


  1. 华为数据仓库服务DWS,集群版本8.1.3.320
  2. 集群拓扑结构:


水平分表方式将一个数据表内的数据,按合适分布策略分散存储在多个节点内,DWS支持如表1所示的数据分布策略。用户可在CREATE TABLE时增加DISTRIBUTE BY参数,来对指定的表应用数据分布功能。



  1. 以下操作是在gsql上,使用系统用户dbadmin登录,登录语句如下:
    gsql -d postgres -p 8000 -h xxx.249.99.67 -U dbadmin -W xxxxx@1234 -r
    注意:在dws数仓下,如使用dbadmin登录,默认的schema是与用户同名的schema,即dbadmin,这点与openGauss和华为GaussDB 云数据库是有区别的,后两者如不指定的情况下使用的是public。
  2. 创建Replication复制表
    • 创建复制表
      create table t10(id int not null primary key,name varchar(50)) distribute by replication;

      NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index “t10_pkey” for table “t10”

    • 查看表结构

      postgres=> \d+ t10;
      Table “dbadmin.t10”
      Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Stats target | Description
      id | integer | not null | plain | |
      name | character varying(50) | | extended | |
      “t10_pkey” PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) TABLESPACE pg_default
      Has OIDs: no
      Distribute By: REPLICATION
      Location Nodes: ALL DATANODES
      Options: orientation=row, compression=no

    • 添加数据,添加6条元组
      insert into t10 values(1,'test1'),(2,'test2'),(3,'test3'),(4,'test4'),(5,'test5'),(6,'test6');
    • 查看集群数据节点
      SELECT node_name,node_type,node_host FROM pgxc_node where node_type='D';
        node_name   | node_type |   node_host
       dn_6001_6002 | D         |
       dn_6003_6004 | D         |
       dn_6005_6006 | D         |
      (3 rows)
    • 查看数据分布情况
      execute direct on(dn_6001_6002) 'select * from t10';
      execute direct on(dn_6003_6004) 'select * from t10';
      execute direct on(dn_6005_6006) 'select * from t10';
      postgres=> execute direct on(dn_6001_6002) 'select * from t10';
       id | name
        1 | test1
        2 | test2
        3 | test3
        4 | test4
        5 | test5
        6 | test6
      (6 rows)
      postgres=> execute direct on(dn_6003_6004) 'select * from t10';
       id | name
        1 | test1
        2 | test2
        3 | test3
        4 | test4
        5 | test5
        6 | test6
      (6 rows)
      postgres=> execute direct on(dn_6005_6006) 'select * from t10';
       id | name
        1 | test1
        2 | test2
        3 | test3
        4 | test4
        5 | test5
        6 | test6
      (6 rows)
  3. 创建Hash表
    • 创建Hash表
      create table t11(id int not null,name varchar(50)) distribute by hash(id);
    • 查看表结构
      postgres=> \d+ t11
                              Table "dbadmin.t11"
       Column |         Type          | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target | Description
       id     | integer               | not null  | plain    |              |
       name   | character varying(50) |           | extended |              |
      Has OIDs: no
      Distribute By: HASH(id)
      Location Nodes: ALL DATANODES
      Options: orientation=row, compression=no
    • 添加测试数据
      insert into t11 values(1,'test1'),(2,'test2'),(3,'test3'),(4,'test4'),(5,'test5'),(6,'test6');
    • 查看数据分布情况
      postgres=> execute direct on(dn_6001_6002) 'select * from t11';
       id | name
        3 | test3
      (1 row)
      postgres=> execute direct on(dn_6003_6004) 'select * from t11';
       id | name
        1 | test1
        2 | test2
        4 | test4
        5 | test5
      (4 rows)
      postgres=> execute direct on(dn_6005_6006) 'select * from t11';
       id | name
        6 | test6
      (1 row)
      注意:这里看起来是没有均衡分布的,因其采用的是一致性hash算法,即hash(文件或服务器ip) % 232,是对232取模,具体算法请参考:一致性hash算法
  4. 创建Roundrobin 轮询表
    • 创建表,这种创建Roundrobin表的方式是一种隐式创建法。
      create table t12(id int not null,name varchar(50));
      NOTICE:  The 'DISTRIBUTE BY' clause is not specified. Using round-robin as the distribution mode by default.
      HINT:  Please use 'DISTRIBUTE BY' clause to specify suitable data distribution column.
    • 查看表结构
      postgres=> \d+ t12
                                      Table "dbadmin.t12"
       Column |         Type          | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target | Description
       id     | integer               | not null  | plain    |              |
       name   | character varying(50) |           | extended |              |
      Has OIDs: no
      Distribute By: ROUND ROBIN
      Location Nodes: ALL DATANODES
      Options: orientation=row, compression=no
    • 添加数据
      insert into t12 values(1,'test1'),(2,'test2'),(3,'test3'),(4,'test4'),(5,'test5'),(6,'test6');
    • 查看数据分布情况
      postgres=> execute direct on(dn_6001_6002) 'select * from t12';
       id | name
        3 | test3
        6 | test6
      (2 rows)
      postgres=> execute direct on(dn_6003_6004) 'select * from t12';
       id | name
        1 | test1
        4 | test4
      (2 rows)
      postgres=> execute direct on(dn_6005_6006) 'select * from t12';
       id | name
        2 | test2
        5 | test5
      (2 rows)
    • 补充:显示创建roundrobin表,如下所示:
      create table t13(id int not null,name varchar(50)) with(orientation=row) distribute by roundrobin;
      postgres=> \d+ t13
                                      Table "dbadmin.t13"
       Column |         Type          | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target | Description
       id     | integer               | not null  | plain    |              |
       name   | character varying(50) |           | extended |              |
      Has OIDs: no
      Distribute By: ROUND ROBIN
      Location Nodes: ALL DATANODES
      Options: orientation=row, compression=no

