent to employees/emplyoers register     
T7NZGM: Payroll Highlight s NZ     
T7NZSM: Superannuation Highlight s NZ     
TA20PPZ:  handling: chosen priority with top priority     
TA20PPZ1:  handling (language-dependent)     
TA22RSF: START: Error s     
TA22RSF1: START: Error s (Language-Dependent)     
TAFWD: CORU: s that are not interpreted as errors     
TBD05: Distribution model for  types     
TBD12: Mapping  type -> serialization and link type     
TBD14:  type -> object type     
TBD17: Dependencies between  types     
TBD33: Dependencies between methods and  types     
TBD40: Assign  Types to Serialization Group     
TBD53: ALE: Object Channel Serialization:  Type of Bus. Obj.     
TBD62: Assignment of change document field to  type     
TBDA2: ALE  active     
TBDME: ALE supplement data for EDI  type     
TBDMS: Assignment of  type to IDoc type     
TBDTPM: Template for  Type     
TBDTPMD: Data Filters for  Types     
TC50: PP-PI: Proc. Categories/ Proc.Instruction Categories     
TC50A: Assignment of  Charact. to Dest.-Spec. Target Fields     
TC50C: Characteristics for Process s / Process Instructions     
TC50D: Process Management:  Destinations     
TC50P:  Characteristics for Dest.-Specific Target Fields     
TC50T: Process /Instr. Categories: Lang.-Dependent Texts     
TC51T:  Destinatiosn: Language-Dependent Texts     
TC53: Characteristics Groups for Process s and Instructions     
TC55: Destination-Specific Target Fields for  Destinations     
TCA10: Task lists: s depending on the task list type     
TCB02: Types of  Destination     
TCB02T: Types of  Destination: Language-Dependent Texts     
TCB10: Predefined Proc.  Categories/Proc. Instr. Categories     
TCB10T: Predefined  Categories: Language-Dependent texts     
TCB11: Assignment of Characteristics to Predefined s     
TCB12T: Predefined  Destinations: Language-Dependent Texts     
TCB13: Target Fields for Predefined  Destinations     
TCB13T: Target Fields for Predef.  Destin.: Lang-Dep. Texts     
TCB14: Predefined Assignments of Destinations to  Categories     
TCB16: Predefined Charact. Groups for  and Instruction Cat.     
TCB18: PP-PI-PMA: System Settings for Process  Processing     
TCMF1: Assignment: Area of Responsibility< ->      
TCMF9: Minimum  Type (SAP)     
TCMFA: User-Defined s     
TCOINF: Displaying Info. in  Monitor / Ctrl Recipe Monitor     
TCPT1: Code pages: Table 1 for tests and s     
TCUSSYSL: Summary table of  types read from the system log     
TCY43: s for flow control     
TCY43T: Texts for s for flow control     
TDSP01: ALE Distribution Packet :  Types to be Controlled     
TEMSG: System s     
TEMSI: Central ID assignment for Express s     
TMAN1: Trigger Condition of  Determination     
TMAN2: Trigger Group of  Determination     
TMAN2T: Trigger Group of  Determination - Description     
TMAN3: Trigger Group of  Determination - Trigger Condition     
TMAN4: Trigger Conditions s - Change-Relevant Tables     
TMAN5: Trigger Conds s; Possible Change-Relevant Fields     
TMAN6: Trigger Conds s: Change-Rel. Tbl per Object+ChangeTyp     
TMAN7: Trigger Conditions -  Applications     
TMSG1: Logical s and Process Codes in Outb. Procg     
TMSG2: Logical s and Process Codes in Inb. Procg     
TMSQAMTREE: TMS: Assigning  to Tree Nodes in the Alert Monitor     
TMSQAMTRET: TMS: Assigning  to Tree Nodes in Alert Monitor- Texts     
TNODE02_AP: Test case attributes: Problem  data     
TOPRK: Log s     
TPT_WLIST_AREA:  Processing: Functional Area     
TPT_WLIST_AREA_T:  Processing: Functional Area Text     
TPT_WLIST_PROC:  Processing: Methods     
TPT_WLIST_PROC_T:  Processing: Processing Method Text     
TRMSG: Syntax Check Error s     
TSL1D: System Log  (Formerly 100S or TSL01)     
TSL1T: System Log:  texts (Formerly T100S, TSL01)     
TSL2D: System Log: Classification ID for s     
TSL2T: System Log:  Class Names     
TVERR: Basis verification: Infos for s to be sent     
TVGMS: View Control: Error s     
TWPDO: Assignment of retail  to PD org. object     
TXMIMSG: Table for Lang.-Depend.  Texts in XMI Log     
TZ38T: Text table for indicator reason for  appendix 8 R5/97     
TZW02: User <-> Determine      
WFMCMSGENQ: Special Handling for System s     
WPXST: POS interface: status external subsystems (error s)     
WRPE: Replenishment: Error s     
WTMIGMESS: s Logged for Withholding Tax Changeover     
WTMIGMESSEXC: Withholding Tax Changeover: Alternative  Types
