
ICCV 2021的工作A-SDF,在跑的过程中可能是一些版我Run了这篇工作代码的Reconstruction,然后出现了一点小小的错误,记录如下。


错误描述为:RuntimeError: Output 0 of SliceBackward0 is a view and is being modified inplace. This view was created inside a custom Function (or because an input was returned as-is) and the autograd logic to handle view+inplace would override the custom backward associated with the custom Function, leading to incorrect gradients. This behavior is forbidden. You can fix this by cloning the output of the custom Function.
拿着这个错误去百度了一下,得到这个结果:RuntimeError: Output 0 of SelectBackward is a view and is being modified inplace.
这行代码做的工作实际上就是将xtz_atc[:, 3:]的数值除以100,我们换一种形式来表示xtz_atc,不直接对xtz_atc直接做修改就好了,修改后源代码67-70行替换如下:

xyz_atc = input[:, -(self.num_atc_parts+3):] # xyz + articulation (3+1)
xyz_atc_2 = torch.zeros_like(xyz_atc) # 创建一个和xyz_atc形状相同的数组
xyz_atc_2[:, 3:] = xyz_atc[:, 3:] / 100 # 将xyz_atc[:, 3:]除以100后的值放入到形状相同数组的对应位置
xyz_atc_2[:, :3] = xyz_atc[:, :3] # 其他位置上的数值保持不变,直接赋予,此时所得到的xyz_atc_2的就是xyz_atc[:, 3:]/100的结果
xyz_atc_2 = self.fc1(xyz_atc_2)
atc_emb = self.relu(xyz_atc_2)

代码替换后可以成功运行Reconstruction的代码:python test.py -e examples/door/door-asdf/ -c 1000 -m recon_testset_ttt


其他要注意的就是skimage的版本号可能会有问题,导致报错AttributeError: module 'skimage.measure' has no attribute 'marching_cubes_lewiner'

pip uninstall scikit-image
pip install scikit-image==0.16.2
