“我不再期待花开了 很早就不喜欢花了”

1. 我与世界格格不入,我只与你惺惺相惜

I don't fit in with the world, I only sympathize with you.

2. 你的眼清澈明媚,天上的焰火灿烂。我的眼里是你眼里的烟气

Your eyes are clear and bright, and the fireworks in the sky are brilliant. My eyes are the smoke in your eyes.

3. 我偶尔孤单,我经常偶尔。

I'm lonely once in a while, I'm often lonely once in a while.

4. 我寄你的信总喜欢送到邮局 ,不喜欢放在街边绿色铁筒内,我总疑心那里是要慢一点的。

I always like to send your letters to the post office, but I don't like to put them in the green iron tube on the street. I always suspect that it will be slower there.

5. 湿漉漉的马路,低头玩手机的少年,忙的腰酸背痛的地摊老人,每个人都有自己的生活。

Wet roads, teenagers playing with mobile phones, busy old people with backache, everyone has their own life.


A girl's eyes should be full of clear mindedness and gentle sunshine.

7. 你无意中的偏袒会让我记很久很久。

I'll remember your unintentional favoritism for a long time

8. 我是超级喜欢你的,但也只能到此为止了。

I like you so much, but I can only stop here.

9. 其实女孩子很少被气哭, 掉眼泪是因为太委屈 ,很多时候是哭自己 ,哭自己没有被坚定的选择过 ,没有被好好的疼爱过。

In fact, girls seldom cry because they are too wronged. Most of the time, they cry because they are not firmly chosen and loved.


Now that you've said goodbye, don't be moved.

你可能感兴趣的:(“我不再期待花开了 很早就不喜欢花了”)