英文 | 中文 |
It's nothing. | 这没什么的 |
What do you mean, it's nothing? | 什么叫这没什么? |
Look at them. | 看看他们 |
I am looking at them. | 我正看着他们呢 |
It's a financial meeting. | 这是财务会议 |
That's how they look in a financial meeting. | 他们开财务会议就这样子 |
No, that's how they look when they're cutting jobs. | 不 他们开裁员的会议才这样 |
Come on, | 拜托 |
law firms aren't recession-proof | 律师行不再像以前那样 |
the way they used to be. | 能抵御经济萧条了 |
Would you stop scaring yourself? | 你能别再吓自己了吗? |
They said billable hours are up this year. | 他们说今年挣钱的时候到了 |
They said we're fine. | 一切都很好 |
And tax litigation? | 税务诉讼的人呢? |
We have six full-time. | 我们有六个全职的 |
All right, let's cut four and hold on to two. | 好吧 裁掉四个留两个 |
Which four? | 哪四个? |
Bayer? Bayer? | |
His wife is pregnant. | 他老婆怀孕了 |
He doesn't have seniority. | 他资历不够深 |
See if he'll do part-time. | 看看能不能换成兼职 |
And the junior associates? | 那些助手呢? |
Let's put a pin in that. | 以后再谈这个吧 |
We don't have many pins left. | 我们没多少以后了 |
Diane Diane. | |
Oh, better late than never. | 哦 总算来了 |
What, Stern? | 什么 是Stern? |
The great man makes an appearance. | 大人物登场 |
Jonas, how are you? | Jonas 你好吗? |
We need to run some names by you | 我们需要你签字 |
for layoffs. | 裁掉一些人 |
Where are you? | 你在哪? |
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It sounds loud. | 听上去好吵 |
Alicia, do you have a second? | Alicia 你有空吗? |
Sure. | 当然 |
It's not like law school, is it? | 这不像在法学院 对吧? |
It's better. | 这儿更好 |
I always felt unsure in law school. | 在法学院我总没安全感 |
Really? | 真的吗? |
Could have fooled me. | 差点骗过我 |
I did fool you. | 我已经骗过你了 |
So I have a favor to ask you. | 我想让你帮个忙 |
You never met Mr. Stern. | 你从没见过Stern先生吧 |
No, he's been away. | 没有 他出差了 |
Right. Barly and Barir Reef. Anyway | 对的 大堡礁的什么的 不管是哪 |
he has a daughter, Anna, from his first marriage. She's being sued. | 他的第一次婚姻有个女儿 叫Anna 她被起诉了 |
I don'tall the details, but I'm sure they're ugly. | 具体细节我不清楚 但我肯定见不得人 |
Last time, we got her out of a drug possession. | 上次她非法藏毒我们救了她一次 |
The time before that, she drove a car | 那次之前 她开车 |
through a department store window. | 撞进了百货商店的橱窗 |
You don't need to take notes on this. | 这些你不用记下来 |
Anna's a real party girl. | Anna就是一个派对女孩 |
Her new husband hired some no-name lawyer, | 她的现任丈夫请了一位无名律师 |
and Mr. Stern wants someone from our firm to cocounsel with him. | Stern先生想让我们派个人去协助他 |
- With this other lawyer?- Yeah. | - 和那个律师?- 是的 |
Just make sure he doesn't screw up. | 保证他别搞砸了 |
Second chair him. | 协助他 |
She's meeting with the lawyer in two hours, | 她两小时内会和律师见面 |
so take Kalinda and get a lay of the land, okay? | 带上Kalinda去了解一下情况 好吗? |
Alicia Alicia. | |
We're going through a lot of changes around here. | 我们正经历许多变革 |
There's only three votes that really matter... | 只有三个人的票才真的重要... |
Mine, Diane's, and Mr. Stern's. | 我的 Diane的和Stern先生的 |
This is a good way to impress Mr. Stern. | 这是给Stern先生留下印象的好机会 |
Thanks. | 谢谢 |
Whoa, you're not kidding. | 哇 没开玩笑吧 |
Yeah, they were just on our doorstep. | 是的 它们就在门口台阶上 |
Someone rang the doorbell and ran. | 某人按了按门铃就跑了 |
- Why?- I don't know, I think to scare my mom. | - 怎么回事?- 不知道 我猜是想吓我妈 |
- Is that...- What, crack? | - 那是...- 什么 偷情照? |
Yeah, but it's photoshopped. | 是的 但是PS过的 |
My dad's not even in the picture. | 我爸都不在照片里面 |
Why do all the cool things happen to you? | 怎么这些好事都发生在你身上? |
That's not the hooker from the sex tape? | 这不是那位性爱录影带上的妓女吗? |
No, it's somebody else. | 不是 是其他人 |
Look, if I could find her, | 看 如果我能找到她 |
I could figure out who took the pictures and who did this. | 我就能知道是谁用了这照片以及是谁做的 |
Here. | 这里 |
What's the password for the parental controls? | 父母监控的密码是多少? |
I don't have parental controls. | 没有父母监控 |
My mom trusts me. | 我妈相信我 |
You're kidding. | 你在开玩笑吧 |
This is so great. | 太棒了 |
What are you doing? | 你在干嘛? |
39,000 matches. | 39,000个结果 |
That's crazy. | 你疯了 |
That's a start. | 刚开始 |
You must be 18 years or older to access Sweet... | 你必须18岁以上才能浏览甜蜜... |
Aren't you glad you have a friend | 你有一个像我这样帮你解决这种难题的朋友 |
like me to help you with a tough chore like this? | 不该感到高兴吗? |
No. | 不是 |
No. | 不是 |
Hot but no. | 很辣但不是 |
Next site. | 下一个网站 |
This is going to take forever. | 这永远都找不到 |
Yeah. | 是的 |
Damn, maybe you should go do your algebra homework | 该死 也许你该去做代数作业 |
or something. | 或者其他啥的 |
Stern's daughter lives here? | Stern的女儿住这里? |
Maybe we have the wrong address. | 也许我们把地址搞错了 |
Or maybe there's a methadone clinic near here. | 又或者附近有一家戒毒所 |
Excuse me. | 不好意思 |
Are you looking for me? | 你们是在找我吗? |
Actually, we're... | 事实上 我们... |
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Are you...? | 你是...? |
I'm Anna, Jonas Stern's daughter. | 我是Anna Jonas Stern的女儿 |
Oh, I'm so sorry. | 哦 不好意思 |
Don't worry, I get that a lot. | 没关系 好多人都这样 |
This is me now. | 现在你们找到我了 |
Hi. | 你好 |
Hi. | 你好 |
I was in rehab | 我那时在Westchester的 |
out in Westchester, | 康复中心 |
and there was this volunteer there, | 那边有位义工 |
a Yeshiva student, and he had | 一位犹太学生 他收集了 |
this amazing LP collection. | 很多好听的黑胶唱片 |
And so you went Orthodox? | 然后你信东正教了? |
Hey, they were good LPs. | 嘿 真的是很好听的黑胶唱片 |
No, Isaac | 不是的 Isaac |
was talking about passion and music and the Torah, | 一直都在谈论激情 音乐 教律 |
and I just... I fell in love. | 然后我就... 我就爱上他了 |
That's the problem with love... | 恋爱有个麻烦的地方... |
You can't make it do | 你不能想怎样 |
what you want. | 就怎样 |
So... | 那么... |
What happened? | 到底怎么回事? |
Well, a lady tripped in front of our house | 呃 一位女士在我家门口绊倒了 |
and she's suing us. | 她要告我们 |
We have homeowner's insurance, but it only covers the $20,000 | 我们买了保险 但是只能支付两万美元的赔偿金 |
in compensatory damages, not the punitive. | 还不包括罚金 |
How much is the punitive? | 罚金是多少? |
$1.2 million. | 一百二十万美金 |
She's suing you for $1.2 million? | 她要你赔一百二十万? |
Yes. | 是的 |
It'll take everything we own and our future. | 这相当于夺去我们的现在和未来 |
Just when you think you find your place in life, | 正当你以为能好好过日子的时候 |
here comes this. | 这个就来了 |
Sorry, I can't do this during the Sabbath. | 对不起 安息日我不能做这个 |
It's work. | 这是功课 |
And what about your dad... | 那你爸爸呢... |
- Can he help?- We don't want it. | - 他能帮忙吗?- 我们不需要 |
We're not in touch with him. | 我们和他没有联系 |
Wow. | 哇 |
Yeah. | 是的 |
Last year she was club-hopping with Tara Reid. | 去年她还和Tara Reid出入各种俱乐部 |
You know what she'll be doing next year? | 你猜她明年会干嘛? |
Club-hopping with Tara Reid. | 和Tara Reid出入各种俱乐部 |
Does anyone | 有没有人 |
ever surprise you? | 能令你感到惊讶? |
No. | 没有 |
Even me? | 就连我都没有? |
Especially you. | 特别是你 |
Sorry, Anna probably told you, we've already hired a lawyer. | 不好意思 Anna可能跟你说了 我们已经请律师了 |
He did work for my brother on a foreclosure, | 他帮我哥办过止赎的案子 |
and he's very good, | 他很棒 |
but, um, thank you. | 但是 呃 谢谢你 |
Isaac Isaac, | |
could you just tell us what happened? | 你能告诉我们怎么了吗? |
Are you Jewish? | 你是犹太人吗? |
Is that important? | 那很重要吗? |
To understand what happened, yes. | 是的 为了更好地了解所发生的事 |
It's important to be Jewish to understand | 是不是犹太人对了解 |
a slip and fall? | 一个绊倒事件很重要? |
This slip and fall, yes. | 对这个绊倒事件而言 是的 |
I'm sorry you came all this way, Mrs.... ? | 很抱歉让您大老远赶来 您是....? |
Florrick Florrick. | |
You're... ? | 您是... ? |
Your husband was a great man, Mrs. Florrick. | 您丈夫是个了不起的人 Florrick夫人 |
A very great man. | 非常了不起的人 |
The hate crimes on 58th... | 他痛恨58街的罪行... |
he put the skinheads away. | 赶走了那个理平头的人 |
He took us seriously. | 他重视我们 |
How's he doing? | 他现在怎么样? |
He's... in prison. | 他现在... 在监狱 |
Yes, I'm sorry. | 是的 很抱歉 |
A righteous man quickly finds the world aligned against him. | 正直的人总被世俗攻击 |
Thank you, Isaac. | 谢谢你 Isaac |
It's an eruv wire. | 这是条领地线 |
A what? | 什么线? |
An eruv wire. | 领地线 |
Well, you know the Sabbath is a holy day of rest. | 嗯 犹太教的安息日 大家都休息 |
An exception is made for minor work | 只有一些小事例外 |
like carrying a baby or groceries | 比如在社区的院子里 |
in a community's courtyard. | 带小孩 开杂货店等 |
But there are no courtyards these days | 但现在的社区没有院子 |
so the eruv wire creates a symbolic courtyard | 所以领地线在社区里 |
for the whole neighborhood. | 表示象征性的院子 |
And this eruv wire fell? | 而这根领地线掉下来了? |
Yes, from there. | 是的 从那儿掉下来的 |
Isn't it the responsibility | 这是不是 |
- of the community?- No, | - 社区的责任?- 不是 |
- it's on our property.- So... | - 线在我们的房产上- 所以... |
someone tripped over this wire | 有人被绊倒了 |
and now she's suing you for $1.2 million. | 而她现在向你索赔120万美元 |
I feel like I'm missing something. | 我感觉你有所隐瞒 |
Willful and wanton conduct. | 没告诉你那是故意的 不道德的 |
Ryan, there you are. | Ryan 你来了 |
This is the other lawyer Anna mentioned. | 这位是Anna说的那个律师 |
We were just discussing the suit. | 我们正在讨论这个案子 |
Our firm feels that it could offer you some assistance. | 我们公司认为这会对你有所帮助 |
Odd, I didn't know I needed some... assistance. | 奇怪 我觉得不需要什么... 帮助 |
Mr. and Mrs. Loeb, could you give us a moment to talk? | Loeb先生 夫人 我跟他单独谈一下好吗? |
Yes, yes, please. | 好的 好的 请 |
Ryan, if you could make this work, | Ryan 如果你能同意 |
we'd prefer that. | 也是遂了我们的心愿 |
And Mrs. Florrick, next time you see your husband, | Florrick夫人 下次见到你丈夫时 |
please tell him how much he is appreciated. | 请转达我们的敬意 |
So I do the depositions, | 我找了证人 |
the pretrial motions, | 做足了功课 |
prep for next week's trial, | 准备好了下周的庭审 |
and here comes the 600-pound gorilla. | 而现在 来了一个600磅的巨人猿 |
Yep, that's me, 600 pounds. | 好吧 你说的是我 600磅 |
Did you read the brief? | 看过简报了? |
Nope. | 没有 |
Talk to the plaintiff? | 见过原告了? |
Nope. | 没有 |
Came on this case two hours ago. | 我接手仅两小时 |
Our firm is doing it as a favor to Mrs. Loeb. | 我们公司免费帮助Loeb夫人 |
- Why willful and... ?- Mm-hmm. | - 为什么是故意的... ?- 嗯嗯 |
Hey, I was put on this case. | 嘿 我是奉命而为 |
It's not my choice | 并非自作主张 |
and I really don't care if it's your choice. | 我也不管这是不是你自己的主张 |
You call it a 600-pound gorilla or whatever you want, | 随便你叫我什么600磅的巨人猿 |
but now I'm your second chair. | 但现在 我是你的副手 |
They saw the eruv wire was down, | 他们看到线掉下来了 |
they knew it could trip somebody up, | 知道会绊倒人 |
and they didn't try to repair it. | 但不想去修理 |
That's why it's willful and wanton conduct | 所以是故意的和不道德的行为 |
and subject to high punitive damages. | 所以被巨额索赔 |
They admitted to that? | 他们自己承认了? |
In their depositions. | 证词中承认了 |
And why would they admit to that? | 他们为什么要承认? |
The wire fell on the Sabbath. | 线是在安息日掉下来的 |
They couldn't do anything. | 那天他们不能干活 |
Wow. | 哇 |
Yeah, it's the perfect legal trap. | 嗯 这是个很好的法律陷阱 |
They're liable because their religion | 他们是因为宗教束缚 |
wouldn't let them act. | 才难辞其咎的 |
- And your defense?- My defense is to suggest | - 那你如何辩护呢?- 我的辩护就是 |
that you go tell your boss | 建议你去告诉你们老板 |
you're meeting regularly with me | 你会定期跟我见面 |
and I'm doing a great job | 而我来大干一场 |
and let me win this case. | 由我来一击致胜 |
That's not going to happen, Mr. Alprin. | 这是不可能的 Alprin先生 |
We're in this together. | 我们是一个团队 |
Can't hear you. | 我听不见 |
you were maintaining that injured so badly | 你坚持称损伤严重 |
as to require a large judgment? | 非要起诉巨额赔偿? |
I'm maintaining that I have pain | 我坚持称我遭受到痛苦 |
every single day. | 日日夜夜 |