scan word: group 9

["recollect", "virtue", "denounce", "renovate", "proposition", "revolt"]

1. I don't recollect(记得;回忆) what he said. 我不记得他说过什么。

2.They could see no virtue(优点; 美德) in discussing it further. 他们看不到再讨论下去有什么用处。

3.The project was denounced(谴责;指责) as a scandalous waste of public money. 这项工程被斥责为挥霍公款,令人愤慨。

4.The couple spent thousands renovating(修复;整修) the house.  这对夫妻花了几千元来整修房子。

5.Making easy money has always been an attractive proposition(事情;主张). 轻轻松松地赚钱一直是令人向往的事。

You came to see me at my office the other day with a business proposition(建议).  你几天前到我的办公室来看我,带着一份业务上的建议。

6.In 1978 California taxpayers revolted(反抗;抵制) against higher taxes.  1978年加利福尼亚的纳税人抵制了高税费。

["fabulous", "pirate", "lounge", "sew", "tribe"]

1.This is a fabulous(极好的) album. It's fresh, varied, fun.   这是个极好的专辑。它是新颖的、多样的、有趣的。

2. In the nineteenth century, pirates(海盗) roamed the seas.  19世纪,海盗很猖獗。

3. the departure lounge(休息室) 候机室

4.She sewed(缝制;缝补) the dresses on the sewing machine.  她在缝纫机上缝制了这些衣服。

5. tribes(部落) living in remote areas of the Amazonian rainforest  居住在亚马孙河雨林偏远地区的部落

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